Chapter One

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(Author note)-

I keep switching up on the nicknames for Rabbit (Rabbit, J-B, J, B-Rabbit, B-R) I know it's confusing and I’m sorry I keep switching them around I just feel weird if I keep using one continuously but hopefully I can just pick one and keep it pushing lol.🤷‍♀️ Also this will follow the movie most of the time.

Chapter One~

Me and Future were running around looking for Rabbit when we suddenly heard some arguing near the entrance to the backstage. When we recognized who it was we quickly made our way to the front next to Rabbit. I went to open my mouth but Future intervened before I could say anything.

“Whoa, Whats UP?” Future asked while I stood a little behind him

 “This guy’s got a fucking problem. Man” Rabbit said clearly ready to throw down

 “You better shut the fuck up.” the bouncer said which Future quickly replied with

 “he's straight dog, he's straight”

 “He with you?” The bouncer asked

 ‘Ugh we're not gonna get anywhere with this shit’ I thought

“Yeah he with us! Why else would Future be wasting his time with your bitch-ass right now” I asked the bouncer in an aggravated tone which in return I got an annoyed look from the bouncer.

Future next to me was trying to keep in his laughter.

“Now you gonna let us in or is their some kinda riddle we gotta answer before passing, cause I think I know ya moms name but i'll have to go through a couple of my contacts before I get there” I said already getting bored, which definitely got Future cracking up.

“look you better just let us through before she opens her mouth again” Future said in between his laughter, the bouncer just replied with a head nod towards the door letting us through he tried to stop me but Future quickly grabbed my arm rushing me to keep up with them but I still managed to throw up the middle finger behind me towards the guy. 

“Come on guys your crazy trying to fight Bouncers and shit” I heard Future say 

“The Fucking Guys obviously got something against me, I go to the bathroom and come right back and…” Rabbit says before getting cut off by future saying

“Rise above that bullshit” which I roll my eyes too 

“honestly cut that ‘white boy’ excuse what you need to do is show these clowns what your about instead of running your mouth about the color of your skin” I say  

“Man what the fuck do you even know about this shit (Y/n)” Rabbit spits back now looking directly at me 

“Dude just look at me, I'm a (s/c) female in a rap world dominated by men, yet here I stand, ready to throw down any time.” I say staring right back at him, he seems surprised by my response but quickly recovers by just replying back with

“(Y/n) what the hell are you even doing here, huh, I thought I told you I didn’t want you here today.” Which is true but these are my friends too and I go way back with Future. I knew him before we even went to school with J-B.

“I can be wherever the hell I want to
J-Rabbit with or without your permission” I said, gaining my aggression back.

We stood there for a little bit longer until I decided to change the subject 

“Fuck whats that smell?” I said looking around 

“Hell man” Rabbit suddenly started to run towards the steps 

“What's up with him?” I asked looking towards Future until he tapped my chest and ran after J-Rabbit

“You fucking threw up on yourself, huh?” Future started chasing after him “come here, Man. What’s up dude?” 

 We followed him all the way out hearing the sound of laughter from the gang who quickly greeted us with the usual hand shakes and Bob asking where J was going which Future explained now Bob was chasing after Rabbit wanting to see but he was too busy making his way to a dumpster? We walked up while Iz started talking about getting on the map and getting bitches or something. I didn't really care to listen because I was too invested in whatever the hell was happening right in front of me which was J removing some clothes.

“Dude what the fuck” I asked which only got me an annoyed look by J 

“Me and Janeane just broke up.” 

“What again?” Future asked, I quickly elbowed him in his side which he hissed towards until J continued

“And I left her the car”

“Oh, come on Rabbit” Future said leaning a little towards Iz

“Let me guess she said she was Pregnant” I asked jokingly until J turned to me and said nothing, which then me, Future and Iz gave each other a knowing look.

“She’s gonna need the car if she's pregnant.” Cheddar said which all three of us looked towards Bob at the same time

 ‘bless his soul, I’m still not even sure how he’s been alive for so long’ I thought to myself

"Nah, Cheddar that shits a load. Hell I've used it before, the man's still paying half my rent even after I told him the truth." I said with a smirk written all over my face from my past achievements.

Rabbit ignored me and Cheddar's comments explaining that he needed a place to stay at which Bob quickly asked about his mom's place which made the whole group laugh.

“Yo, can I get some Fucking Privacy here, man?” Rabbit asked angrily while changing sweaters

“Yo come on man” Future said while pushing us away while they had their little pep talk I couldn’t help but stare a little longer at Rabbit.


(so yeah 😬first chapter hope it was bussin😩)

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