Another Asset?

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The Winter Soldier has failed its mission in killing Captain America, and because of this Pierce has deemed it necessary to bring in some help.

"Rumlow" Pierce called out to one of his top agents, and one of the current handlers of the assets, while he walked through the halls and gates of the base.

"Yes, sir?" Rumlow answered, as he walked up beside Pierce, waiting for his instructions.

"Bring in the other asset, prep it for this mission, and have him on standby" Pierce directed him in a calm voice despite his annoyance at their current situation.

"Yes, sir, but what about The Winter Soldier?" Rumlow asked seeing that they were almost to the volt where they were currently keeping it.

"Wipe him and start over" Pierce answered in a flat tone as they entered the room.

"Yes, sir" With that Rumlow left to complete his task, and made his way back through the halls followed by some guards for assistance. Soon they made it to the room where the assets were kept in cryo, and went straight to the unopened cryo tube and began the process of unfreezing the second asset. Once it was done and open the guards went in and detached all the wires and drug the asset out, while also cuffing his arms behind his back. Once they had a good grip on him the group made their way back, and as they walked on the asset began to move more and more as he warmed back up, which made the group a little uneasy. And when they made it back into the prep room the Soldier was already finished, and in the chair waiting for the scientists to finish up working on his arm. When Pierce heard them enter he turned and walked up to the asset once they got him to kneel.

"The second asset" Pierce stated in a bit of a condescending tone of voice trying to get a reaction out of him. The asset on the other hand just stayed quiet and still, having learned from his many past experiences.

"Hmm. . . Quiet this time around?" Pierce continued his poking trying to see if the asset would continue to stay like this, and to his surprise he did.

"So you've finally learned. . . Good, your mission is to assist the Winter Soldier in killing Captain America, and insuring that our operation goes as planned." Pierce briefly explained after seeing that the asset wouldn't say anything, but he was soon proven wrong as the asset mumbled out something incoherent.

"What was that?" Pierce asked with a small annoyed glint in his eye, as he was hoping that this asset had finally broken. But he was soon further disappointed as it gave no answer, which caused Pierce to become a bit more angry. First, the Soldier regained some of its memories, but that was easily fixed with the chair. But now it's the more stubborn asset– the one that already took them a few years to get under their partial control– that was acting out again. But this isn't exactly anything new, as every time they brought this asset out they had to put him back in its place.

Pierce waited, but was still given no answer. So he motioned for the scientist to give him something. The scientist wasted no time when he walked over with a bit of caution, but still managed to hand him what looked to be a baton. With a press of a button the end of the baton started to glow a light blue, as it began to make a small humming and cracking noise. Then, with no warning, Pierce drove that end into the assets abdomen, just below the left side of its ribs, giving him a continuous shock. The more the asset tried to dubble over the harder Pierce drove it in. And after a few seconds of quite the asset finally started to let out a yell, which soon turned into a scream of pain, and Pierce finally let up.

"What was that again, asset?" Pierce said firmly still holding onto the baton, but the asset still remained quiet in turn.

"Speak!" Pierce finally yelled, as his anger grew more and more with each of these situations.

"I said. . . 'Why don't you do it yourself'. . Sir" The asset finally spoke up in reply, as some sarcasm made its way into his voice.

"You think you're funny don't you" Pierce replied in a flat, annoyed tone, as he continued to wait for the asset to keep talking.

"Why don't you take these cuffs off and see how "funny" I can be then" The asset continued on with anger and an underlying threat in his tone, as he raised his head a little to meet Pierce's annoyed gaze with his own rage filled one.

"Interesting thought, but not gonna happen." Pierce simply replied, and without another word he drove the baton back into the assets abdomen many more times and for different durations of time.

When Pierce was finally satisfied enough to stop the assets voice was long gone, as he was left with slight burn marks that spread across his abdomen. And it was at this point that the asset no longer tried to protected the vulnerable areas like his stomach, chest, and neck. He just laid there finally submitting, again, as his muscles twitched every now and then with the aftershock of the electricity. Now when Pierce moved again the asset only tensed to prepare himself for another shock, but otherwise never moved. With this Pierce was now content, as he began to walk away giving the baton back to the scientists.

"Противостояние" (Confrontation) Pierce began to recite as he walked back to be in front of the asset.

"польский" (Polish) Pierce continued on as the asset continued to just lay still knowing from past attempts that he couldn't stop him even if he tried.

"Восемьдесят шесть" (Eighty Six) And he definitely has many, many times, and each one failed in one way or another.

"кракен" (Kraken) And each time, he paid for it.

"Реформа" (Reform) He just didn't want to go through that again.

"девять" (nine) So he just laid there and accepted it.

"уединенный" (secluded) And in just a few more words he wouldn't have to deal with anything else immediately.

"Содержать" (Contain) Now he can feel himself beginning to be pushed back, and out of control.

"один" (One) Which felt like another person was taking over, and he was just shoved in the backseat.

"кораблекрушения" (Shipwreck) And just like that it was done, he no longer controlled his own body now, all he can do is observe and feel everything his body did, yet not able to intervene.

"Poseidon?" Pierce asked looking down at the asset, who is now known as Poseidon. At Pierce's words he got up and back into a kneeling position, only to look up at Pierce with emotionless, ice-gray eyes that now seemed even colder, waiting to receive his new orders.

"You are to assist The Winter Soldier in killing Captain America, as well as making sure our plans that are set in place go accordingly." Pierce stated as the room went silent.

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