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Erza found herself walking down the road to Magnolia, her carriage having broken down.

She stopped on the road, summoning a sword to her hand.

She heard something down the road, a commotion.

That's when she felt it.

The ground quaked and cracked, a large yellow explosion erupting down the road.

As the bright yellow glow began to fade, Erza darted off toward it. Twisting her blade in her hand.

However, the scene she stumbled upon once again caused her to stop in place.

A tall man was standing holding a boy up.

The man had to be nearly ten feet tall, the boy only being short of five feet tall.

And he was being held up. By a long brown tail of some sort.

"Ha! The brat's still got some life in him!" The tall man said as the boy twitched and writhed in his grasp.

The boy was sparking with lightning, burn marks being visible across his face and arms. There was even steam flowing from his jet-black hair.

"Put that child down this instant!!" Erza said in a stern tone, a fierce expression crossing her face.

The boy opened one of his eyes with a pained expression.

As the taller man was distracted, the boy swung his body upward, slamming his head square into the man's nose.

A loud *crack* rang out as the man dropped the boy, one of his lackeys taking a step back.

The man brought his hand up to his nose, recoiling it from pain.

His nose was broken, blood running from each nostril.

Erza blinked in slight surprise as one of the Lackey's charged boy.

The teen let out a frustrated cry of fury as he charged the lackey, a startled yelp escaping the man.

Erza watched in shock as the teen toppled the larger man, slamming both of his arms down onto his chest and head.

The man tried to defend himself, raising an arm, only for the teen's tail to wrap around it, a loud crack ringing out as his arm bent awkwardly.

The larger man, now having regained his footing, looked at the teen in shock as he rendered his lackey unconscious.

The teen, bloodied, battered, hunched on all fours above the now unconscious lackey, a his tail flicking behind him, a primal glare on the young man's face.

"Little brat!" He said in anger, raising a hand, a magic circle forming as the teen pounced.

"QUAKE SHOCK!" The man would shout, the teen letting out a mixture of a cry of pain and a feral growl, landing on the ground, smoking as lightning sparked along his body.

With a growl, the teen slowly went to retaliate, pushing through the pain.

However, before he could, Erza interjected, slamming her armored gauntlet of a fist into the large man's jaw, rendering him unconscious as well.

Erza, patting her hands together, metal scraping metal, turned to the teen, the mixture of surprise and concern on her face shifting to alarm.

He stood away from her, his hair frayed out, steam still rising off of his body, a sneer on his face.

Erza slowly lowered her hands, holding them out in front of her cautiously.

"Easy...." Erza said cautiously, slowly lowering her sword, placing it on the ground. "I'm not going to hurt you,"

The teen stood lopsided, uneasy, a wince of pain crossing his face, as his hip shifted.

As his leg gave out, Erza dashed forward, falling to one knee as she caught him.

Meakly, he resisted against her grip, his tail thrashing behind him.

"Stop-Stop!" Erza said sternly, holding the teen more firmly, her eyes widening as she looked him over.

In his thigh, a large blade was stuck, his ragged, ripped pants soaked through, and not with the rain that had begun to slowly fall.

Crimson, warm and plentiful, a trail of it visible in the quickly flooding soil, as the rain began to turn from a drizzle to a downpour.

The teen's struggle weakened and wained until he collapsed against Erza, his hand falling from her wrist.

"Shit!" Erza cursed, her eyes widening as she felt the boy fall limp against her, she staggered slightly as she lifts him up.

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