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"Hold up just a minute! Can't that wait? I want to hear more." I place my hand against his face and shove him backwards. Yoongi just laughs more. 

Yoongi falls backwards on his bed and looks up at the ceiling. 

"So, you were meant to be king?" I lay down with him, propped up on my elbow, staring at him. 

A soft sigh leaves Yoongi's lips. "Yes, but that was ages ago. That was a different life and this one is my present. For many decades I was sore about it. But time heals all wounds and smooths out the edges." 

Turning to face me, Yoongi leans his face towards me. "I want that kiss now." I suddenly scoot away from him. "But you're so old!" Yoongi busts out into laughter. I can't help but smile as I see him smiling so widely while laughing. 

"Do I look old Sarica?" I shake my head to his question. Of course he didn't. He looked statuesque, beautiful. Immortally beautiful. His skin was as smooth as sculpted marble and I found myself wanting to run my fingertips along his body. But I knew I shouldn't. 

"N-No, not at all." He was making me nervous again. Something in his eyes shined darkly. I don't think a single kiss was what he was after. 

"Then what's stopping you?" Yoongi leans closer and closer, his lips only a fraction of an inch away from mine, I could feel his breath and as intoxicating as it was, I couldn't let this happen.

"U-Um...!" I scoot more away from him and end up falling off the bed, my butt colliding with the hardwood floor below me. I let out a huff as I hit the floor. 

"Ouch." Yoongi laughs again, I couldn't see him, but I could definitely hear him. 

Glad he thinks that's funny.

"I gotta go to bed!" I exclaim and stand up quickly, wanting to rub my sore behind, but wanting to run away first. I hear Yoongi's dark chuckle as I run out of his room and into the hallway.

"You can run all you want; I have nothing but time!" I hear him call after me. I keep running until I'm out of the long hallway and into the main entrance and climb the stairs. I pass Hoseok who was heading down. 

"Ms. Park, what a pleasant surprise. Did you enjoy your movie date?" Hoseok asks with a smile, but I scoff at his question. "Date?! I don't think so." Hoseok laughs, his eyes turning into crescents. "Still playing hard to get?" 

I roll my eyes at him and take another step to leave. Hoseok grabs my wrist and stops me. "Did you tell the master goodbye?" I stop and turn to face him. "Goodbye?" My eyebrows shoot up.

Hoseok nods and smirks sinisterly. "Our recent research has concluded; we've found our master a new target. He's getting hungry after all." 

Swallowing the brick that now laid in my throat, those words shook me to the core. "H-Hungry?" The smirk on Hoseok's face deepens and his face darkens. He steps up to me and sets his body close to mine, I can barely smell a hint of vanilla.

"Yes, he's hungry and as am I." Hoseok grins evilly and grabs my chin roughly. "And even though we have the perfect candidate right here, the master forbids it." 

I press my back to the railing of the stairs to distance myself from him, I could feel sweat running down my neck as I realize something. I don't know how I never noticed it before.

Hoseok laughs and it echoes loudly through the room. "Did you think Yoongi was the only one of his kind? No, my dear, he made me after all." 

My heart stopped, my eyes widened, and my pupils dilated. "M-Made you?" Hoseok grins with my inviting question, his smile shows all of his perfect teeth. He leans to the side of my head and whispers in my ear.

"He found me, struck me like lightning in the dead of storm and bled me dry. He drained me and revived me to make me follow him till the sun burns out. Do you know what it feels like to have your lifeforce drained from you slowly? It's rather pleasant, almost like drifting off to sleep. It doesn't hurt at all." Hoseok's voice burns in my ear.

"Hoseok! Stop. You'll give her nightmares." Namjoon demands and pulls Hoseok away from me by his shoulder. A creepy giggle comes from Hoseok as he shrugs and goes down the stairs. "She asked, I answered." 

Namjoon scowls at him and shakes his head. "Don't mind him Ms. Park. Enjoy your evening, I have a meeting with the master." He passes me on the steps, and I reach out and grab his sleeve.

"Someone's going to die, aren't they?" My question comes out blunt, I couldn't even stop it. Namjoon sighs and nods. "The master and Hoseok will begin to fade away if they aren't fed regularly. As Master Yoongi has been alive longer, he needs to feed less often. But it's time. We did our research; this man has done atrocious things." 

I stare at Namjoon's sharp angled eyes. "W-Will it be quick?" Namjoon laughs and lowers his head smiling. "Yes Ms. Park, it will be quick. Goodnight." Namjoon bows to me and finishes walking down the stairs. He and Hoseok head off into the direction of Yoongi's room.

The walk back to my room is a blur, my thoughts were a whirlwind. They found another target. Another man's life would end because those two are hungry. But if their research is correct, then that man is a horrible human being. Someone who should have had the death penalty to begin with. 

But does that make this okay? 

Taking a life to sustain another has been the law of the food chain for eons. But does that make sense in this case?

 But does that make sense in this case?

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