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💚Harry Styles💚

The morning sun pierces through the walls of the tents. My eyes squint, adjusting to the burning light. My chest feels cold under my hands. Glancing at the spot next to me, I find it empty.

She sneaked out on me.

I humph. My hands fumble in the tangled sheets, looking for my t-shirt, but I end up finding hers. Shit, she took mine. Well, I guess I'm keeping hers as a souvenir.

Standing up, I stretch my arms above myself. Fuck, if my calves and loins are this sore, I can't imagine how sore she must be.

The thought makes me smile, and that makes me a terrible person, but for some reason, it makes me happy to think she will remember me—her body will remember me.

Wearing low my black jeans, I saunter inside Liam's tent, where everyone is having breakfast. The pool table also transforms into a normal table where we usually eat when we perform.

The minute they spot me, they all make noises, celebrating, and cheering for me. I roll my eyes, running my hands through my hair.

Andrew stands up, walking toward me, his arms engulfing me in a hug.

"I missed tricking girls into your tent," he boasts, patting my back with his palms and then he returns to his seat.

"Damn, she was something," Liam adds. "I didn't think she would actually go with you."

"Yeah, I literally had to drag her," I rasp with my morning voice. "It was kind of fun."

"Yeah," Andrew scoffs, "usually we don't even have to work that hard."

"I guess it was worthy of your last night in Satellite," Louis adds.

Sitting at the head of the table, Andrew sits to my side. The smell of coffee, and toasted bread, crawl up my nostrils. My eyes land on the bowl with strawberries: flashes of her sinking her teeth into the ruby-colored fruit invade my mind.

Sipping my coffee with a vacant look, I realize everyone is staring at me—expecting something.

"What?" I shrug my shoulders.

Andy clears his throat. "How was she? After all the trouble it took for us to bring her to you, you could at least share some details."

My eyes flick among the guys, checking that they all expect the same as Andy.

"You all know you can bring girls here without tricking them, right?" Louis suggests, slightly annoyed.

My brother snorts. "Where's the fun in that?" He turns his eyes to me, clutching my wrist. "When I was choking her I was so turned on, I almost just ask you to share her with me."

Yeah. No, that was never going to happen lil' bro.

"Tell us," Liam demands. "Is she a bratt like in public or does she behave in bed?"

"I wouldn't know, we didn't use the bed," I deadpan, drinking some more coffee.

They all go feral.

"Oooooooh," they sing, hitting the table with their palms. Liam and Andrew make riding gestures that look too obscene at this time of the morning.

"Come on, give us more details," Niall insists as he sits down.

Shaking my head no, I reply, "That's all I'm gonna say. She was my farewell present, so it's only for me."

"Whatever, brother. It was fun playing tricks on girls like before," he states, throwing a half-eaten apple into the bin that is on the farther corner of the tent. He misses.

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