Ghost Pains

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The ghost pains were back. 

Junkrat had been laying in bed for what felt like hours and honestly he wished it was hours than minutes. His arm and leg were withering in pain as he forgot to take his meds and place his ointment on before he took his afternoon nap. The poor Australian man crying as Roadhog asked if he should go get y/n and see if they could help with the pain. They, y/n, were technically the ones watching over Junkrat when he had moments like these, but of course Jamison said no and began crying even more in pain. It was like he wanted to feel the pain and not have to tell y/n all about how much he had fucked up and that he was sorry for not listening to her before he had laid down. His body was covered in sweat as he just wanted it all to pass so he could go on with his day.

“It will pass… it always has… I don’t need her here… promise.” Junkrat said as he was more talking to himself then he was to Roadhog who was sitting down next to him holding out what looked like a white cream container and a pill bottle.

“Will you do it yourself then?” Roadhog asked shaking the bottle and pushing the ointment towards him.

Junkrat shook his head, “I don’t need that icky stuff. Y/n only did it because she said it would make the pain go away. I don’t need it. I can handle it.” He said as he was trying to be the bigger man and not worry about the pain coursing through his arm and leg. He was an inventor and had dealt with many things that were worse than this. Hell, he even had bombs for crying out loud blow up in his face! He didn’t need no stinking ointment and pills to make this all go away! He was Jamison Fawkes. He didn’t need it at all!

“Come on Jamie… you know you need it.. Stop fighting with me.” Roadhog said as he was about to call y/n and see if she could deal with him. She always knew how to set the man straight. 

“I don’t need it! Now let’s go blow some stuff up!” Junkrat said as he tried his best to get out of bed. The young man swung his leg over the edge of the bed and made what he thought was a smart move, but ended up whimpering as he nearly fell out of bed because he moved too fast.

“Now you’ve done it.” Roadhog said as he sighed looking down at the man who was ass up on the floor. He picked him up delicately and placed him back on the bed. He handed Junkrat the pill and ointment hoping now that he knew he couldn’t go anywhere until he took it.

“I. Told. You. I. Don’t. Need. It.” Junkrat said through gritted teeth. He hated taking medication and hated that he had too because of his arm and leg, but with how much pain he was in he may have to cave and that honestly hurted Junkrat’s pride.

“Hey! I’m not staying long as I am going out with Tracer. I hope you two stay out of trouble!” y/n said as she poked her head into Junkrat’s room to tell the two she was just grabbing something and then leaving. Her body freezing in the doorway as she arched a brow, “Is everything alright in here?”



Both of the boys were giving mixed signals as y/n walked in and sat down on the bed looking over at her boyfriend, who was still in pain.

“Jamie, what’s wrong? Are you alright? Are you taking your medication like Ana said?” y/n asked as she looked at both his leg and arm and saw that it was red and burning. Almost as if she, herself, could feel his pain.

“Yes! I just took it before my nap and I feel all better.” Junkrat said as he looked over at Roadhog who was shaking his head.

“You aren’t lying to me, are you?” y/n asked as she arched a brow. She slowly pressed down on his leg as if to test the waters and as soon as she touched it Jamison cried in pain.

“Alright! Alright! I’m throwing a fit cause I don’t want to take it! It tastes funny and makes me feel sleepy when taking the pill! Please don’t make me take the pill!” Junkrat whined as Roadhog sighed, shaking his head more. 

“But Jamie, it helps you feel better. No more ghost pains.. Why can’t you just take it and be a good lad for me?” y/n said as she pouted her outer lip trying to get Junkrat to budge.

“Because I’m not a ‘good lad’. I’m bad, bad to the bone and there ain’t nothing you can do to stop me.” Junkrat said as y/n touched his shoulder making him whine once more, “FINE! You win! Just… stop touching me! It hurts!” 

Y/n smiled, “Thank you baby. Here let me help you.” and you started rubbing the ointment on his arm/shoulder hoping to help cool down the burning feeling he was having and to hopefully stop the pain.

“W-will you get my leg too?” Junkrat asked as he was a bit shy with this one. His cheeks glowed a bright pink as y/n looked up and smiled.

“Sure, just let me know when everything starts feeling better. I do want to hang out with Tracer, but I would much rather make sure my loving boyfriend is all goods before I head out.” y/n smiles brightly as Junkrat was one lucky dude for getting y/n to be his girlfriend.

“Thanks.” Junkrat replied as he laid on his back staring up at the ceiling. He felt y/n put the ointment on his leg and winced as it did sting a little, but it also brought pleasure as her hand slowly moved up his thigh and back down making sure that most of his leg was covered. His lower lip was trapped under his teeth as he was trying to ignore the hand that was touching him, but his other head decided to take matters in his own hands and popped up making Roadhog blush and leave while y/n chuckled and smiled.

“Seems to me your mind is in the gutter…” y/n remarked as she finished with the ointment and smiled at him trying to avoid his semi member in his shorts. 

“S-sorry… your touch just felt nice and I guess I got carried away. Sorry.” Junkrat blushed as he silently cursed to himself, “You all done?” 

Y/n nodded her head, “Yeah, I’m all done.” She replied as she blushed now looking away.

“Sweet as, thanks a million, y/n.” Junkrat said as he stayed put in bed hoping y/n would leave. They hadn’t gone far into their relationship, but they were close enough that these moments happened all the time, y/n was just not ready yet and Junkrat respected her for that.

“Alright, well, I’ll be home around midnight. Don’t stay up for me, okay? You need your rest.” y/n said as Junkrat nodded his head. 

“Don’t have too much fun.” Junkrat retorted, smiling from ear to ear. He watched his girlfriend get up and head towards the door making her slow walk a tease. Her hips swaying as Junkrat called out to her making her pause and turn, “I-I love you…” the words echoed in the room as y/n stood there. Her heart racing in her chest as she couldn’t believe that he had said the 3 words she had been desperate to say since they started dating. 

“I-” y/n began as Junkrat blushed even more.

“If it's too soon! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to move too fast! I-” y/n walked back to him and leaned down to kiss him. Her hand tangled in his blonde singed hair as they battled for dominance. Teeth clashing as one bit the other’s lip making the other moan. They went on what felt like forever, but alas, y/n pulled away as she smiled brightly at the man no longer in pain. 

“I love you too, Jamison, I love you too.” and headed out the door to go meet up with Tracer.

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