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Peter can say he has seen strange things in his life but nothing was stranger than waking up  tied to a chair with his hands and feet cuffed together

Peter * mind * " ok what was the last thing i remember , well from what i can think of is the last thing was talking to felicia when i turned around and she injected me with something and i fell unconcious "

As peter was still thinking about his moment with black cat two women walked in and peter saw it was natasha and jessica drew and he was glad to see them

Peter : oh thank god hey natasha , jessica help me out would you

Natasha : oh and why would we let you go peter

Jessica : just to have you escape us that's not possible

Peter hearing what they were saying felt something change in the air and he didn't like it one bit and so he thought of something else to help him out of this mess

Peter : alright then why don't you get me out and we can have some fun in the bedroom ~

Peter spoke seductively and the girls blushed while turning red for what peter said natasha then approched him and untied him when he knocked her back and jumped over jessica when she lunged at him and ran straight for the front door however he was blocked by some invisible force and he instintly knew who it was and he backed away from the door just in time to tuen around and see susan storm with her arm and hand stretched out creating a forcefield to block his exit

Peter : now sue why don't you just drop the barrier and let me go

Susan then smiled and spoke up

Susan : sorry peter but i can't do that now why don't you be a good little spider and do what we say

Peter : no thanks i don't like to be dominated i like doing the dominating so see ya

Peter then went towards the window and jumped out of it and shattering the glass but luckly he web swung away to safety while the girls were all filled with rage at what happend

(Meanwhile with peter )
When peter was certain that he got away from the girls he took a shaking breath and let it out and sat down while deep in his thoughts

Peter * mind * " what the hell what caused them to turn into this last time i saw them they wanted nothing to do with me after the superior incident something is wrong here and i need to fix whatever it is "

With that being hs final thougbt he swung off to where he could get his answers

(Meanwhile with the women )
The girls were pissed that he escaped them and turned to the ones that let him loose with a pissed off expression

Felecia : well can you explain why you let him go

Jessica : well the way he was speaking was just oh wow

Felecia : well thanks to you our spider got away

Natasha : well he  wont get away for long cause while he was still knocked out i slipped a tracker on him so he wont be getting away from us anytime soon

As they were disvussing a fimilar voice echoed out

Julia : good we can't have our man getting himself hurt now can we

Everyone then turned to see it was the new madame web herself and the leader julia carpenter

Julia : soon peter will be all ours and no one elses

All of their eyes then glowed red and they laughed ominisly a dark time is ahead for the spider and the games have just began

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