Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Opening her eyes again after she died, Qiao Qingqing was stunned for a long time looking at the familiar decoration in front of her. She hadn't dreamed of home for a long time. During the second flood, her home was robbed. She was wandering outside alone, looking for food in the filthy flood, and fell ill after eating unclean things. Originally, she thought she could only wait to die, but she was lucky enough to be Soldiers rescued. So continue to boil and continue to live. Later, there was a big earthquake, and her home must have been in ruins. She died on the road to escape after the earthquake. Before she died, she didn't think about anything, and the last thing that came into her eyes was the dim sky with dark clouds.

She actually dreamed of such a clear pre-apocalyptic home, clean and tidy, with the scent of jasmine in the air. Qiao Qingqing didn't want to wake up, this dream was too beautiful. Until a familiar and unfamiliar music sounded, she woke up from the sadness and sadness of the good memories.

Sitting up and looking around, Qiao Qingqing touched the mobile phone on the bedside table, the caller ID was "Wenwen".

Wenwen, Yuan Xiaowen, a good friend whom I haven't seen for many years. In the dream, I can still receive a call from a friend. God treats her well. Qiao Qingqing pressed the answer button, and the lively and happy voice of her girlfriend came from the opposite side: "Qingqing has not woken up yet, I'll pick you up, there is a big project today, we want to Shopping all day! Have you woken up yet, what do you want for breakfast?"

Qiao Qingqing was shocked, this conversation was so familiar. Her throat tightened: "I, you, you're pregnant?"

"...Ah, ah, Qingqing, how did you know that I didn't tell you how did you know!"

"Is it only a month?"

"I'm going! Qingqing How did you know! I also went to the hospital for a blood test to make sure, and I only told my husband that he didn't know you, he shouldn't have told you, how did you know?"

Qiao Qingqing breathed rapidly: "You, Wait a moment."

She hung up the phone, got out of bed and ran out of the room, opened the door to the balcony, and looked down on the balcony with both hands. This is a boutique community from 20 years ago, with complete living facilities nearby, including a fitness plaza and a kindergarten. After crossing the road in front, there is a farmers market and a supermarket. Every morning, there are bustling people coming and going. When she looked down, she saw a bus just leaving from the opposite platform, and a white-collar who was biting a bun quickly chased after him: "Wait for me! I haven't gotten on the bus yet!"

The grandmother who took her grandson to kindergarten led her Holding the child's hand, he walked slowly across the zebra crossing.

Three seven- or eight-year-old children ran out of the community laughing and playing, and the girl's twin ponytails swayed in a happy arc.

Qiao Qingqing's pupils shrank, she looked down at her hand, she gripped the balcony guardrail tightly, her hand was cold, and then she clenched it hard, she could feel the real tenderness in her hand.

She slapped herself hard and opened her mouth to shout loudly, but the voice was choked in her throat, she couldn't say a word, she could only hold on to the guardrail tightly, tears streaming down her face.

She couldn't believe that she went back to the past, this is the past and not the future!

Those dark and painful pasts have not happened yet.

Thinking of something, she made a phone call immediately.

"Hey Qingqing, shouldn't you be shopping with Xiaowen now? You can still call me."

It was a familiar voice, the tone of voice was exactly the same as in the memory, Qiao Qingqing was in tears, her face full of sadness, listening to In response to her husband's intimate questioning on the other end of the phone, she took a deep breath and said calmly, "Shao Sheng'an, you immediately ask for leave to go home, but can't you ask for leave? Then tell your boss that your wife is going to jump off the building!" Then cut off Call, squat down and cry.

After crying a few times, Qiao Qingqing laughed again, crying while laughing, stood up and took a video and sent it over.

After posting the video, Qiao Qingqing called her mother again: "Mom, I miss you so much, will you come to see me tomorrow." In

her previous life, her mother would come to Huacheng to see her, and she had to make sure that everything would not happen. Change.

"Mom misses you too. I just want to go there tomorrow. Your uncle sent me a box of seafood. Where can I eat it? I'll send it to you tomorrow. How about Sheng An, have you come back from a business trip?"

Qiao Qingqing suppressed her emotions and smiled. Said: "He will come back, and we will eat seafood together. Tell me when you get off the bus tomorrow, and I will pick you up."

"No, I will take the bus directly to the gate of the community. You don't need to send it off. Hey, there are guests here, Mom hangs up. That's it."


After Qiao Qingqing accepted the fact of her rebirth, the pain that had been lingering in her heart for ten years finally loosened a little. Her lover, her relatives are still alive at this time!

She was walking around in the living room when the phone rang again, it was still her best friend Yuan Xiaowen.

Guiltily connected to the phone, Qiao Qingqing said that he couldn't go there temporarily: "The water pipe at home burst, I have to ask someone to repair it, by the way, I heard a news just now that it is going to be a big typhoon that will not happen in a century. You have to go buy some food and store it at home, so you can buy some too."

"There is no typhoon, the weather forecast didn't say anything. Oh Qingqing, what are you afraid of typhoons? We are not the beach here, so don't be afraid. Then you fix the water pipes first, Mengmeng and I will go buy it first."

Just after the call, her husband Shao Shengan called in. Listening to the other side saying that the ticket has been booked, Qiao Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, and then hung up after another threat. I opened the chat software and I saw a screenshot of the flight ticket.

"That's enough, Sheng An will go home tonight, and mom will come home tomorrow." Qiao Qingqing smiled with tears in her eyes.

The two most important people will return to her side, Qiao Qingqing calmed down completely, she must hurry up to prepare.

She has spent ten years in the apocalypse. Those ten years were very hard, and she went through several desperate situations. Every time she thought she was going to die, she wanted to give up a hundred times, but every time she thought of her husband and her mother, and bit her Tooth continues to live.

Even if you don't live like a person, you have to live.

Going back to ten years ago, or before the disaster, was this the reward from God for her countless days and nights of devout prayers during those ten years?

Thinking like this, Qiao Qingqing suddenly felt blessed. She closed her eyes and saw her own space.

At this moment, she enters into a mysterious feeling and hears the space "speaking". It told her that it had fulfilled her wish, and let her be reborn ten years ago, before all the tragedies began, so far the cause and effect of it and her lineage have ended, the fate has ended, and after she died, it will be completely leave.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and the feeling disappeared instantly, but the spatial will was firmly engraved in her mind.

"Thank you, thank you for sending me back, and you are willing to continue to help me." Qiao Qingqing sincerely thanked. "You like gold and jade, don't you? I will definitely find a lot for you in the future to make you bigger."


Qiao Qingqing was very happy with the simple response. Neither grandma nor mother had spoken to Space, Space But willing to communicate with her twice.

"I will definitely do it, don't worry." Qiao Qingqing made a promise.

There is still space, and Qiao Qingqing has more confidence in the future. She dare not say that she can live until the end of the apocalypse, but at least this time she can gather her family by her side in advance, and they can face all difficulties together, even if they die. Let the family die together.

She didn't want to live alone anymore, she wanted to die together.

She is a very active person, and after she calms down, she starts to arrange.

First of all, she went online to check the local reliable floor heating installation company in Huacheng, and placed an order after asking the price. After asking, she learned that the other company can also do indoor indoor thermal insulation wall business, so she added rock wool layer to keep warm. Business, agreed to let the master come to the door immediately.

Then I asked my old classmate to consult the solar generator, and the old classmate helped her connect, introduced his cousin's company, and ordered to install it immediately.

She asked for expediting in both businesses, and the master didn't have a schedule? Then add more money, as much as you want, so everything went smoothly.

Finally, I searched for the familiar master who decorated her mother's flower shop to seal the balcony and terrace. The master said that he was not finished with the work at hand, and he had to wait another ten days. She couldn't wait any longer, and the master said to introduce him to his peers. Qiao Qingqing chatted with the man about her needs. Although the other party thought it was a bit strange, she still came to measure the size in the afternoon.

"The five-layer steel-hardened glass needs to be customized. Measure the size first, and then wait for the factory to deliver the glass to you before installing it."

"Okay, then you can come and measure it in the afternoon. I'm at home."

After these three arrangements, Qiao Qingqing Shop online again. In her last life, she was not prepared, and she had space but did not store enough supplies. In the days of lack of clothing, food and medicine, Qiao Qingqing had to endure every time she fell ill, even if she had an extra box of antipyretics, an extra 1. Bed quilt -

Thinking of the continuous natural disasters that swept the world in the past life, Qiao Qingqing couldn't help but feel disgusted and fearful.

But what should come will still come, and she will definitely be ready!

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