Bloody welcoming.

549 19 4

The Gas station was like a glowing beacon to you. You stepped into the small store as you glossed about quickly grabbing a snack. "There." I think that's all I need. You placed forward the items as you waited on for your price to be estimated. "That'll be $4.46"

 "Thank you."


You parked yourself down on your suitcase outside. Finally, I could stop dragging my luggage around. Letting out a huff of relief,  you felt a gaze observing. Brushing it off; you began chowing down on the food. You didn't care how strange tasting the food was with every bite. Nothing could get in your way of filling your gut. But the sound of chittering and squeaking definitely did. You looked down beside you hoping to see the cause of the noise. Nothing was there. Was I hearing things?  You continued snacking as you packed the rest away in your jacket pocket for later. Deciding to not stay longer was the best, you would've ended up falling asleep.

You stood up from the shade of the store, just only noticing the rain. Droplets pattered down onto you, as you retreated. The weather had turned for the worst. Dark grey clouds littered the skies, as droplets began to scatter. How could you not have noticed before?! Also, HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO STRAY THIS FAR AWAY? You looked at the map on the window, it would take nearly a hour to walk home. Why did you do this me... You gritted your teeth self loathingly. 

You sighed, as you hurried back inside the gas station, to purchase a umbrella. You whipped the umbrella above you as you snatched your once-seat suit case tightly. Taking in a deep breath, you charged into the worsening rain looking frantically about. Until stumbling across your savoir. Aha! There it was, a bus stop! Thank god, you were saved! You ran across the road, your shoes filling with water with every continuing step.  

You let out a sigh of relief. You had made it. Relief washed over you as you cautiously placed your suitcase on the bench. You had finally made it under the awning of the bus stop.   "..." You stood in silence as you tried to grasp your thought process. A droplet a water hit your face. Why was it was still raining under the awning? You looked up, a piece was missing from the distorted covering. You flinched as you heard shuffling again. You hadn't noticed earlier but a person was hidden in the corner of the shade, shivering. He didn't look too good. Prehensile hairs were blocking his face as he loomed at the end of the bench. "Hey..." You broke the ice. They backed away hissing, his eyes like that of a frightened feline not wanting you to get closer. He gripped the bench, his shirt's symbol glitching. You stepped back, un-wanting to scare the man more. The man slowly settled, as the silence only grew.

He looked off into the direction of the gas station, his eyes in deep sadness. The shirt now reflecting them.

Water droplets hit their arm, as he sat uncaring. The water seemingly gouging at his arm. He was  melting? He noticed, as he tugged his drenched hoodie trying to cover it up. 

"You don't look to well."  You murmur unsure on what to do. He only continued to stare off into the distance with a gloomy expression, as he pretended you weren't there.  "My bus is here, don't stay out here to long, you will get sick sir." You sat your umbrella next to him, before jumping on the bus. You looked back for a moment, feeling bad. Poor Guy.


Returning to your apartment building, your strength to continue on depleted making you stop before the complex. You looked up for a moment taking in the atmosphere you noticed your rooms lights were on. What the?  You feared the worst rushing up the complex's stairs as panic flooded you with every step. Someone had broken in and you had to stop them.

Is this real? - John Doe fanfic (more of a uncanny valley fic)Where stories live. Discover now