Emilia walked into math class. "Math first period on a Monday" she thought "How shitty can this day get?"
She sat down and began to observe the class. She saw people at the back listening to music, people at the front watching vines and popular people near the heater talking about sport and doing each other's hair. She saw Oliver the guy she liked with his arm around Marcella the girl she hated with a passion. This was the beginning of a dying soul. She put in her ear buds and began to do some math. Everyone thought she was good but truth was she was crap. It wasn't hard to look good in her class though she was surrounded by Idiots. But Oliver was different he was Intelligent and adorable. She looked over to Oliver only seeing him sharing his earbuds with Marcella.
"I thought he had better taste" Emilia thought as she blinked away tears. She turned her music up. Nothing cheered her up more than music when what she wanted was out of reach. Her music was so loud she didn't hear the bell go. The teachers walked up and tapped her on the shoulder. She pulled out her headphones to hear what the teacher was saying.
"The class is over dear" Miss Baster explained.
"Oh okay" Emilia replied. She walked to her locker, put away her things and went up to the library. She knew she would feel better when she was surrounded by books. As Emilia walked into the library who should she see but Oliver and Marcella by the heater with the other "populars".
"Fuck this theory" Emilia thought as she walked out to find intelligent life. She went outside and looked around trying to find a place with nobody around she sat beneath a tree and began to listen to music. She was sitting there peacefully until a group of people walked up to her. It was a heap of year sevens she knew from primary school.
"Please fuck off" Emilia asked them politely (if that was possible.) The year sevens ignored her request and began to yell random things loudly. She went to the toilet. She sat in a stall put her headphones back in and began to cry. Her only friend Willow was on holiday set to come back tomorrow.
"Please come back soon" she whispered as she looked at the selfie they took on the roller coaster. It had been 2 months since willow had left and Emilia missed her like crazy. She sat their in silence for a while and then the bell went. Emilia stood up, washed her hands (hygiene issues) and went to music.