Chapter 1

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As the sun shone in the window at the gleaming white villa in La, cheryl awoken much to her surprise 10 minutes before she had to wake up. Today was a very exciting day for her, the day had finally come to start rehearsals for her new single call my name and very soon after tour rehearsals! She lay in bed overwhelmed by everything that was happening to her, less than 10 years ago she was an ordinary girl from Newcastle who could only ever dream of making it on stage, and now here she was right in the middle of Los Angela's about to release her next of many singles, and a solo tour around the corner. She was brought out of her thoughts when her alarm clock rang off. She quite happily turned it off, hopped out of bed and went straight into the shower.
She made her way back into her bedroom with a towel wrapped around her as she decided what to wear, as it was only the first day of rehearsals she decided that a lot of discussing, catching up and meeting new people would be going on so she went for just a white frilly top that came just above her belly button showing off her gorgeous tan, and a pair of small denim shorts along with a white pair of flip flops. She slightly curled her hair and applied a natural look of make up and made her way down stairs. Before she went into the kitchen she could hear her brother Garry and her best friend/ PA lily laughing, she made her way in. "Rise and shine smiler" Garry joked, "babe you must be so excited, can you belive it were in LA and soon rehearsals for tour will start and ahh!" Lily screamed as she hugged Cheryl, "ah get of us man" Cheryl laughed at her over excited friend. "I can't it's so exciting, but you need to hurry up and eat because we will be late otherwise" lily answered more seriously, as Cheryl laughed as her organised friend went back to normal, "oh babe what would i do without you" cheryl sighed and she laughed, "that is a thought I never want to think about, imagine how much things you would miss, and how late you constantly would be, oh chez you'd be a right mess" lily said simply as Cheryl burst out laughing and muttered "numpty" under her breathe.
On the car journey towards the studio Cheryl began to feel quite nervous, she always felt like this when it came to meeting big groups of new people, even though Beth her choreographer had told her all the dancers were absolutely lovely. "You okay babe? You seem a bit distracted" Lily frowned, "yeah I'm fine, just a little bit nervous about meeting all the new dancers" she scrunched her nose, "oh don't be so silly, Beth told me they are all dotes and supposedly they are really hot" lily smirked, "I feel a bit better now" cheryl winked at her best friend, as they both began laughing.
"CHERYL BABE COME OVER TO ME" Beth shouted across the studio as she saw Cheryl, Lily and Gary made they're way in. Cheryl had know Beth since the very early days of girls aloud and they both knew each other inside and out, Cheryl was so excited to see her. "Oh Beth it's been way too long" Cheryl complained as she pulled Beth into a hug, "let me see the beautiful face!" Beth sighed as she cupped Cheryl's face, "shut up ya numpty" Cheryl laughed, Beth made her way over to Lily and Gary hugging them too. "So Cheryl believe it or not you actually early so the dancers will be here in about 10 minutes" Beth announced pretending to be shocked, "I've been working with them for a week getting to know their styles etc, and honestly they are such sweeties" Beth awed. "I was nervous coming down here thinking about meeting them, but I'm actually excited now" Cheryl clapped her hands as Gary and Lily made their way over to the corner to do some work on the laptops. "Oh chez there's nothing to be nervous about, plus they are all weak for you" Beth smirked, "Beth they haven't even seen me yet, that's impossible" Cheryl smirked back. "Tyrell one of the dancers told me him, Tre and Fefe spent a whole night youtubing you" Beth laughed as Cheryl went bright red and her eyes widened "what?! No Beth please don't tell me that" Cheryl said quietly while she covered her face with her hands. "Oh chez I'm only taking the mick, their boys tho and they're working for a popstar so they probably have" Beth laughed, as Cheryl let out a "phew" while Beth carried in laughing, "but I did show them some videos myself to let them see your style and stuff don't worry I only should them your music videos, I wasn't whipping out ghost hunting with girls aloud or anything" Beth laughed, "Beth if you did i swear" cheryl laughed, "I didn't calm, no but they were exploding with comments saying how talented and gorgeous you are" honestly they are so lovely" Beth smiled, "and they are all very hot" Beth added quickly as she laughed and Cheryl smirked back at her.
"Here they are" Beth said to Cheryl ad the group if American dancers made their way into the studio laughing and joking. As soon as they saw Cheryl was there they made their way over to Beth and Cheryl. "Alright Cheryl this is Tre, Adrian, Fefe, Tyrell and Alex" Beth exclaimed as cheryl smiled trying to hide the fact she found them very attractive, "hi I'm Cheryl" Cheryl said as she shook their hands. "Pleasure" Tre smiled, Cheryl's heart skipped a beat when she saw him flash his gorgeous smile. "Alright guys, first day of proper rehearsals, so we won't be doing any dancing, seems Cheryl already knew this as she has turned up in flip flops" Beth said making everyone laugh, even Cheryl. "Beth babe it's just my Brain it's always thinking ahead of yours" Cheryl smirked, as Beth threw up eyes. "So we're shooting the video on Friday, today's Monday, we're starting full day rehearsals tomorrow" Beth said she looked at all of them as Cheryl laughed out loud, "chez what is it now?" Beth asked while the others started laughing, "nothing it's just I can never take you seriously" Cheryl said laughing. "Well it's almost 1 so do we all want to go get some lunch?" Beth asked as every in cheered at the thought of food.
"So how long have you been dancing?" Cheryl asked Tre as they all walked to a nearby diner. "Ehm well I loved dancing since I could walk, I used to make up my own moves and dances but I didn't join an actual dance school until I was 10 or 11" Tre smiled. "How about yourself?" Tre asked Cheryl, "when I was really young all I wanted to do was entertain people, and it didn't matter if I was singing or dancing or anything, but when I was 4 or so I did ballroom dancing and ballet but I gave it up because of a bad experience with a posh dance school, and then at the age 10 onwards singing became my passion along with dance I suppose" Cheryl laughed as Tre smiled at her in complete awe of her beauty. "So you only did proper trained dancing for a short time?" Tre asked suprised, "yeah I guess so" Cheryl looked up at him, "woah from the videos Beth showed us your moves and dancing looked proper professional as if you've been doing it your whole life, it was so amazing" Tre told her honestly making Cheryl blush, "oh god don't be silly, but thank you it means a lot" Cheryl said quietly. "Your so different from other stars I worked with" Tre told her as they followed the others down to the diner, "what do you mean?" Cheryl asked curiously. "Most of the stars.. Well all of the stars I danced for didn't even talk to the dancers and anytime a compliment was given you'd either be ignored or they'd agree with you" Tre laughed, "and now all I do is tell you your an amazing dancer and your blushing like crazy" Tre smiled, "wow are you serious, is that really the way some stars treated the dancers, that absolutely horrible" Cheryl replied stunned, "and I blush because I'm bad for taking complimants" she said while scrunching up her nose, Tre thinking she was adorable. Fefe came strolling over to Cheryl and Tre "cheryl quick question" he said, Cheryl laughed and asked "what would that be?". "Right since your from the UK, do you drink tea every day or is that just a legend or something" Fefe asked quite seriously as Cheryl began laughing, "Fefe babe yes we drink a lot of tea, but it's not because we're British, you just drink tea if you want to?" Cheryl laughed, as Fefe began laughing too. "Right here we are" Tyrell announced.
As they made their way into the cute little diner cheryl couldn't help but smile, she lived the fact that she can just walk into a diner over here as a normal person, "shall we go over there?" Fefe asked while pointing at an empty big seating area. "Will do!" Beth chimed. As they all settled down, Tre pulled off his hoody slightly pulling his under tshirt up with it, catching Cheryl's eye as his refined stomach and v lines were on show to her" she quickly looked away and smiled to herself.
"Are you serious omg hahahahaha" Adrian laughed as Cheryl told them about the time her and the girls forgot Beth went to the bathroom in a club and went away in the taxi without her. "What was worse we were in bloody Dublin in Ireland and I didn't know where I was with the drink on top of it!" Beth shook her head trying not to laugh, the whole table finding it hilarious. "Your in a girl group back in the UK aswell aren't you? Fefe asked. "Yeah I am, been with them since I'm 19, we're on a little break at the moment" cheryl smiled, "they are absolutely huge, biggest girl band of the cuntuary" Beth added, while Cheryl blushed agian, "you just like saying that because you choreographed everything" Cheryl smirked as the others laughed "wow I didn't know ye were that big!" Alex admitted. Just then, Cheryl dropped her sun glasses off the table and her and Tre both went to pick them up, both their hand touched when they went to get them, both completely unaware of the butterflies set off inside them both, as they got back up and carried on talking with the others.
"What's everyone's numbers?" Cheryl asked as they got back to the studio after a lovely lunch, full of laughter, Cheryl really was very excited and happy to work with them. Just as she got everyone's number, Beth announced they could go home, Cheryl said her goodbyes to everyone giving everyone a hug, as she made her way out to her car, Tre hopped into the car next to hers leaving the door open "jeez I didn't see you there" Cheryl laughed, "oops sorry" Tre smirked, "hey it's been so nice getting to know you all, I'm so glad I'm working with you guys" Cheryl said to Tre, "same here you don't know how amazing it feels to actually enjoy working with the star!" Tre smiled. "I better get going, but I'll text you when I get home yeah?" Cheryl smiled, "yeah you better!" Tre laughed, "Cheryl?" He said as Cheryl hopped into her car and rolled down the window, "yes Tre?" She smiled, "your absolutely beautiful" he said staring out his window into hers, Cheryl felt herslef go red raw, "Tre compliments remember they're a no go" Cheryl said quietly. "But thank you, your not too bad yourself" she said smirking. "Hey I like to tell the truth so I do?" He said simply, "I'll talk to you later Cheryl" he said as she smiled feeling on top of the world.
When she got home Lily and Gary were already in pajamas, Lily watching keeping up with kardashians and Gary was playing some stupid game on the iPad, they had left rehearsals earlier because they had a Skype meeting with management. "Hello ms cole' Lily said in a posh accent, "well hello there Ms England' Cheryl smiled as she made her way over to the couch and sat herself down next to her best friend, shortly after Gary went to bed and left the two girls to watch their reality TV.
"So how was first day of rehearsals?" Lily smirked, "great I'm so happy that they all are the way they are, I know we're all gonna get along so well, we already are to be honest, I'm so excited to be working with them all" Lily looked back to the TV and quietly added "excited to be working with one in particular". "What was that?" Cheryl asked smirking. "Oh please chez I know you better than anyone, I saw your face whenever you looked at Tre, and in the diner when he lifted off his hoody and his stomach went on show you just stared at it and then smiled away to yourself" Lily replied smugly, "Lily I just met him how could I possibly have feelings for him?" Cheryl replied simply even though she began to thinks she did. "Yeah he's drop dead gorgeous but, I only just met him calm the horses" Cheryl added. "There's something your not telling me tho?!" Lily jumped up and as Cheryl blushed, "there's nothing?" Cheryl said, yes there is your smiling like a Cheshire Cat!" Lily laughed, "it's nothing big" Cheryl said. "Just tell me" Lily said while doing puppy dog eyes. "All he said was that I was beautiful" she told Lily as she got butterflies in her stomach over just thinking about it, Lily paused and then jumped up "omg he totally likes you!? And you must like him too because your Cheryl cole I mean come on you get told your beautiful everyday by anyone and Tre says it to you and your smiling all night" Cheryl just shook her head and said "I'm going to bed were up early tomorrow" really just wanting to avoid this conversation as she was slightly scared of the thought of falling for someone over her previous relationship. When she got into bed she checked her phone and had a text from Tre. She smiled.
<Hey Cheryl, this is Tre!"
<Hello you! You up to much?" She replied.
<Na I'm just lying in bed, dreading the though if getting up at 6AM tomorrow!:(>
Cheryl smiled away to herself.
<I'm kind of looking forward to it, I love working with you guys already, ye are honestly great!:)>
The truth being she was actually looking forward to seeing him.
<Yeah me too, your an amazing person and the rest of the dancers I've know ages so I know this is gonna be an amazing experience, thank you for it:D>
Cheryl was thinking he was so sweet.
<No honestly thank you and the rest of the dancers for agreeing to do it, I'm so lucky to be working with such a talented group of people, I'm so grateful:)>
<Cheryl trust me the feeling is mutual! Plus your just as talented, actually more talented because you can sing too! Plus your stunning;) ps. Sorry if I made you blush> Tre said while Cheryl giggled and blushed away to herself getting a strange feeling in her stomach every time his name popped up on her phone.
<Tre!!! There's nothing special about me! I must look like a right numpty lying in bed smiling and blushing away to myself!:') btw your kind of handsome;)>
<wow now I'm blushing!;) and what do you mean there's nothing special about you, there most definitely is!!!>
Cheryl still lay there smiling away to herself, when she looked at her clock and saw it said 12:10 she decided she had to go to sleep,if she wanted to get up in the morning.
<Your so lovely, really, as much as I'd love to chat all night Mr. Holloway, I need to go to sleep because I don't want Beth to start world war 3 because I slept in!:/ goodnight Tre!x>
Tre smiled away to himself thinking she was so cute and getting butterflies seeing an "x".
<Goodnight Cheryl, don't miss me too much!;)>

Cheryl smiled to herself and turned off her lamp and put her phone on her dresser next to her bed. She lay in bed thinking what this was that she was feeling. It's something she never felt before since Ashley, she made a promise to herself after Ashley that she wouldn't trust men as easily anymore, but there was something about Tre, that was different and she knew herself that she was falling for him but she didn't want to accept it yet. She closed her eyes and shorty after a certain American dancer was filling her dreams.
Across the city, Tre was lying in his own bed, smiling up at the ceiling, he was In a day dream about a certain Geordie, her smile, her scent, her laugh, her beautiful face, her amazing body filling his mind, not only all that but her heart of gold aswell, how kind and down to earth she was. He didn't know what to do but he knew for sure he was falling for Cheryl and the thought scared him an awful lot, as he thought to himself why would she ever be interested in him anyway, he's just an ordinary dancer and she's a massive popstar, little did he know that not that far away, Cheryl lay in her bed with the exact same thoughts flowing through her mind.

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