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One year has passed since I was first brought to Midnight. And so much has happened and changed. I moved back to the castle with Yoongi as I promised. Jimin came here about a month ago. Yoongi and I have become closer every day and I've seen positive change with Yoongi. He seems happier and lighter.

I stare down at the sparkling white diamond ring on my finger. Yesterday Yoongi proposed to me, and I accepted. But something didn't feel right to me. Something was stirring inside me. Something was bubbling up and troubling me.

There's a knock on our bedroom door and Yoongi gets up from his desk and goes to answer it. Namjoon steps inside and bows to us both. He hands a folder to Yoongi that's filled with a stack of papers.

"I've located Hoseok, he's been preying on innocent people in Seoul, South Korea. It took me awhile to pinpoint him. But when I found disturbing reports about bodies being found with puncture wounds on their necks, I knew it had to be him." Namjoon sighs as he finishes explaining.

Yoongi nods and sifts through the papers. "It seems he's completely dropped my way of living and has gone wild. I'll have to put a stop to it soon." Namjoon nods and steps away, leaving the room.

I crawl off the bed and approach my Fiancé, I hug him around the waist from behind. Inhaling the sweet scent of his. 

"What will you do?" I mumble against his warm back and listen to the silence resonating inside his chest. I haven't gotten used to the fact his heart doesn't beat.

"I'll have to confront him and get him to stop." Yoongi admits and sighs. He turns around in my arms and leans his lips down to meet mine. He smiles against my lips and rests his forehead on mine. "When should our wedding night be? Soon I hope." I can't help but giggle at his excitement.

"About that..." I step out of his arms and turn around. I rub my hands along my arms. I can hear the worry in Yoongi's voice as he speaks. "Have you changed your mind?"

I laugh under my breath. "Absolutely not. But there is a problem." I sigh. Yoongi appears in front of me and holds my face with his hands, he looks pleadingly into both of my eyes. "What is it? I can fix it, whatever it is."

Placing my hands on top of his, I look back into his dark brown eyes. "When we get married, when we say our vows, we will say till death do us part. But I don't want to part, Yoongi. I want to live with you until the sun burns away. I want to watch civilizations rise and fall by your side. It's hard to promise myself to you with the thought that I'll be gone one day, and you'll live on." 

Yoongi swallows deeply and almost snarls at me, he knew what I was getting at. "You don't want this, trust me."

I lower my head, avoiding his sharp glare. "Perhaps not, but I want you. I don't want to be without you, even in death." I look up at him again, but Yoongi drops his hands from me and turns away. 

"You'll crave blood, more than any hunger you've ever experienced. It'll make you think irrationally. Reflexes kick in before your brain can even stop them. You'll go on a killing spree!" Yoongi throws his arms into the air and shakes his head. I step up behind him and hug him again.

"Then I'll feed off animals only. Teach me from the beginning and I won't know the difference." I hug him tighter, and he sighs again.

"You've truly thought about this?" Yoongi's deep voice vibrates through his back and sounds deeper against my ear. "Yes." 

Yoongi turns around and picks me up and carries me to the bed. "You surprise me more every day, you know that? I was stunned to realize that someone could even love me for who I am. But you loved me all the same. You never flinched. And even now, you prove your devotion to me and wish to continue to do so for eternity. I'll never love another soul as much as you, Sarica."

Midnight (MYG 18+)Where stories live. Discover now