-Chapter Three-

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A/N: Hello all!! <3 this one was a bit short because I definitely couldn't fit the next part in 500 words or less lol. Enjoy :)

I was elbows deep in the kitchen sink trying to wash off the rest of the dishes from dinner. Man, I fucking hated not having a dishwasher.

"Come on," I muttered to myself as I fought to scrub a particularly stubborn speck of food off a plate, "get off the plate, you little shit..."

Suddenly, I could hear the sound of my phone starting to ring in the next room – causing me to jerk my head back behind me and let out a groan. With a sink full of dishes and soaking wet hands, now was not the ideal time to answer a phone call.

"Tyler!" I called out, "Ty, my phone's ringing. Can you answer it for me, please? I've got wet hands!"

"Okay!" My boyfriend called back before I heard his footsteps running into the living room.

My ringtone came to a sudden stop which indicated to me that Tyler had answered the call. In the few moments of silence that followed, I immediately went back to finishing off the dishes.

"Er...Alina?" Tyler had suddenly come into the kitchen, holding my phone in his hands, "you really need to answer this call."

"Why?" I frowned at him, "Who is it?"

"Just answer it," He held the phone out to me and began to smile, "hurry."

I was slightly confused, but I still rushed over to the nearest tea towel to dry my hands as quickly as I could. And once they were dry, I hurried over to Tyler and took my phone out of his hand.

"Hello?" I spoke up as soon as I held the phone to my ear, "Alina speaking."

"Alina? Alina Young?" A man's voice responded on the other end of the line.


"It's Brendan Byrne. From Pinewood Studios? I reviewed the audition you performed for my film the other day."

"Oh! Oh my gosh...h-hi!" My heart was already starting to thump inside my chest when I realized who I was speaking to, "What...what can I do for you..?"

"You can be the bloody lead role in my movie, that's what you can do for me," he replied, "Alina, your audition completely blew me away. I knew within the first five minutes of your performance that you were the one for that role."

"Oh my God..!" My jaw immediately dropped, "Holy shit, a-are you serious?!"

"I'm very serious. The part is yours if you want it, Alina. So, what d'you say?"

"Yes!" I immediately replied with an excited squeal, "Yes, I-I'll do it! Thank you so much!"

"Excellent!" Brendan sounded like he was smiling, "Come to the Studios next Monday at 10AM. We'll be doing an orientation that morning. Sound good?"

"Yes! Absolutely!" I nodded vigorously, "Oh my God, this is amazing...thank you!"

"No, thank you. You're gonna do an amazing job," he told me, "I love working with new actors and bringing them to the big screen. There's so much undiscovered talent that the world needs to see. We'll see you on Monday."

"Yeah, I-I'll see you then!"

"See you, Alina."

"Bye!" I hung up the phone, and the first thing I did afterward was clutch my phone in both hands and squeal while jumping up and down.

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