Chapter 40 - Grumpy Ass (1)

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23rd May 2004, it had been a week over my due date and I was still pregnant! In short I had been miserable the last week.

I had been so grumpy and moody lately, everyone in the family was pretty much trying to avoid me at this point.

I entered the study room so I could at least take notes to distract myself on this case I forced my colleague to email me the details of since my stupid maternity leave started last week.

There, I found my dear husband sitting and playing Mario cart by himself.

"Aww, look at you, my husband, the apple of my look so cute DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!" I yelled at him, startling him.

"Anne! I was just- I thought you got too comfy on the sofa and couldn't get up..." He cut himself off.

"Well, news flash, I have two babies inside of me and I can still get off my arse to do something useful with my time unlike you!"

He took a deep breath in and calmly said, "What do you want me to do, love?"

"I don't know, I want you to be right next to me at all times! I want you to be there at my every beck and call! It's not easy being 38 weeks pregnant with twins! And I don't even have my job to keep me busy!" I shouted.

"Okay...fine...I'll be next to you if you need me, okay? I'm sorry I actually thought you meant it when you told me to get out of your sight." He sighed as he walked over to me and held my hands.

"I'm so sorry...I'm being so hard to be with... It's just I'm really miserable right now, physically and with everyone avoiding me because of that...I guess I am just pissed and taking it out on you guys, I'm so sorry." I apologised

"Hey, don't apologise, we all get that you're hormonal...I mean, I for one can't even imagine what you're going through physically, you're so strong. I mean if I were you, I would probably be freaking about how the babies will get out of my vagina."

"Yeah, well I am freaking out now! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SAY THAT?"

" already knew that."

"Yeah but ignorance is a bliss!"

"Oh... should not have said that, I guess."

"Damn right you shouldn't have... Anyways, Gran said that we should go to the church to pray for the well being of the girls. She even invited my dad's and brothers so we better get going in about half an hour. So, go get ready, I'm just gonna go over a medical case real quick." I told him.

"Oh...okay." He said.

*In the car*

I was sitting next to Neville who was was going to drive us to the church.

Gran, Alice and Frank were in the backseat.

Halfway through the ride, I heard the three of them talking in French.

"Hey Alice, 5 gallions L'eau d'Anne se casse à l'église" (Hey Alice, 5 galleons Anne's water breaks at the church) said Frank.

"Je dis que ça arrive demain ou après-demain" (I say it happens tomorrow or day after) Alice replied.

"10 galions c'est demain" (10 galleons it's tomorrow) Gran added.

"Ma femme est malheureuse en ce moment et vous pariez dessus ? Honte!" (My wife is miserable right  now and you guys are betting on it? Shame!) Neville shouted at them.

"15, c'est demain" (15, it's tomorrow.) I chimed in as the others looked at me in shock.

"Since when can you speak French?" Neville asked me.

"I learnt it out of that book your cousin gave me as a wedding gift."

"But... learning a new language is hard!"

"Well, I didn't get into Harvard and become a doctor just like that! I got brains! I can do stuff if I put my mind to it!"

"Ohkay...but why are you betting as well and encouraging this outrageous behaviour?"

"Well, I am already miserable, might as well make some money out of it. And you do realise that they are your parents and your grandmother and not your kids, right?"

"Okay...but I still do not support the betting!"

"No one cares, Neville!" I deadpanned.

"It's so good to have a loving and caring wife." He said sarcastically.

"Nobody gives a shit about your rant, bro. Keep driving."

"Why would you call me bro? We're married!"

"Leave me alone! I am very pregnant right now!"

And so...we somehow reached the church with Neville alive despite me getting annoyed with him for I forgot what reason.

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