That one day...

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"Calm down Sasha, your sweating will ruin the dress!" jade announced loudly sasha nervously looked to the side as jade was fitting the dress to sasha's body measurements.

"I can't help it jade! I've never modeled for shit!" jade rolled her eyes, and pulled more string from the spindle "i swear your hair will gray before you turn 32" she said adding a stitch to pull together the fabric hiding the small bit of exposed skin "there look in the mirror and tell me if you like it,and if it's comfy"

Sasha looked in the mirror to see the dress on her "i feel like i'm in pjs, yet look like i served andrias" she said spinning in the dress to prove how nice the fabric was "good good, alright marcy will be inside soon then you get to take your photos" she said putting away the sewing needles and fabrics "thank you for volunteering" jade said sasha acknowledged this and nodded "i only did it for june, we've been fighting a lot,and now she's sick and really wanted to help you. So I offered" jade looked at sasha almost embarrassed for what she was doing "awe! How cute" she said, pulling her hair to the side before freezing with her hand over the newly exposed eye, pushing the hair right back in place "why do you hide your eye?"

The entire time Sasha and June stayed with Jade, she never once let them see her eye. Any time sasha tried to look she got denied or slapped in the hand

"An accident from our childhood," Jade said. Sasha looked confused "elaborate?"jade stopped to think,then sighed

She wanted revenge but didn't want to hurt her sister's relations. She and Sasha were rocky enough , and an issue from childhood shouldn't be brought up to make things worse.

"When i was younger, our dad had june watch me,while she wasn't paying attention i had gotten ahold of a gun the floor and shot my eye, i went completely blind in that eye" she kept looking anywhere but sasha, it made her uncomfy lying through her teeth about trauma but what choice did she have"for a long time i blamed june"

The one bit of truth she had muttered ,she did blame June for a long time, still kind of did. "But in the end it was truly our fathers fault for leaving it on the floor in a drunken state,and June has felt terrible for so long..."

She could say it was kind of the truth,June has felt bad for a long time,and it was really her fathers fault but...

"Oh sorry, i didn't know, june don't talk about your family's much" sasha said pulling jade from her thoughts, oh um yeah it's fine i've moved on, plus you went through worse in amphibia" she said trying to take the spotlight away from her "just because a trauma is different, doesnt mean its inferior"jade laughed at sasha "our father wouldn't agree,heh" sasha heard straining in jade's voice, and looked away understanding that it was something she didn't want to talk about

"Sasha you're up" said one of the producers "okay" she said "see you in a bit jade" jade nodded

Once sasha left jade nodded off into a nap

She woke up,or so she thought. In her old room, she felt she didn't want,shouldn't be here. She got up from her bed and heard the voice of her father. She looked up at june's bed bunk then realized june wasn't there"she must have woken up" jade said walking to the shared nightstand with an outfit she set out the night before,a pink turtleneck dress with some gray shorts

As she finished dressing she heard her door bang open "jade jackson" her father said in a voice riddled drunken furocity "yes father?" she said. Jade was shaking but why? She felt like she knew but...why couldn't jade remember,was there a reason maybe? "Did you hurt your sister?!" she looked at her father his face blurred out by her own mind "no i didn't" he looked over to june who shook her head

'Why' Jade was shocked by her thought "she says you did. And in her eye? The one with her vitiligo?" she was confused "what no! Why would I do that?" her father stepped forward with something in his hand, she was scared, but why was she? "I'll give you one more chance to tell the truth" she was trembling "no i swear i wouldn't" her voice cracked and june tried to say something "dad please" but she was cut off by a gunshot

Now jade remembered

She opened her eye just as Sasha came in "how did it go" her voice was shaky "i actually had fun" she nodded "good, so now we'll go home, would you like some coffee on the way or something?" Sasha shrugged "i don't really care,just nothing messy till i can change out of this dress" jade smiled, and gave a thumbs up "alrighty cher'!" She left with her car keys and got lost in her head as she drove to the coffee shop and back home.

She hated every moment of every memory from her childhood

She got home "Leo, I brought some bacon sandwiches!" she yelled

"I should keep myself distracted"

June bugs a junexsahsa fanficWhere stories live. Discover now