Running Away

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Running Away



My father, siblings and I are at a party. The alpha's son is turning 21 today. The party is to celebrate his birthday and him taking over as the alpha.

After the party my father pulled me up to the alphas office. In his office was him and his son. They were waiting for us. Our now old alpha said "as you know Rachel, Keith is now our new alpha." I nodded and said "of course. That's why you threw this party." He smiled at me and said "well Rachel, Keith ha not found his mate yet and he simply cannot rule properly if he doesn't have a Luna."

I looked up and my dad then back at my old alpha. I asked "what does this have to do with me?" He had stopped pacing and said "you're going to be Keith's mate an Luna."

I was shocked for a second, then I was pissed. I stood up and said "no I'm not! That's not fair to me, Keith, or this pack!"

My dad sat me back down in a chair and said "you will do what your alpha and I tell you to do!" My alpha cleared his throat and said "now, an announcement will be made tomorrow that you are Keith's mate and you will also be moving into Keith's room as well. You are now excused."

I ran all the way home up to my room crying. My twin sister Amber and my older siblings Camryn and Alec found me. Alec being the oldest gave me a hug and asked "what's wrong Rach?" I said "Alpha Kevin and Dad are making me mate with Keith even though Keith isn't my mate!"

I told my siblings everything that happened. Alec was the first to speak. He said "you need I run away Rachel." I sighed and asked "but what about you guys?" Alec pulled a bag out of my closet and said "we'll be fine but you need to pack and run away."

I packed sweats and another outfit and all my electronics. My brother put all my savings into the bag and said "call me when you get somewhere safe."

I ran until I couldn't run anymore. I ran across three territories before stopping. The alphas knew who I was so they let me pass.

After a small break, I started running again. I had now clue where I was so I stopped to eat something. I sat down agains a tree and started to count how many territories I passed. By the time I was done counting I realized I was in the alpha kings territory and I was basically a rouge. I grabbed my stuff and as I turned I leave I heard a twig snap.

I turned around to face three warriors. They didn't look happy. I smiled and said "hey guys. How's it going?" They growled at me and I took that as a sign to run.

They caught up to me of course. one of them tackled me and that's all I remember before everything went black.

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