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CW: mild violence

The next day, I still had to wake up and go to school. It hadn’t been long since I read out my self-reflection, so I had to be a bit more obedient for the time being. At 4.50 a.m. in the morning, I opened my swollen eyes with great difficulty. My lower body was not at its best; with my heart in my throat, I touched the darling in my pants. Thank god, it was still standing.

My Ge was sleeping beside me, his defined arms draped over my body. His face was very close to mine too, appearing like a reliant and harmless big dog in deep slumber, or a sleeping sea anemone -- beautiful, but could sting people too.

I took back the compliment I previously gave my Ge about him being like a fresh flower[1], because yesterday he was inserted in me.

Every step I took to the bathroom was extremely difficult because if my steps were too big, I’d stretch my entrance. I finally shuffled my way to the sink. My lips were a bit red and my eyes were so swollen they looked like two peaches, but the worst fucking part was that my nipples had been sucked until they were big and red. He had sucked so hard; was he trying to suck out Assam milk tea?

Before I limped my way to school, I used a highlighter to write ‘pervert’ on his forehead.

In class, my butt hurt from sitting and my mid-sleeved uniform scraped against the tender buds on my chest. No matter how I adjusted my position, it felt uncomfortable, so I just took my books and stood by the blackboard at the back of the classroom. The people standing with me were the most diligent class monitor, the second-most diligent study rep, the third-most diligent who wore small glasses…I was standing with the top ten most diligent students in class. They were standing because they had studied too late into the night and were sleepy now, while I was standing because I had been ravaged the whole night. My teacher was so touched by me that they brought me to their office and called my Ge to praise me for being diligent. From the phone, I heard a laugh escape that fucker Duan Rui.

Today when I went home I had to fuck him until he cried and called me Daddy.

I had thought about too many things today, more than what my brain could handle. For example, I thought about why men had to have two nipples, why it felt pleasurable to be fucked where I shat, did the fact that I had fucked Shi Chen count as cheating on my Ge, did my Ge suck my nipples because he had lacked a mother's love when he was young and if when my Ge and I kissed it didn't count as kissing deeply then when we did it in the ass did it count as making love?

When class ended, the person who sat in front of me was still a bit afraid to talk to me. She took off the sandalwood bracelet I had given her and returned it to me. She lowered her pretty eyelids and said in a small voice, "This is very expensive, I'm returning it to you…"

I narrowed my eyes and sized her up. She became even more embarrassed, her face as red as a ripe tomato. I guessed that her parents had discovered it and made her return it to me.

Great, I actually did quite regret giving this to her. I hurriedly took it back and wore it on my wrist, then snapped my fingers to tell her the matter was settled and we could still be friends.

After nightly self-study, she asked me to walk on the school field with her. I wasn't free; I kind of wanted to go back and eat a late-night snack with my Ge.

I walked out of the school gates with my brothers, swinging our school bags around. A Volkswagen Jetta was parked on the tactile paving at a slant. Its body and tires were filthy and the windscreen even had a few drops of bird shit.

I was spinning a basketball in my hand and didn't notice the car. My brothers laughed and joked 'Holy fuck whose seventh-hand Jetta is that'. A chill immediately ran down my spine. I looked up and my eyes met with those of the middle-aged man who had just gotten out of the car.

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