Chapter 121

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Chapter 121

Qiao Qingqing and the others were also taking shelter from the rain, which made an annoying noise when the rain hit the tent.

"Sister, peel it." Shao Shengfei handed the peeled tuber to Qiao Qingqing.

At that time, Qiao Qingqing did not pick up the tuber cut from the crack in the ground. Later, when he was on his way, he encountered another piece of land. The whole piece of land was turned over by the earthquake, revealing a large piece of tuber plants. She was not short of food, so she only took a piece and came back to try it.

"Thank you big brother, give it to me." Qiao Qingqing put it on the plate, carefully cut it into pieces with a knife, she picked the smallest one and stuffed it into her mouth. The mouth is a bit astringent, and after chewing, the astringency becomes heavier and stronger, and slowly it seems that the mouth is numb. Qiao Qingqing carefully judged its edibility and danger, and finally swallowed it.

"If it doesn't taste good, just spit it out. I think you're having a hard time eating it." Qiao Qingqing

shook his head: "It's okay, Mom, I'll eat a little bit. Cook the rest and see if it's cooked."

Said to cook and try again, but my daughter said that sometimes there is no condition to make a fire for cooking, so I have to judge whether it can be eaten raw.

The alcohol stove swayed with a blue flame, and the water in the small pot boiled quickly. Qiao Songzhi put the remaining tubers in and carefully stirred them with a spatula to prevent them from sticking to the pot.

Shao Shengfei looked at the pot seriously and reminded Qiao Songzhi: "Mother Qiao can add sugar."

"Why does Feifei feel like adding sugar?"

"Sweet soup needs sugar." Shao Shengfei said rightly. Qiao Chanzhi laughed, and after stirring a few more times, he felt that this pot was indeed very similar to sweet potatoes and potatoes. No wonder Feifei thought it was cooking sweet soup.

So Qiao Songzhi finally added two tablespoons of white sugar, and when tightening the jar, Qiao Songzhi felt Shao Shengfei looking at the sugar jar in her hand eagerly. She asked softly: "Feifei wants to

eat candy?" "Hmm!" Shao Shengfei nodded hastily, "Can I have a little sugar? I'll remember to brush my teeth before going to bed!"

"Of course. Qingqing, and Milk tea?"

Qiao Qingqing nodded, took out a bucket of milk tea, and filled two in a clean cup.

"Brother, we don't eat white sugar, shall we drink milk tea?"

That's even better!

"Isn't my sister drinking?"

"I'm not drinking. I'm trying new plants. Brother and mother, let's drink."

"I don't want to drink. Put it away." Qiao Songzhi also has a sense of food crisis and instinctively wants to save some.

"Drink it, Mom." Qiao Qingqing put the cup into Qiao Songzhi's hand and winked at her, "There are so many milk teas, really."


"Mom, it's not because we are short of supplies to bring these new plants back. , but I think that even if we don't need it now, we have to know what we can eat in case we need it, you make me sad." The

daughter was coquettish and reasonable, and Qiao Songzhi had to take it.

Beside him, Shao Shengfei happily held the cup and drank it one by one.

Qiao Qingqing was a little taken aback.

"What's the matter with you, are you feeling uncomfortable after eating that thing?" Qiao Songzhi took a sip of milk tea, feeling more relaxed, and asked worriedly.

"No... I'm just thinking that it's raining, maybe I can store some rainwater."

"Oh, why didn't I think of that! Then you can quickly get the bucket out."

"There are other people nearby, and we didn't bring them when we came here. If you can see it, just fill the tent with water." The

sandstorm had caused a lot of damage to the tent before, especially the top was pressed too hard, even though Qiao Qingqing used a stick to support the top higher to allow the sand and soil It's easy to slide down, but that piece is still worn down to a thin layer, maybe it will be completely damaged and leaked this rainy day. Qiao Qingqing took out a piece of pvc pipe from the space and directly punctured the broken piece on the top of the tent as a pipe for rain, and the interface was repaired and strengthened with a tarpaulin.

"Put the tube into the bucket—" Qiao Qingqing took out the bucket to collect water.

Watching the rainwater flow in from the pvc pipe and fall into the bucket, Qiao Songzhi happily praised her: "My daughter is smart." "My

sister is so smart!" Shao Shengfei agreed.

Qiao Qingqing followed with a smile, looking at the rain in the bucket, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes. She didn't dare to say it to cause her mother and eldest brother to worry, but she was really worried about Sheng'an and the others. Did they find a place to shelter from the rain on a rainy day?

With a bitter throat, she regained her senses and continued to pay attention to the changes in her body.

A few hours later, the throat and tongue are still in a bitter and numb discomfort, but the body has no symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness and nausea.

"There is no problem with raw food for the time being, but the amount I eat is too small and the data is not enough. Try to cook it as much as possible." Qiao Qingqing said, adding another box of lighters and two boxes of matches to Qiao Songzhi and Shao Shengfei's backpacks. During the escape process, fire is very important. All the important things are in the backpack, not even the clothes.

"Enough, there's a magnifying glass and flint in the bag, we can catch fire no matter what." Qiao Songzhi patted her hand.

"Yeah." Qiao Qingqing replied softly, resting her head on her mother.

On the fourteenth day of the earthquake, the ruins of the Xicheng Survivor Base were even more desolate in the rain.

The re-assembled army and security team were scattered into many small teams and rescued in various places. Aftershocks, sandstorms and rain are all hindering the rescue process.

Fourteen days have passed, and all the survivors who can be rescued have been rescued, but the ones who won't come out... probably died under the ruins and cracks in the ground long ago.

The smell in the base became worse and worse. Rainwater was seeping into the ground, accumulating continuously, and the stagnant water with the smell of rotting corpses flowed everywhere.

Survivors began to get sick with fever, cough, vomiting, and weakness.

The number of tents is insufficient, and each tent is densely packed with people. In the pit of the ruins, some survivors are barely huddled to hide from the rain, their eyes are numb and empty.

The base had prepared in advance for a major earthquake, but in the face of an absolute natural disaster that could not be resisted, all preparations seemed so weak.

Under the protection of the guards, Mayor Luo has passed through difficulties again and again. Half a month has passed, his hair has turned white, his body has always been straight and a little ricket, and his cheekbones are thin and protruding. Too busy, he has been busy since that day, it almost drained his efforts, making his whole person show the dejected atmosphere of the sunset. But he was tough, and his eyes were as sharp as ever.

Somewhere on the flat ground in Yeshan, which was split into several petals, in the temporary municipal command office, Mayor Luo looked at the rough survivor reports from the latest statistics in his office. The breath seemed to weigh heavily on his heart, making him breathless.

Last time, the last time the base population count was 897,562 people, and that didn't include the survivors in the wild at the base. As a medium-sized base, the Xicheng Survivor Base has been housing survivors continuously since its establishment. It has been almost six years since its establishment. There are countless people's hard work, sweat and blood, and countless people have contributed to the Xicheng Base... ...

"133,547 people..."

This number is the number of survivors currently counted. Master Peng said that half of the soldiers who were scattered at hand have lost contact, and it is absolutely impossible for the other half of the soldiers to be lost. Those people must be alive in other corners, and maybe they are still with many survivors.

But even with the floating numbers added by the optimistic statistics, Mayor Luo couldn't bear it. Tears could not stop flowing as he read the number. He covered his eyes, knocked his head on the table, and the suppressed crying came to the door. Tan Jianling did not leave after delivering the report. He stood straight at the door, but after a while, his back seemed to bend a little, and he dropped down. He took off his glasses and exhaled heavily.

The rain continued, as if the sorrow and pain of Mayor Luo had no end.

Two days later, the rain became heavier, and the gloomy and oppressive atmosphere in the air became more and more intense. The dark clouds in the sky were also accumulating thicker and thicker. Occasionally, thunder and lightning flashed in the thick clouds.

"It seems that a typhoon is coming." Qiao Songzhi looked at the sky worriedly, "The wind is so strong that I can't open my eyes."

At this time, Ye Shan's outline became clearer, they were close to the base, and the survivors encountered There are more. But this "more" is only relative to the wild, the number of residents in the wild is limited. In terms of the large base of residents outside the base, the number of survivors should be dozens of times over the survivors in the wild.

In addition to the survivors, the most seen is the corpse. The rain piled up on the rough ground, and the corpses that were too late to handle floated up, and the smell of rotting corpses melted into the water. There were several places of thick smoke rolling in the rain curtain in the distance. Qiao Qingqing used a telescope to look at the nearest place where the thick smoke was emitted, and saw that it was a place where corpses were burned.

In order not to be infected with the disease, Qiao Qingqing and her family were fully armed, wearing one-piece water shoes, and a mask under the raincoat that covered their face. Qingqing led the family to the direction of the burning corpse. She guessed that it should be the rescue team, only they have the manpower and material resources to deal with so many corpses.

After walking a few hundred meters, Qiao Qingqing finally saw the tent through the telescope. Judging from the style and size of the tent, it should be a rescue team.

Qiao Songzhi was very happy and pleasantly surprised when she heard it, and wiped the rainwater from the brim of her raincoat: "Is it really the rescue team? It's been almost half a month. It's the first time I've seen the rescue team!" She also picked up the binoculars and looked over. : "Qingqing, let's go and have a look, maybe Sheng'an and the others are inside?" Seeing no one in the tent, Qiao Songzhi expected Sheng'an and the others to be in the tent.

"I thought so too, let's go." The

three of them wore raincoats and walked to the placement point over there.

"Wow! What is this!" Shao Shengfei pointed forward in surprise.

In front of it is a crack in the ground, with a tank stuck in it, showing its original cold luster under the scouring of the rain.

Qiao Songzhi sucked in a breath of cold air: "It should have cracked and fell from the bottom during the earthquake. It probably couldn't be lifted up. It must be very heavy." Qiao Qingqing retracted her gaze, "I'll go first.

" Through the bridge of the crack, Qiao Qingqing jumped down carefully, and then climbed up after walking a few steps. At a height of fifty or sixty centimeters, it is not difficult to climb up.

"Mom, eldest brother, be careful." After confirming that it could pass, Qiao Qingqing jumped down again and stood on the tank to support them.

The three climbed carefully and successfully came to the other side of the crack. Shao Shengfei stood firm and looked back at the clod next to the tank.

"Go Feifei."


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