15. Fun Weekend (part 1)

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After the discussion, everyone got into their own room to sleep since tomorrow we're going to Legoland. '*Sigh* tomorrow sure is going to be a great day...' I thought to myself. Then I got to sleep to wake up early tomorrow.

•Swearing words•

Tanjiro pov:

I wake up in my room early in the morning since we're going to Legoland at 9:00 am. I look at my clock on my nightstand, it's telling me it's already 7:00 in the morning. I get up from my bed and do the usual stuff that I do every morning.

After I'm done changing, I walk out of my room to help mother with the breakfast. When I'm at the kitchen I saw Muzan and Akari nee-san talking together. 'What is that bitch talking about with my sister?....' I thought.

Then I walk to them and greet them "Good morning Akari nee-san! Good morning Muzan...'. "Oh Tanjiro! Good morning! Sorry I didn't know you were here, me and Muzan were chit chatting together! Wanna join?" Akari nee-san said. I say back to her "Well why not? I'm bored right now afterall". "Well we were talking about our childhood life, and where are we again Muzan?" Akari nee-san ask Muzan.

Akari pov:

(It's been chapters since I didn't use my oc's pov or I've never?... Ok back to the story)

I ask Muzan. Muzan seems to snap out of his daydreams. Hmm... I wonder what's in his mind right now... "Oh! We were at the part when we were playing at the tree house we made when we were a kid" Muzan said.

"Oh yes right! As I was saying, you were really young that time. I remember I had to save you from falling of the tree when you were climbing up the stairs" I said while pointing to Muzan, laughing at how funny that time was. Muzan seems rather shock, remembering the scene that happened a long time ago. He then blush and say "Hey! I was 4 that time ok?! I was really young and my hand is to slippy that time!".

Me and Tanjiro start laughing at how embarrassed Muzan looks right now. I mean, you should have just see his face right now!

He glare at me deadly. Me and Tanjiro stop laughing and then Tanjiro ask me "Hey why did Muzan said he was 4 that time? Isn't he too young to climb up stairs to a tree house?". He looks rather shock right now. "Oh how can I say this to you, uhh..." I said, feeling nervous at the question he asked just now. I don't know how to put things up, especially with questions that includes our past! 'Ugh! Shit shit shit! What am I gonna do?...' I scream internally in my mind.

"Well you see, uh... I was supposed too be 5 years older than him so it means I was 9 that time, and......" I stay quiet after that and look away. "And?" Tanjiro said. "Well can we talk about this another time? I don't know how to put things up on the right spot. I don't want anyone here to be uncomfortable here...".

"Well if you said so, then.". "Thank you Tanjiro." I thank him. "Anytime Akari nee-san." Tanjiro smile for me. I smile back at him.

Just then Lizzy and Chris come downstairs running, breaking the silence after awhile. "Akari nee-san! Brother Tanji! Muzan-san!" Lizzy shout while running to us.

"Lizzy! Chris! You guys are awake! And, let me guess. You guys are racing downstairs again?" I ask them. "Hehe! You guessed right! And it looks like I win again Chris!" Lizzy say to Chris. Chris just got here, panting and then he say "Hey! It's not fair! You were too fast!". "It's not my fault Chris, it's your teeny tiny legs fault for being to short". "Hey! Stop with my legs!".

And they keep arguing. *Sigh* it looks like I need to help with the situation...

"Guys! Stop it! Can you guys please stop arguing at least just for one day? It does not matter who's the fastest, ok? We're one family, it's not good for family to fight each other," I barged in through their 'conversation'.

This has been normal in our family. They had always fought each other like, every day. If only they will stop fighting, when will they grow up...

"Sorry Akari nee-san..." they apologize to me. "Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to each other," I said. "I'm sorry Lizzy/Chris..." they say at the same time. "Good. Now go wake Mikey, Ennard and father up, or else they'll miss family breakfast." I said to Lizzy and Chris. Their faces then beamed up slightly then say "Ok!". 'Oh! What adorable angles they are.' I thought to myself.

~Time skip after breakfast cause of my lazy ass~

I finished my shower, then walked out of my bedroom to my closet. But then...

"AKARI!! WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!" Muzan barged right in front of my room, slamming the door open. The atmosphere became stranger by the seconds. He then realise what he's doing, a bright tint of blush on his face, as my eyes widened up a bit, I can feel my whole head heat up too.

Muzan pov:

"SUCH A FUCKING PERVERT!! GO OUTSIDE!!!" She scream out loud until the whole house is shaking a little. And by that time, I'm already outside of the room, facing the opposite of her door, then she slams the door close, locking it up.

And by that time, I just realized that I've already fucked up really bad...

I'm really sure that I'm never going to hear the end of her, yelling at me after she's done changing. 'I've messed things up, really bad...' I thought to myself.

~~~~~~~~After Akari done changing ~~~~~~

I'm still in front of Akari's room, waiting for her. Then the door behind me slams open revealing Akari in beautiful clothes. She wears a short lilac shirt, with black shorts and a high heel shoes. She even wears a purple star hairclip and wears two necklace around her neck. And her hair is tied in a lose braid. Wow, she really has a good taste of fashion!

"What do you want now?! We need to get going!" Akari scream in my face. "Sheesh no need to be so grumpy in the morning sis! By the way I need your help with... Those two...". "What do you- Oh I get it now... *Sigh* Lets just go now... I'll handle it." she replied.

1106 words count~~

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