Cat and Mouse

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While Jacob was talking to Laurie about something. Andy made his was towards Alexia. He asked if they could talk somewhere in private, he had told Laurie he would wait till the 26th to start looking for Charlotte and his daughter. He just couldn't wait anytime longer. He wanted to know his little beautiful girl. He only saw her for second, but she had her mother's eyes and hair. She had a similar smile to Jacob as well. He would talk to Charlotte and try to be a part of their lives. He knew Laurie was keeping something from him, he saw written all over her face the moment she saw Charlotte and their toddler. 

"Excuse Alexia, is it? I need to ask you a question, it there somewhere we can go talk in private?" Andy asked her.

Alexia just looked puzzled, "Um sure your Jacob's dad. Mr. Barber right?"

"ya that would be me. I just need to ask you something." he said.

Alexia showed him to her mother's office in the house. The room was all white wall, dark wood desk and bookshelves covered two walls filled with books. "In here should be good, what did you want to know?"

"I know your friends with Charlotte, I know that is my daughter with her. Where did she go?" he asked.

"Andy, can I call you that. My friend she has been through more hell than anyone I know. Just leave her alone. She's happy now." Alexia tells him.

"That's my daughter, I have a right to know her." Andy snaps.

Alexia rolls her eyes. "I will agree with you on that, but you have a family and wife. How it that going to work out for everyone involved. Char she wanted you happy more than anything. Respect her wishes." 

"Do you think I'm honestly that happy Alexia? I'm in love with two woman, who are both the mother of my children. I respected her wishes long ago, but she kept her pregnancy from me." he says.

"Your still in love with Charlotte?" Alexia asks.

Andy goes into his pocket, pulls out his wallet. He pulls out a piece of folded paper and hands it to Alexia. "I read this everyday, everytime I want to find her, every second I'm missing her in my heart. I have never stopped loving her." 

"Ok but I'm looking out from my best friend, what happens when you find her. Your just going to walk away from your wife?" she asks.

"I don't know what will happen, I just want a chance to talk to her. To hold my daughter and hug her. Your her friend and roommate, tell me the truth is Charlotte truly happy without me in her life, or is she living everyday half alive like I am." he says.

Alexia just looks at Andy trying how to gage him. "Ok I'll admit she's happy everyday with Autumn in her life. She's dating this guy who honestly I don't trust at all. She doesn't love him, she just kind of giving up on love and settled for him."

"She's dating a man, is he good to her and Autumn?" he asks.

Alexia shakes her head. "He's arrogant and an asshole. He wants to look like the perfect lawyer life. He's ok with your daughter but he's not a fan of kids at all. Charlotte she told me she still loves you, but had to let you go. She said once she will never have that kind of love again."

"She still loves me, Alexia please tell me where do you guys live. I need to see her, to see them." he begs.

Alexia sighs "Look I can't give you that information, but there is a small coffee shop open 24 hours. I can get her to meet you there tonight after the party. Just give me a time." 

"Thank you, I'll go once Laurie and Jacob are sleeping later. Tell her 3am if she's ok with meeting me at that time. I just need to talk to her." he says.

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