Anne, Tyler or Beasts?

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A brown long haired girl slowly opens her eyes and use her hand to cover them cause it got brighter, suddenly a poofy haired girl showed up to her.

???: Oh Tyler! thank goodness! are you ok?

Tyler: Anne! yeah, but my head hurts

Tyler looked around and notice this is not the LA playground.

Anne: So.... where are we?

Tyler: I think....... we're in another world!

Anne: What?! there's no way we're in anoth- OH MY GOSH

Anne and Tyler notice a giant bug flew pass them!

Anne: yeah, we are definitely in another world!

Anne looked at Tyler and noticed some scratches!

Anne: (gasp) Tyler your bleeding!

Tyler: don't worry about it, I'm ok

Anne: I don't care, my mom gave me bandages incase I get scratched.

Anne puts some 3 bandages on her both arms and one leg

Tyler: thanks Anne, I do need some.

Anne smiled and blushed a little

Anne: so..... now what?

Tyler: guess we're gonna find some answers on how to get home. do you think Sasha and Marcy are in this world too? they are with us when you open the box and sent us here.

Anne: I'm not sure, but we should find out together

Tyler: yeah.


the 2 girls walked and kept moving forward. it took awhile, they found a cave, but the nights are worst!

the next day, or should I say night. they saw a strange walking frog Anne went closer to him and scared him off!

on the next day Anne decided to put up a trap to get some food, Tyler just sat on a rock and played her guitar.

they heard footsteps and quickly hide on the bushes!

??? seems like the beasts rooms these parts. probably a good place for a

Tyler pulled the rope and caught a pink frog! and Anne walked up to him

Anne: Caught ya! thought you got the best of old Anne and Tyler eh? well ya didn't!

the pink frog looked behind and saw Tyler walked up to Anne, crossed her arms and gave him a serious face

???: (gasp) giant heads, finalie limbs, face bumps?! THE BEAAAASTS

Anne: stop following us!

???: I have bad news for you beasts! I taste terrible!

Tyler: what?

Tyler says with a confuse laugh.

Anne: eww we are not gonna eat you!

???: you tried to eat wally!

Anne: we tried to ask "wally" for help.

Tyler: yeah! and he ran off screaming us!

???: that dose sould like wally.

they heard a roar and came closer!

Anne: it's coming back! come on Tyler!

???: what is? where are you going?

Tyler and Anne rand but Tyler grabbed her arm and stopped her!

Tyler: Anne stop! we have to help the pink frog!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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