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This is the second part of a double update. Make sure you read chapter 4 first.

Mature content: Explicit sex

💚Harry Styles💚

"I have a boyfriend," she confesses.

Her agitated breathing has sufficed to make me hard-although it all started when she put that strawberry between her lips.

Damn it. Why did I even offer her food?

"You what?" I question because I have no idea what she just said.

"I have a boyfriend," she repeats, pursing her lips.

Chuckling, I frown. "If you were mine by contract, I wouldn't let you out of my sight," he growl. I'm suddenly mad that this boyfriend is not taking care of her.

"He left..."


"Two years ago."

"So you haven't had sex in two years?" I blurt out, amazed.

"My people are starving, that's the least I could care about right now."

Staring at her, I feel ashamed but also curious. Two years is a long time to wait for someone.

"Y- you know...I could- I-, I could help you. If you let me," I offer. God, why do I care so much for this random person?

"Harry Styles, the son of the Lord Commander would help my people? Right," she scoffs, her comment doesn't hurt me though. Too many people in the world hate us for me to care about that.

"I was thinking of fucking you. It'll help you chill," I declare, being honest.

She gasps, offended. "I am chilled."

She is so adorable, I swear.

"Are you now?" My hands reach to her, tucking an escaping tendril behind her ear. "You almost start a new war there with my brother, out of nothing."

"Nothing?" She humphs.

Laughing lowly, I get closer. "Your stomach is hard." My hand presses on her tensed-up stomach under my t-shirt. "You're all stiffed. And you think I don't see the way your eyes keep glancing at my lips? And this..." he trails off, his thumb sliding over my bottom lip, "you keep biting this bottom lip of yours in a stupid attempt to silence the carnal need you have to be fucked."

I'm not letting her go-not until I fuck her.

She, however, appears to have different plans.

I grab her quickly, her hand trying to push mine away. Pinning her flat against the mattress, I put pressure on her body-right where she needs it.

"Let go of me," she demands. "We hate each other, remember?"

"Is that what you really want, Ashley?" I ask, tasting her name on my lips.

Smoothly, I grind myself against her core.

The ghost of a whimper almost leaves her lips, but she purses them together-as if I would miss the way her body is reacting to me.

An innocent peal of laughter escapes my lips as I stare down at her. "Feels to me, like you just need a good fuck. You need to release." How can she not see that?

"And here is my knight in shiny armor?" She smiles fakely at me, shoving me away.

"At your service." Sitting on the bed, I run my hands through my hair. It's not like I'm gonna force her. I would never do that. The bottom line is...I also really need a good fuck. That girl from before had no idea how to make me cum.

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