-Chapter Two-

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A/N: Hello everyone!!! If you came back to this book, thank you!! I'm loving this so much!!! Enjoy!!! 😊


I woke up feeling like somebody had dropped a cement block on my head. I let out a groan and sluggishly opened my eyes, only to be met with intense daylight piercing through the room which only made the pain worse. I swore under my breath and covered my face with my free hand – trying to massage my eyes with my fingertips so that I could actually open them properly. It wasn't working very well.

"Oh, fuck me..." I muttered to myself, "shit...where the hell am I..?"

After attempting to open my eyes with a small squint once again, I forced them to adjust to the harsh light by slowly blinking a few times. When I could finally actually see, I idly looked around and realized I was in some sort of cheap hotel room. There was a glass of half-finished whiskey on the bedside table, sitting next to some sort of pamphlet that had been carelessly tossed aside.

I had no idea how I got here or what I was doing here. But the latter soon became clear when I suddenly realized that there was a weight on top of me. When I looked down, there was some woman who had stripped bare and was lying on my chest; squeezing the life out of my body like there was no fucking tomorrow.

Oh, fuck.

Who the hell is this?

I took a moment to try and remember what the fuck even happened last night. I remember hitting the clubs, I remember drinking...a lot of drinking. Everything else was just a total blank.

I didn't know where I was. I didn't know who I was with. Fuck, I didn't even know what time it was.

Guess I gotta find out.

I glanced down at the floor and saw that my phone was still in my jeans' pocket. Once I saw it, I took the girl's arms, pried them off my body and let her roll to the other side of the bed – making her stir and mumble to herself a little.

I saw my boxers on the floor next to my jeans and grabbed them so that I could put them on first. Then I picked up my jeans and dug my phone out of my pocket – and my eyes widened when the lock screen showed me that it was already almost 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Holy shit.

The next thing I noticed was a whole bunch of text messages and missed calls from Jeffrey, which made me roll my eyes. Honestly – Jeffrey could really just fuck off for a day or two. That would be great.

"Hi," a ditzy voice came up behind me – and I turned around to see that the woman was fully awake and smiling at me.

My head was too fucked to even think about responding to her. So I didn't bother and kept getting dressed.

"Last night was so good, Harry," she gushed at me.

"Was it? Wish I could remember," I replied without looking back at her, "Jesus, my head is fucked..."

"I can't believe I actually met you at the club last night," she prattled on, "when I saw you, I thought I was so drunk that I was hallucinating. But then, you came up to me, and-"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," I interrupted her, "look, sorry sweetheart – but with all due respect, I don't even know who the hell you are."

Her eyes immediately widened. "Wait, are you serious?"

"As the plague," I told her as I threw my shirt on, "I don't even remember your fucking name. Clearly, I was wasted last night."

"I-It's me...Callie..." her voice was suddenly much quieter – and sounded much more despondent, "you really don't remember..?"

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