The Thorns in a Broken Chest

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So there are some things that I didn't flag up on the tags, and this is on purpose.

Mild trigger warning, but a HUGE red flag that it IS a sad ending - only because I restarted my Hanahaki phase and felt like writing something depressing.

Hanahaki is a disease you get when you're DEEPLY in love with someone. Roots grow in your lungs and eventually you cough flower petals and, eventually, flowers. The disease is terminal, and depends on how fast the roots grow and what type of flower it is, which depends on how strong these feelings are. There are two cures: you either confess you love and hope it is requited to the person, or you get the surgery, which would erase all memories and feelings for that person - they would become a stranger.

What decision would dear ol' Katsuki make?

Word count: 12193


For as long as he could remember, Katsuki had always hated Deku.

Maybe it was something about that dumb hair, and how messy it was, even if he tried to tame it. Reminded him of a damn rat.

Or maybe it was his stupid face. From the beginning, he's always had those round, freckled cheeks and those big, annoying, green eyes that never stopped shining. Never stopped lighting up every time he saw Katsuki do... practically anything. Nor did they ever stop crying. Happy tears, sad tears, any tears. It's all he ever really was. An idiot and a cry-baby.

That's mainly it. That's why he pushed Deku away. He gave that nickname in the first place because he wanted to keep that slobbery, disgusting face away from him that always looked at him as if he were the most amazing thing in the world. It was both uncomfortable and... pressuring. It made Deku no different than the other extras who expected so much out of him. He bullied him to make Deku realise he's a bad person. That way, Deku would no longer talk to him. Who would call their childhood friend useless or worthless? But that was another thing he hated - Deku couldn't hate him. Shit, he only seemed to get more annoying, those stupid eyes seeing right through his act. He continued building walls, and he'd eventually lost all reason. What was driving him to hate Deku and build these walls in the first place? It didn't matter, because he knew for sure he does and always had hated Deku, pushing to physical abuse with his quirk throughout his middle school years, hoping to break that solid resolve. Even when Deku wasn't bothering him, Katsuki still made sure to make his life hell.

Fast-forward to high school, and his feelings towards Deku haven't changed one bit, though he'd stopped the physical abuse since he was now going to a prestigious school. In fact, the reasons as to why Katsuki hated him only increase - his hidden quirk. Somehow, that useless, dumb, annoying idiot had gotten the attention of the greatest superhero of all time - both of their idols! It didn't matter that All Might wanted to give Deku a chance to fight in the ring! Katsuki was so frustrated, and pinned all the blame on that kid he hated. Then there was his selfless and idiotic ability to throw himself into a situation giving no regard to his own fitness, or wellbeing. He was determined enough to kill himself to save others. Who in their right mind would be that... brainless!

Now, he loathes him, more than anyone could even attempt to understand. The mention of his name brings fire to his veins, a tightness to his chest, his throat closing up over nothing. His breathing gets the slightest bit quicker, heart rattling on like a drum, and the adrenaline kicks in with his hands balling into fists. He could even smell the smoke coming from the palms of his hands.

He hated Deku in every known way possible, and more.

So why...

Why is he coughing flowers for the same guy?

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