3 Tom V Dom

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"What the fucks going on here?" I jumped and looked over at the door. Tom was stood there, Ben just in front of him looking very apologetic. I looked at him to offer an explanation
"I tried to stop him. He was having none of it."
"I get shit from him for you to go crawling back the second you get a chance. I let it slide one day but you're practically back together."
"You promised." I said to dom, scared of what tom might do to him
"Stay here baby. I'm gonna go talk to him."
"Dont baby her. You don't get to baby her." Dom kissed the top of my head before shifting me over onto the couch
"You don't get to tell me what to do in my own fucking house." He said sternly "Come with me. Right now come with me."
"I'm not going fucking anywhere. Ally home now!"
"This is her home." Ben defended, shocking me since he didn't really seem to bother much about me
"Shouldn't you be with your fucking girlfriend?"
"Well it's a good job she cancelled. Ally come on upstairs with me."
"Touch her and your fucking dead!" Tom threatened. He tried to go for Ben but calmed down when I walked over
"He doesn't wanna touch me. He's trying to get me away from your crazy arse." I didn't let him speak, not that he had much to say to me anyway. He set his heart on blaming dom in his weird conspiracy theory that apparently showed dom up to be the bad person. There was more than one bad person but it definitely wasn't dom. I followed Ben up to one of the rooms in the house. It was supposed to be I had a room with dom, the baby had a room and there was a spare room. But it was clear ben had pretty much moved in.
"Gonna grab my car keys and then go out okay?"
"Where are you taking me?"
"To my girlfriends place. She didn't cancel." I followed him into the room but stood in the doorway whilst he got all his things
"I don't wanna go if you're dumping me on her. That's not fair."
"She knows. I was going to go round later because I was waiting for Tom to turn up. In case it kicked off."
"So you wanted to take me? And she's okay with me being there?"
"Yes. But if you don't feel safe I can ask your brother to get you." He waited for an answer "Dont feel like you have to."
"I want to. But I don't get why you want to keep me safe." He smiled
"Because you're part of the family."
"I'm not part of-"
"You are. Now come on. Let's go before they decide to cause problems."

"Ally are you okay? You've been very quiet." I nodded at him before turning back to watch jen painting "Dom just told me that he's gone. So I can take you back home."
"Are you coming back here?" He nodded
"Yeah. I'm gonna spend the night here but I'm gonna drive you home. Unless you want Adam or dom to pick you up?" He was speaking softly but not speaking down to me, more reassuring me that I had options.
"Does Adam know I'm here?"
"Call dom. There's no point in you doing the trip again."
"I don't m-" I turned to him again
"Call dom." I interrupted, only speaking calmly but asserting my view through repeating myself
"Okay. Do you want to talk to him?" I shook my head and turned back to watch his girlfriend painting on the floor. She was sat on an old sheet that had been stained with paint, peacefully doing something on the canvas. She knew I was watching her but she didn't say anything, letting me watch her being so calm because it was clearly helping
"You're welcome here any time you know?" She spoke up, smiling but not taking her eyes off the canvas
"It's fine. I got places to go." I lied. I had nowhere to go.
"Well if you need another one I'm here."
"Thanks." She nodded but still didn't look up at me. I figured she understood it would only make me feel intimidated
"He's on his way now. Do you want anything before you go?"
"No. I'm good. I appreciate the offer though. You've both been really nice to me." He chuckled and nudged me playfully
"I think you need to see how much dom loves you. Stop being so scared. I'm here for a few days so you and dom have the house to yourselves to work stuff out." I could hear the smirk in his voice
"Were not gonna fuck if that's what you think. We just got shit sorted."
"Look, all I'm saying is just try and sort things out. He really isn't angry. Since he came back from seeing you and Tom, I've stayed with him and he's not been mad."
"Thank you for staying with him. I don't know what he'd do if he was left alone." He dropped the playful attitude and instead put his hand on my knee, squeezing it gently
"You're very welcome. But I'm here for you too. Don't worry ill be out of your house soon."
"You're not staying?" He shook his head
"Me and jenny have been looking at places. Nothings set in stone but it's looking like we're ready to move out soon and into a place just the two of us." I nodded and turned away from him to see that jen was packing her stuff away "Ally do you want me to stay."
"Does it matter if I do?"
"Yeah of course it does. If you want me to stay then-"
"I want you to stay." I said quietly, fearing the silence immediately after that I had to look up at him "Not forever, I know you don't, like, know me or anything. But I feel safer if you're there whilst everything is getting back together." I bit my lip and was kind of bracing myself for the rejection before it had even happened. But I wasn't met with that, instead he just smiled at me
"I'll stay. But I'm still gonna be here for the next few days okay?"
"Okay. I'll get your number off dom on the off chance I need you."
"Yeah. I'll make sure he does that. Don't be scared to call either. Okay?"
"Okay." He smiled but the moment was brief as there was a knock at the door. Jen was the one stood up so she answered it, soon re-entering the living room followed by dom. He smiled when he saw me, holding his arms out for a hug. I got up off the couch and walked slowly into them, my hand balled up and rested against his chest along with my cheek, the other one lazily wrapped around him
"You okay baba?" I nodded, sighing when he wrapped his arms around me fully "Then why do ya want me to cuddle you like a baby." He chuckled at me and it made me pull away, instead walking towards the door
"Can we go now?"
"Aren't you gonna thank them?"
"She already did. Go home with her." Ben spoke up "And give her my number yeah? In case she needs me."
"I'll do that for ya Benjamin. See you when you get back." He smiled at both him and jen before turning to me who was stood patiently in the doorway "Let's go." I nodded, opening the door and remaining silent as we walked down the apartments stairs and out into the street. He got into the car and I got into the passenger seat, still in silence
"I don't like it when you point it out like that. Makes me feel stupid." I played with my hands in my lap "I do like it, just don't like you laughing at me."
"I'm sorry sweetheart. You wanna go straight home or is there somewhere you'd like to go?"
"I want a bath. Can we go home?" He nodded and started the car up
"Cmon. Belt on to protect you and bump." I bit my lip to contain the fond smile that spread across my face from just his words "I see you smiling."

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