1 Doorstep

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"Dom! Dom let me in!" I banged on the door again, making a mockery of myself if I'm being honest. But I didn't care. I was crying and screaming and begging in the rain. I just wanted him to hold me. Because I'd fucked up massively. I heard the door unlock and a very annoyed looking dom behind it. He didn't seem particularly ready to fight me though.
"Ally? Baby it's like 2am. Why are you here?" He wasn't yelling. Or speaking in any kind of angry tone. He seemed genuinely concerned
"But the letter?"
"I got the letter. I know what happened."
"Why aren't you angry. Dom I'm scared."
"Dont be scared." He moved out of the way of the door "Come inside." I did as he instructed and he led me to the sofa where I sat down "Want a drink?"
"It was Tom." He sighed but wouldn't look me in the eye
"I know. But we were together for so little time that feelings get confused and that's okay."
"But I sent you that letter a week ago. And I got nothing back. And I couldn't keep waking up with panic attacks so I ran here."
"At 2am? In the dark? And the rain?"
"Yeah. Because I needed you. Because I don't love him. I loved you. But you don't love me. And now I can't fucking love anyone because I mess it up by self destruction like always."
"You need to calm down to keep baba safe yeah?" I nodded "You can't can you?" I shook my head and he chuckled, kneeling down in front of me "Breath with me."
"In....and out." I shakily did as he asked "Keep going. That's it." He gently praised "Calm?" He asked after a while. I nodded and was a little overwhelmed since he was looking me right in the eye at that point
"Calm. But very wet."
"Come on. You can get some clothes from my room." I followed him as he led me to his room
"So you, like, here on your own?"
"No. My friend Ben is staying with me."
"Does he hate me too?"
"Ally, baby, no one hates you."
"But I kissed him. And then left you. And then I didn't even get with him so I just left you for no reason because i do l-"
"Yeah and I love you too. But you got confused and it all got intense. I know how the story goes ally." He seemed to be getting short with me, slightly sarcastic if you will. It made me shut up and we stood in silence until he threw some clothes down on the bed "Wear those. I'll take the couch."
"You can-"
"I can what? Stay here with you? You must be fucking joking ally. You're welcome to stay here all you like but you're not just getting everything back. Actions have fucking consequences."
"Goodnight." I mumbled. That made him cave and he stopped getting preachy with me
"Sleep well alright? Breakfast will be ready for you when you're up."
"Okay. Night then."

Doms pov
'Tom calling'
He always was. He had been since I got the letter. It's like he was dangling it right in my face that she chose him. I admit, as stupid as it was, I did smirk when I realised that I was the one who had her crying on the doorstep. Clearly I'd won. God, if I looked at myself I'd hate me in that moment. I decided I'd have to pick it up as it began ringing again
"Glad you know how to pick up a fucking phone!"
"Well forgive me for not answering it to someone who wants to shag my girlfriend."
"Is she there?"
"Yes. She's safe. And you're not fucking upsetting her by coming here and causing a scene. She's working through her emotions."
"Dom she could've fucking died out there! She's pregnant and vulnerable and-"
"And she made it here safe."
"How is she safe if she's there?"
"So you think I'd hurt her? Fuck you tom!" I hung up on him and threw my phone onto the sofa, putting my head in my hands. It didn't calm me and instead I just fucking screamed in frustration. This was the release I needed when I saw her face, but she didn't need to see it. As much as the bond we formed had broken. It wasn't completely lost. Neither was the care I had for her, especially when it came to protecting her from shit. I did keep my head in my hands though since it comforted me a little. I jumped a little when i felt two hands on my wrists, holding the firmly but they were only small and the grip wasn't strong. I still let her have the victory of pulling my hands away from my face despite her not being able to do so normally.
"He doesn't think that."
"He does. Thinks I'm gonna hurt you. You're the one who hurt me." I sighed
"I know. Im sorry."
"No sorry will ever make me trust you so quickly."
"You don't have to trust me. Just don't push me away." I gently tapped my knee
"You wanna sit?"
"You don't want me to. So no." I shook my head and looked up at her. She seemed taken aback by how emotional I was "You really do don't you?"
"Dom I can't. I can't take advantage of how emotional you are right now. You didn't like me before so that's the only thing that's changed."
"But I fucking won. That's what changed. I realised that you came to me and you wanted me and not him." She took a step back and i knew I'd fucked up
"As long as you think I'm some prize to win I don't wanna sit down here with you."
"But you came down. You wanted to know if I was okay."
"And all you want is one up on tom. I'm hurting so many people including myself and you think it's all one big fucking game? I'm going to bed you sick fuck."
"Ally baby please?" She shook her head
"Stop fucking calling me baby. You hate me. I'm just some pity party thing so you can feel better about yourself. Fuck you Dominic."
"Ally I love you. Please." I begged, crying even more now. She shook her head
"I'm going to bed then going home in the morning."

Allys pov
I finally turned my phone on to see a bunch of texts and missed calls from Tom. I couldn't sleep after leaving dom in that state and I knew I'd have to unlock my phone at some point. 5am was better time than any right? He didn't mean it in an angry way, he was just getting concerned because I'd taken off in the middle of the night and turned my phone off. Anyone would be. Especially over a young pregnant woman alone. I decided I had to bite the bullet and I pressed call, putting him on speakerphone
"Fucking hell ally I thought you were dead."
"Why do you think I'm not safe here?" He sighed "I heard what you said to him."
"Come home in the morning."
"No." And with that I hung up the phone. I had no idea why. But I just felt like I didn't want him to influence my decision over dom. It was my choice. But I couldn't shake the thought that I had succumbed to the idea of it being a game. Except the side I chose was the one that hated me the most.

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