Chapter 1: Welcome to Woodsboro!

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It was a dreary night as Mary stared off into the distance in the car. She was sat in the passenger seat with her mom next to her and her little brother behind her. Whilst staring, she saw them past a sign:
Welcome to Woodsboro!
    Population: ——
"I have a feeling we're here now." Mary said finally snapping out of her trance.

"Why'd you think that hon?" Her mother asked.

"Because you just drove past the sign." Mary told her mother with a bit of attitude.

"Attitude missy but alright." Her lectured her.

Mary's chair kept on pushing her towards slightly. She turned her back to the windshield to look at her brother, "Thomas I swear to god! Keep kicking my chair and I'll make sure you'll be missing more teeth than just your front two teeth!" Mary threatened to her little brother, "Mary! Don't say stuff like that!"

"He was annoying me so."

"That doesn't give you a reason to."

Her mother parked the car in front of a garage, "Is this our new house?!" The house had a beige exterior and was a gorgeous suburban house, "Yes it is." Mary was amazed by the upgrade from their previous house. She was also glad that her new high school wasn't that far away. Reaching back, she grabbed her bag from the back seats and rested it on her right shoulder. She looked to her left and saw one of her new neighbours. It was a young girl, possibly goes to the high school, who had blonde plats. Her arms were crossed her chest, she seemed worried. Anxious? Scared maybe? Mary tried not thinking about it much and she stepped one foot into the house but she felt like she needed to talk her. Mary decided to go back outside the house and walk across the yard to her new neighbour.
"Hey, I'm Mary." Mary introduced herself to the girl.
"Um.. hi. I'm Diana." Diana still a worried look on her face.
"Well I'm your new neighbour. I just wanted to check if you were okay."
"Oh... thanks." Diana tried to smile.
"If you need anything you can come over."
"Thanks. That's sweet of you."

From afar Mary heard, "Mary, come inside! You need to unpack!"
"Well, I've got to go now."
"Bye." Diana waved to Mary as she walked off towards her house.

-Diana's focus-

She grabbed her keys from her purse. Diana unlocked it and opened it as she walked towards the door. She locked it behind her. Hesitantly, she stared at her house phone sitting on the shelf in her passageway. RING! Diana flinched as her phone buzzed aggressively. Rain began to smash against her windows. Diana picked the phone up, "Who- who is this?!" She asked.

"It's only me, Diana."

"Go away! Leave me alone!" Diana shouted over the phone, "I'm going to hang up!"

"Listen here you little bitch, if you hang up on me I'll gut you like a fish!"

Diana swiftly hung up the mysterious caller as she ran towards the kitchen. She pulled out a draw and grabbed the sharpest knife in it. She placed the phone next to her on the counter.

"Where are you!" She shouted.

The phone began to vibrate furiously. She picked it up again.

"Have you never seen a horror movie?! You don't say Where are you! That's practically a death wish!"

"Where are you!" She screamed at the person over the phone.

"Your backyard..."

She slowly faced her head towards her glass backdoor. A man stood behind the glass wearing a face that portrayed a ghost. However, a black robe engulfed the figure. She could see that he had the phone on the over side. Without hesitation, Diana ran away towards the front door and tried to open it as the sound of glass smashing onto the floor pierced her ears. However, She forgot one thing. she locked the door.

"Boo." The voice over the phone said as she turned around to see him with it's hunting knife in the air ready to plunge into her.

He bashed the phone against her head however knocking her to the ground. He got above her, ready to stab her with the knife.

"No!" She shouted kicking him back. Diana got up and unlocked the door chain and ran towards Mary's house.

"MARY!" She had saw that Mary's window was opened so she screamed for her. Mary soon walked towards her window, she saw Diana running for her life from someone. Without question, she ran downstairs as quick as possible. Diana started to bang against the door and screaming Mary's name as she looked back and fourth between the door and the ghostface man. He got close to her but thankfully Mary unlocked the door and pulled her inside.

"Lock it! Quickly!" Mary quickly locked the door.

"What was that on about? Are you okay? Are you hurt?!" Mary was panicked about her new-found friend.

"I'm fine. Maybe I've got a concussion but I'm fine."

"Who was that?"

"Some guy. He's been constantly calling my phone and today he was actually there!" Diana whimpered in relief that she escaped. Mary hugged Diana as a reassuring measure. Thud. Diana noticed something fall out of Mary's back pocket. It was a wireless phone. Diana's heart raced as she pushed her back.

"Diana, you know it couldn't have been me! I was in my bedroom!"

Diana ran up the stairs away from Mary.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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