Chapter 2

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The next morning Cheryl woke up with a huge smile spread across her face, she turned her alarm clock, and went straight into the shower, humming away to herself lost in thoughts. Tre managed to take over her mind, She thought it was so ridiculous herself that she only met him yesterday and now she's having trouble thinking about anything else but him. Cheryl was distracted from her thoughts when Lily shouted to her "Cheryl man come on you have 20 minutes" Cheryl sighed and muttered to herself she hopped out of bed decided it was too late to dry her hair so threw it up into a messy bun, applied a limited amount of make up, she wore a bright orange bra top with a loose White see through top above it along with a pair of tight grey tracksuit bottoms. She grabbed her phone and purse and made her way downstairs.
"Cheryl I just don't understand how you manage to be late all the time, I heard you get up at 6 this morning when your alarm went off and it's not 7:30 what do you be doing at all?" Cheryl laughed, "I dunno I guess I just got lost in thoughts in the shower". Lily smirked to herself knowing what Cheryl meant but decided to keep her mouth shut as Gary was sat across from them doing paper work. "Here yas can go ahead without me today I have two Skype meetings and a couple of forms to do" Gary said looking up at the girls as they stood up to leave, "alright gaz please feed the two dogs, it's not nice when you sit down all day and eat in front of them" Cheryl said in a cute voice, "Cheryl man grow up". Lily laughed and dragged Cheryl out the door.
"Knew she'd be late" Beth shouted across the studio as Cheryl walked in, trying not to laugh herself. As soon as Tre heard the door open he turned his head, absolutely amazed by how Cheryl looked, "dude stop drooling" Adrian whispered to Tre, "what?" Tre turned to his mate, Adrian just laughed to himself, both of them carrying on with their stretches. Cheryl made her way over to join the dancers stretching, "oi C is in the house" Fefe whistled as Cheryl sat herself down next to Tre and Fefe, "hello you" Tre said quietly as the others continued stretching and talking amongst each other, "good morning Mr. holloway" Cheryl said in a posh accent, "you love doing that don't you?" Tre laughed, "yeah is it that obvious" she replied sarcastically. Cheryl and Tre carried on laughing and joking, whispers began to go around as people noticed the chemistry between them already.

2 hours later Beth was very please with how well the morning session was going, as they danced in front of the giant wall mirror, Tre had to keep dragging his eyes away from Cheryl as he watched her give it everything she had and he absolutely loved the little frown that appeared on her forehead while she was concentrating, "Tre your not with us at all today?" Beth spoke over the music as Tre looked over to her, "come on stop being lazy and give me everything!" Beth smirked as she had an idea to why after days of amazing training why he randomly decided to loose concentration today.
"Aye my legs feel like jelly" Cheryl complained as Beth announced a hour break, "your incredible, you danced your little feet off" Tyrell said while they all collapsed to the floor drinking water. "Such a talented group of people you's are" Beth said as she walked lass them to go get her phone. Cheryl got up to go out into the shop next door to get another drink, "you coming or what?" She said smiling to Tre, "jeez if I have too" Tre said sarcastically. As soon as Cheryl and Tre were out of sight, Beth announced "okay is there something going on between them two?" Making everyone laugh, "I have no idea, but if there is, I swear Tre is one lucky bastard" tyrell said shaking his head, making everyone laugh, catching Lily's attention in the corner of the room. "Oi Lily you know Cheryl better than anyone, is there something going on between her and Tre or?" Beth asked curiously, Lily knew Cheryl wouldn't want her to say anything so she just pretended she knew nothing, "no nothing" Lily smiled at them, "well if Lily thinks there's not, then there's not" Beth said simply and Lily smiled smugly, laughing away in the inside.
Next door in the shop, Cheryl and Tre we're debating on what to get, "Cheryl your buying a drink not a house you don't need to take this long" Tre laughed finding her hilarious, "oh but you see I'm always the same I buy one thing and as soon as I take a sip out of it, I don't want it anymore and I end up regretting it and throwing it away" she said scrunching up her nose, "you look so cute, when you do that" Tre said cutely, "that's why I do it" Cheryl said smugly before laughing. Since they had an hour break they decided to have a quick walk along a nice park near the dance studio, "Cheryl?" Cheryl looked up to Tre, "yes Tre?" Tre felt his heart beat race as he saw her eyes look straight up into his and decided that he couldn't do it, he was going to ask her does she want to go out to dinner some night, but he couldn't so he just added, "never mind" Cheryl complained "ah Tre you can't do that, I hate when people do that" she said while doing her famous puppy dog eyes, he laughed, "it doesn't matter!" Tre laughed, "treeeeeeee" she complained, "fine, I was wondering do you want to go out for dinner sometime" he said nervously while looking to the floor, Cheryl felt butterflies everywhere and lifted his chin up while her hand so he'd look at her, "like a date?" She asked while smirking, Tre looked at her smiling, "if you want it to", "I'd love that" she said while smiling, Tre felt a wave of relief as he hear her say that, "there's was no need to be nervous!" Cheryl laughed, thinking he was adorable, "of course there was, your absolutely stunning, like gorgeous, could get any guy you want, and may I add a massive popstar..." Cheryl stopped him by quietly saying "Tre" as she felt herself blush, "Tre thank you, but honestly I'm just a normal girl" she said while smiling at him before adding "plus why wouldn't I want to go out with you, your so lovely, hilarious and absolutely handsome" Cheryl hard as she stared right ino this eyes, "stop" Tre said while smiling at Cheryl, Cheryl laughed "know I'm making you blush, yesss" she said making them both laugh, "so when is this dinner going to happen?" Cheryl asked scrunching her nose, "how about tomorrow if your free?" Tre asked, "yes okay I'm excited" she said quietly, Tre looked at his watch "we best start heading back, rehearsals are gonna start up again in about ten minutes" Tre smiled.
"Where have you two been?" Tyrell asked, "we just went for a walk though the park across the way" Tre said as he put his bottle back into his bag, "right today went really well and we already have 3/4's of the routine finished, so we'll just run though what we have a couple of times now and I'll let ye off early" Beth said, while everyone whooped and cheered, "we should all go out to a club tonight since were off early and were in late tomorrow" Tyrell suggested, while everyone agreed, "you gonna come Beth?" Cheryl asked, "yeah go on so, sure" Cheryl squealed and clapped her hands like a little child, excited about clubbing in LA.
"Lily man what am I going to wear?" Cheryl asked staring at a variety of outfits layed out on her bed, with just a towel wrapped around her, and around her hair. "Who you trying to impress?" Lily asked smirking, while Cheryl just shook her head and pouted, "what were you two doing today when ye left during the break for ages?" Lily asked, "we just went for a walk in that pretty park" Cheryl asked still staring at the outfits, "and..?" Lily asked knowing Cheryl wasn't telling her something, "he's taking me out for dinner tomorrow night" Cheryl said quietly, "SHUT UP! As in a DATE?" Lily asked while squealing, "yes now shut up and help me choose an outfit because your embarrassing me" Cheryl said, "oh babe I'm sorry, but that's so exciting, and I really am so happy for you, he's a good day and he's very sexy" Lily replied while smirking, as Cheryl just winked at her.
2 hours later Cheryl had decided to wear a short yellow dress that flowed out just around her thigh tattoo, the bright lemon colour contrasting with her beautiful tan, she curled her hair and let it hang down around her, Lily did her make up giving red lips and a bit of a smokey eye effect, and Lily had went for a white colour play suit, straightening her hair and Cheryl did a natural look makeup style on her. The two girls were waiting for their cab as they did some finishing touches to their hair, "oh chezza babe, your gonna drive Tre crazy looking like that, in fact you'll have the whole club crazy" Lily said while shaking her head genuinely so amazed everytime Cheryl got dressed up. "Oh shut up you numpty, you look amazing tho Lils honestly, have an eye on any of the dancers?" Cheryl winked, "chez I have an eye for all of the dancers" Lily replied simply making Cheryl burst out laughing. "Tre just texted us, he said they're already at the club" Cheryl said while getting her handbag, getting a strange feeling in her stomach thinking about seeing Tre soon. "Ai the cabs here!" Lily said while putting her phone away. They said their goodbyes to Garry who was going out with his friend who happened to be in LA too.

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