"I don't really love Marcella you know Emilia" Oliver told her seductively
"Then who do you love?" Emilia asked him.
"Why, you my sweet"
"Then why are you dating Marcella"
"She is my stupid pre-adolescent girl, you Emilia, you are my wife"
"Oh, Oliver, I love it when you talk to me like that"
"Emilia you are my world, will you let me make you a woman"
"Yes Oliver, yes I have been reading so much smut waiting for this moment"
"Before we make love I want to tell you something"
"Oh, tell me please Oliver I can't wait"
"I'm a vampire" he pounced at her and bit her neck. Emilia woke up screaming and drenched in sweat.
"You have officially done it" Emilia thought "You have had the cheesiest sex dream ever, but why do I wish I were true so much." she got up brushed her teeth and went back to bed.
She woke up again at 4am and read smut until 6am. Then she woke up and got changed. It was picture day.
"I bet Willow is glad her plane is delayed now" Emilia thought. Picture day is by far the worst day of the year. This year she tied up her hair, she wasn't going to make that same mistake again. Last year she left her hair out and it blew across her face. But that wasn't the worst school photo she ever had, she had much worse (I'll tell you about them in a later depressing chapter.)
"Emilia, Breakfast" her mum called.
"In a sec mum" she called back.
She grabbed her hair and pulled it back into a ponytail. Then she combed her fringe out. She couldn't stand hair without a fringe. She groggily walked to the kitchen and picked up several apples before groggily walking to school.
"Bye Mum" she called
"Emilia, you are still in your pyjamas"
"Oh shit" she cried and sprinted to her room and changed into her kilt. She hated having to wear a kilt but there were no pants at the op shop (yes, her family was broke.)
She walked to the bus stop. It was freezing and still snowing. She stomped her feet and put her hands in her pockets only to find that they had holes in them.
"Fuck" she thought "how could this day get any worse?"
"Emilia, emilia, emilia"
"Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off" she mumbled. She knew it was those annoying year sevens again.
"Did you know it was picture day?"
"No I thought it was annoy the crap out of any year 8 you see day" she replied angrily
"well it is picture day"
"Oh god, have you got any ability to detect sarcasm"
"What's that?"
"FUCK OFF!!" She yelled. They left her alone after that. She saw Marcella walk up to the bus stop. Her eyes were swollen and her face was tear stained. She walked up to Freya.
"What's wrong?" Freya asked her
"Oliver dumped me" she said between tears. Emilias face lit up. Was her fantasy finally becoming reality?