past life

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I forgot to put this change in the last chapter

The change:

{End of POV} = when someone's POV end

⚠️Warning⚠️ = if something In that part of the story can make someone uncomfortable

✔️done✔️ = When the part of the story that had a warning ended


• in a big and fancy room you can see a little girl standing the little girl had a golden like hair and pair of blue eyes that looked like diamonds itself who is this little girl and why is she just standing there she looks like a ghost •

5 minutes later....

• after standing there for 5 minutes two big door suddenly open the little girl then looked at the two people who entered she then blink and continued to look at them...

Akira POV:

I was now at my old house the house I use to live in before dying and getting reborn I stood there so many question filled my head why am I here? How am I here? Where's jettie? Is jettie and kiel alright? That was some of the questions that filled my head I stood there questioning myself....

5 minutes later....

After 5 minutes of just standing there and questioning myself the door of my old home opened it revealed my past parents I looked at them then blinked 'i can't believe this how!?" I questioned myself as I continue to look at them my past mother then screamed "Erick,Akira,Kira!!" I looked at the stair knowing that me and my siblings would have come down and when they appeared I looked at my past self "damn I really am pretty" I said while still looking at my past self ( they can't hear,see or touch her) they then continued to go down the stairs and when they were finnaly downstairs they gave my past parents a hug and with a sign they sat down I also tried to sat down but failed so I just continue standing there looking at the scene Infront of me "I'm 3 months pregnant!!" My past mother screamed and my past father smiled while past me and my past siblings were in shock I was also in shock "this scene,this day was the reason of my life's downfall" I said while my eyes started watering it was complete silent until Kira broke "yay! Did you hear that aki! We're gonna be big sisters!" Kira screamed while jumping while my past self just nod "Kira!" My past father said/screamed Kira then stop jumping then bowed "sorry for my sudden act father" Kira said then sit "make sure that you won't make the same mistake you just make in the future you'll ruin the Legaspi's and the Hanachi's reputation with that behaviour of yours" my past father said I felt angry "were just 3 years old! You jerk!!" I screamed "this is why I hate you!!!" I screamed while tears rolled down my face.......

After that I felt dizzy again and fall 

when I woke up I was in my past room "I missed this room" I whispered as I then started looking around and spotted 7 year old me with people I don't know i then looked at a calendar "it's my 7th birthday!!" I screamed excitedly and I waited patiently for past me to get done with the makeup after getting done with the makeup it was time for me to wear my gown I completely forgot the color of my gown after past me put the gown on I stared in awe "damn I'm really pretty I hate it that I'm a copy of my father but I would be lying if I said that the Hanachi genes or my father genes aren't pretty" I said while the unknown people's started to do my hair.....

5 minutes later.....

"They're  finnaly done" I said as past me got up from my seat and smiled my jaw almost drop "so you're telling me this is how pretty I am at my 7th birthday?!!" I screamed I looked at my past self once more then smiled and proudly said "damn my genes really are good"

This is past life akira's dress,shoes,hair and jewelry look like:



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