Chapter 3

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The next day in rehearsals, Tre and Cheryl couldn't stay away From each other, Beth definitely noticed something big had happened between them since she heard about their date, but she decided she wouldn't go questioning and taking the mick until rehearsals were over.
"Is there something you aren't telling me?" Beth said as she strolled over to Cheryl who was getting her water out of her bag, "what do you mean?" Cheryl asked, "I mean that you and Tre haven't left each other's side all day? How did the date go?" Making Cheryl's head spin around to her, "how do you know about that!" Cheryl asked, "oh honey you should know by now that i know everything" Beth explained while smirking making Cheryl shake her head "but seriously chez did it go well, were there any kissing?" She said while nudging Cheryl, "it went amazing now stop" Cheryl said while blushing, "ah avoiding the last bit of the question, I see" Beth laughed, "I'm happy for you chez, are you's like together now or what?" Beth asked, "I guess we are" she smiled up to Beth who was extremely happy that Cheryl finally found someone again.
"Alright guys, the day for the shoot has finally nearly come, everyone is to be on set at 5:30 tomorrow morning okay" get a good nights sleep and Cheryl and Tre I just came up with a ship name" she said simply making everyone burst out laughing, Cheryl went red and Tre just shook his head while smiling, "and what's that Beth" Cheryl said while rolling her eyes, "TREZZA" Beth explained while jumping like a little kid! making everyone howl with laughter. "So are you two like together or what?" ty asked tre infront of the rest of the boys, while Cheryl made her way over to Lily and Gary who were doing work on the laptops. "I guess so" Tre said smiling, "you soppy bucket of mush" Adrian laughed, "do you realise how lucky you are?" Fefe asked, "yes trust me I do" he said rubbing his face with his hands.
Cheryl came back over and joined the boys who we're sitting on the floor laughing and chatting, she of course sat herself down next to Tre, she had one hand laying on the floor close to Tre, she felt his hand on top of hers as they all carried on taking, she felt as if a net of butterflies had been left off infront of her. "You two actually make such a nice couple" Beth said as she noticed them two blocking everyone out and spoke amongst themselves laughing and joking, playing with each other's hands. "What?" Cheryl asked genuinely not hearing what she said "I said you two make such a nice couple" Beth smirked, making the two of them smile, "I don't believe your together" Alex said laughing, "why?" Cheryl asked giggling, "I dunno prove it, kiss him" Cheryl turned her head and grabbed Tre from under his chin directing him into a kiss, making everyone wolf whistle, "ai man not when your brother is in the room" Gary complained as Cheryl stuck up her middle finger to him, "happy?" Cheryl smirked to Alex, while everyone showed how jealous they were of Tre. Cheryl had told lily and Gary to go away without her because she had her car with her and told them she'd be out right after them, after Beth announced it was home time, having one final run through the choreography and gave a plan of tomorrow, everyone was free to go, Cheryl and Tre walked each other out to their cars, "I'm starting to think you park your car next to mine for a reason?" Tre bragged, "Na man this parking space is closest to the door" she said while laughing, "chez your the laziest person ever" he laughed. It was getting quite late and was already dark, "we better get going, if I have any chance of getting up at 5:30 tomorrow" Cheryl laughed, "yeah I was just gonna say it" Tre smiled, "come here' he said with his hands wide open for a hug, she wrapped her hands around his neck and cuddled into him, "your so amazing" she whispered, she let go off the hug but cupped his face and kissed him, first softly, then the kiss got more intimate, causing cheryl to moan through his kiss, he couldn't help it, he lifted her up and she wrapped her hand around his waist as he kneeled back against his car, she carried on but pulled out when she felt it get too 'heated'. He slowly Put her down softly kissing her, as he pulled out and stared into her eyes both of the evening out their breathes. "Your incredible" he whispered, she lightly kissed him again, before they said their goodbyes and head home for the night.

"Chez where we're you? You told us you'd be out right after us" Lily asked, "I was just talking to Tre" Cheryl said simply, "talking, or?" Making Cheryl smirk, "or?.. Please continue Ms England" Cheryl said, "or we're ye just totally making out in the back of his car?" Lily asked smugly, making Cheryl burst out laughing, "no we were not making out in the back of his car... We were making out against this car" Cheryl with a straight face, stated as a matter of fact making Lily laugh, "oh chez that's hot, details?" Making Cheryl shake her head "Lily what do you want me to say for god sake?" She asked laughing, "details I want you to say" making Cheryl laugh even more, "like did he lift you up or what?" Lily asked, "we're you watching us in a bush or something?" Cheryl asked laughing, "no why? OMG he totally lifted you up that's so hot up against a car, I'm suprised you didn't just jump him then" Lily said while turning the TV off, "Lily England Go was your mouth out, but yes he's so hot I couldn't cope" Cheryl dreamily said as they made their way up to bed.
Cheryl set her alarm to 5:00, looking forward to the day ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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