Chapter 2

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This one is dedicated to @dana_monique
For screaming when I updated my other story.
(Whether it was a(n) excited scream or a terrorized scream I do not know. But it was still a scream of something!)
(I think Jamie was ten when the movie was made so I guess he is fifteen now, Sophie was about five, yes? So I assume she is ten.
There was no specific age on
Caleb, Cluade, Pippa, Monty, or Cupcake so I assume they are fifteen as well.)
, (A/N: Belleza Asesinar has 'Baby-Deaths' like Tooth has 'baby-teeth' they work just the same except one collects teeth for their mothers, the other collects dead people spirits to protect while they crossing to the other side so if they should be made into a guardian or something Belleza or Manny can get them. They are even in little boxes like the teeth to. Baby-Deaths are like little hummingbirds but are black and grey but sparkle and look magical like baby-teeth.
Their is also a head baby-death called Baby-Muete, which is Spanish for Baby-Death. It's pronounced (baby-Moo•ett)
She has the blind looking eyes like her mother and a green feather on tip I her head while other have a grey feather and have purple eyes.
Belleza Asesinar's original language is Spanish so every Baby-Death speaks only Spanish. Except Baby-Muete who speaks everything like her mother. Belleza also has a palace like Toothianas and you can only get their by portal or if you have one of the baby-deaths to escort you.
Belleza looks complete human but has one black feather sticking out of her forehead which binds her to the baby-deaths so she knows where they are. Baby-Deaths are made when a baby-tooth gets to old an has to move on(which is usually 8,000 years old)They then go full heartedly into their new mothers (Belleza) arms and job. Baby-Muete is ALWAYS by her mothers side and sticks to her like glue when she isn't on her job assignments.
Baby-Muete is also Baby-Tooths actual sister (thy where made at the exact same time. Which is REALLY rare)Except Baby-Tooth will never stop being a tooth fairy because Tooth needs her to much.
When a baby-death dies, or gets their full use, they are usually reborn as baby-teeth and start the cycle over again with no memory of Belleza so thy can't give away her secrets. Baby-Muete will never be reborn, she will always be a Baby-Death. But sometimes Baby-Deaths will be reborn as a baby human. SOMETIMES. With not a single memory of ever being a tooth fairy or death fairy. (That's what they are originally called. Baby-Deaths is a nickname made by North so it sounds more nice and it stuck, but Belleza calls them her Death Fairies. I am getting carried away with explaining this. So if I think of anything else I need to explain I will tell you. Thank you for reading this.)(OH YEAH! Belleza Asesinar's nickname is Bellinar (Bell•in•R) but Jack calls her Bell. Belleza Asesinar is too long to type very time I want to say her name. But Belleza is her first name. Asesinar is her last name. Just so you aren't confused thinking it's her full first name.) (sorry got carried away again!)(I'm sorry I jut thought of something.
Bellinar knows exactly who and the age of the person dying automatically and if a baby dies. Which will happen. It's because it has some sort of painful maidcal condision of will have to horrible of a life and it would be cruel to let it life in pain. She can see ther furtive when a baby is first born but really really fast. Like in two seconds she will see every bit of its life until it dies. She CANNOT see is it will become a spirit or not or a guardian or not. Because everyone is a sprit and only guardians get REALLY known)
(Bellinar's (tehehe) POV)
-five years later-
"Jim McBridge, ninety-nine yet old!" I shout out to one of the Death Fairies I get another Glimpse (when she sees the future when someone is born or someone dies) and shout out "Stacey Holmes, five minutes old!"
A fairy flues out the opening in the wall that takes then exactly to the spirit.
It's sad that the baby has to die but she would have to awful of a life. Her parents would have ignored her and abused her. BADLY.
Like paralyzed her.
Another glimpse.
"Delphy Omishoun age twelve! Boating Accident!"
I don't control when they die exactly but I do control at what point.
Like per say if they had cancer. I would say if they leafed or died, once I thought about the outcome if they lived. Example, a woman has leukemia(no offense if you or someone you know has it. It's jut an example.)
And she lives, but gets pain In her side all the time. If it's hurts I bad, it's wouldn't be fair to let er suffer. I see stuff like that.
And if a kid commutes suicide. I have NO control on that. It's their thoughts. But if the reason makes Jo since like killing yourself name cause of an insult, then j won't let them die.
If they do it to escape ones parents or something it depends in how jab the parents are.
"Haley Veela age sixty-three! Car accident!"
"Goerge Dempa age six! Murderd."
I have no control on murders.
If they kill the person, that kill the person.
I only give life back I they have important reason to keep living. But there has to be an echo he. Like I would take the murders souls.
It's like a trade.
"Helen Halfoid! Age one hundred! Old age!"
I smile. These are my favorite.
When I live is lived to its fullest.
It's like my version of Tooth and Jack Frost's teeth.
"Finer Fills age one month! Ling failer!"
After 460 glimpses later. (Three hours)
I'm exhausted.
I pluck the black feather off of my head and whisper t it.
"You will obey Baby-Muete until I take you back." And stick it into her forehead.
If I don't say who can control it, then anybody can. Pitch did once and releases all the souls. It took one month to get them all back.
Queen Elizabeth the first's soul was the hardest to get back.
Damn stubborn woman.
So then me and Manny out an ownership spell on it.
Which mean with held it under his moon beams and my death shadow.
My death shadow is of the shadows. Pitch just uses them.
My death shadow is MY actual shadow. It's just does what I say and commands the other shadows to do what I tell her to say.
I call her Queen Muete-Sombra meaning Queen Death-Shadow in Spanish.
Baby-Muete starts to command the fairies and I fly down the tunnel to Burgess. (It's like the rabbit holes bunny makes but Queen Muete-Sombra takes her wherever she wants. Like Pitchs shadow portal.)
I step out of the shadow of a small girl. I reconise, her as Sophie Bennett, Jamie's little sister.
Oh how she has grown.
Her eyes widen when she sees me. Apparently she had been staring at her shadow.
"W-what?" She stutters.
I smile.
"Sophie Bennett. Te last time I saw you, you where only a wee little thing. But now your ten, yes?"
She nods.
"Well then, the gift applies to you now as well."
She looks confused.
So I tell her.
"Ask Jamie what it means."
She nods and walks off.
"Ah...they grow up so fast." I watch her run up to Jamie and...CRAP! It's Jack Frost.
I look around and see the shadow off a tree.
Just as I'm about to jump in. A boy passes in front of me. I get a glimpse.
I see the boy. He is happy and smiling. He playfully hits what I assume is his girlfriend. But he hits to hard and she trips, falling in front of a car. It hits her and she dies. They boy, Jason, feels guilty so tries to commit suicide. Key word tries. His mother walk in haut in time to stop him from getting the rope around his neck. He is then sent to a(n) mental institution and completes his next suicide attempt by starving himself.
'Im going to take extra special care of your girlfriends soul Jason.'
_end of glipmse_
I look back at the boys and They see me and their eyes widen.
I'm screwed.
Jack points his staff at me and fires.
I hold my hands up to stop the ice but Manny stops it.
I sigh in relief.
"Thank you old friend!"
I wipe the sweat of my forehead and pick up a stick.
Writing in the dirt, I hop into the trees shadow just as Jack tried to grab my hair.
Once I get to my palace, I crawl into my bed and sleep.
Jamie's pov
"Jack, Sophie haut turned ten. The gift applies to her as well now."
Jack rubes a hand throughout his hair.
"I know bu-" he is cut off when Sophie runs up and starts telling us something.
"This pretty girl jumped out of my shadow and said something about this deal applying to me now and to ask you about it!"
We both look up and see the girl from five years ago.
She literally hasn't changed one bit.
Not one thing.
She is staring at Sophie with a look of pride and....excitement.
She jumps hen a boy runs in front of her and block our view for a second.
She stars at the boy with...sadness and then look back at Sophie.
She ten sees us staring.
Her calm face turns to panic and looks around she smiles when she sees a shadow.
"She came out of Sophie's shadow!" I tell Jack but he already shot I bolt of I've at her.
She throws her hands up as if to block the ice but it freezes in mid air and dropped to the ground. She looked up at the moon and says why I thing was "thank you old friend."
And writes on the ground.
When she is done Jack and I lunge for her but she is already gone.
I look at the message.
I smile at the note.
'She hasn't forgotten.'
_still jamie_
After we leave the park, Jack flies off to the North Pole and I follow him in a snow globe. I beat Jack by fives seconds. We tell North what happened l and he turns to the moon.
"Manny! What should ve do?" His Russian accent is slowly going away. In a reply, the moon shines through the window and lands on the letter 'G' on the floor.
North makes the lights and soon all the guardians are in the room.
We all watch as the Crystal comes up and displays a picture.
Bunny keeps chanting over and over agian. "Not the leprechaun. Anything but HIM!"
Then the pictures clears.
"I'll take the bloody leprechaun!" Bunny shouts.
They picture shows Bellinar.

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