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As crazy as it might seem, (Y/n) never questioned what the "accident" that landed you in the hospital was exactly. While your father said you fell and got impelled, how you got there never really came across your mind.

Alas, it's for the best that you don't find out that you were nearly killed by a curse while your friend died, feet away from you while you were half conscious and best for you not to know the real reason Itadori stuck to you like glue.

Your parents and doctor think that all the head trauma caused by your "accident" caused you to forget the accident along with having amnesia.

It's for the best though.

What if you realize that Junpei's dead?

What if you realize it was a setup?

What if you realize that you can see curses?

What if you realize that itadori is the man you've been dreaming of, cloaked in darkness, singing by the street lights with you?

What if Itadori disappears from your life, never to be seen again?

What if?


As Itadori was hot on Mahito's trail, he prayed that you'd be whisked away for an x-ray or something. Anything. He prayed for your safety with such intense focus, he nearly lost his target.

Soon, Itadori caught up enough to tackle the curse, leaving them to fight in the middle of the street in broad daylight.

Of course, people stared. Gasps we're heard and laughs were erupting.

All who watched him had the same question:

What is this boy doing?

To them, it looked like some young kid was spassing out like he'd been smoking something, but only sorcerers would know what was going on so they all stared.

Thankfully, after a couple minutes, the people got tired of watching him and kept walking.

"Perfect." Itadori thought as he tried to block his face with his fists, as he was attacked. "I can go all out."

Itadori managed to put some distance between him and Mahito but it was in vain. Unlike their last fight, Mahito had learned to adapt and dodge Yuji's moves and eventually they ended up near the hospital.

"Must be my lucky day! Look at that, Jujutsu brat, we're right next to the hospital." Mahito grinned as he looked at the towering hospital.

Yuji bit his lip, "You're not getting anywhere near, (Y/n)!" he said before lunging at Mahito. The patchwork curse dodged however and kicked Yuji in the neck, knocking him out long enough for the curse to exsape.

"Be grateful I need you living to free Sukuna, brat." the curse spat before walking away.

Though Yuji was only out for a minute, it felt like hours on the battlefield. Waking up to your opponent completely gone when you have people you need to protect is gutrenching.

After a few minutes, Yuji was able to spot Mahito once again and tracked him down, immodestly rushing into another confrontation.

"I told you, you won't lay a finger on (Y/n)." Yuji said as he did a black flash followed by a kick to the stomach, landing Mahito on the roof of the hospital.

The curse coughed a bit as Yuji followed right behind him, preparing to attack again.

"You son of a bitch! You'll pay!" Mahito yelled before comtorting his body into a spiked ball, piercing Yuji and sending him flying through the window of a hospital room.

Your hospital room.

By this time, you were awake in bed. The doctor had already examined you and you had torn a couple stitches. You were resting, wondering where Yuji was. Until..


The sound of broken glass rang through your ears as an all too familiar pink haired boy flew through your window.

You covered your mouth and shouted, "PINKS?!" as tears welled in your eyes and panic flowed through your veins. Something was different. There was a rip in his shirt revealing his arm, showing.. a tattoo?

"Sorry hun," you heard a sinisterly playful voice sound from who you thought was Yuji. "Yuji's not in right now. Leave him a message at the beep and he'll be sure to answer after this little altercation is finished." you heard the man laugh as he stood and ripped Yuji's shirt.

"Th- that's right.. Yuji doesn't have tattoos."

"I'm Ryomen Sukuna, the king of curses." Sukuna says as he walks towards you, getting uncomfortably close in your ear. "I can see why that little worm is so infatuated with you. You're a pretty, young thing, so you will kneel before me, pet." he whispers in your ear as he licks up your neck and to your ear.


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