Chapter 67.1- Altar

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The door to instance number 6 closed with a rumble.

Wu Jin, who’d just walked out, turned back one last time––

The light in the gap flickered and shifted. His gaze traversed the silent Garden of Eden to see Wei Shi standing on the elevated platform, tall and powerful, with his back against the light.

Wei Shi had replaced ‘The Lovers’ card that had originally belonged to Jingyi.

The door with the arch covered in complex patterns finally closed and blocked the youth’s vision.

The sound of the densely packed mechanisms of the instance shifting around rang out again, signifying the reconstruction of the instance for the next scene.

Wu Jin turned around, his heart beating violently in his chest. He didn’t know if it was because they’d just fought side by side, or because his big brother had fixed up his gun strap for him.

At this time, the cameras around him were still. It was obvious that the live broadcast in the director studio had shifted to another place––in the last few minutes, the two of them had managed to avoid the cameras perfectly.

Wu Jin let out a sigh of relief, but the rabbit ball in his heart tried hard to dig in with its little claws, flipping back and forth through his memories. The scene from two hours ago in the ‘Judgement’ card instance reappeared, the heat from big boss pressing himself into the coffin overlapping with the scene just now––

He’d been so incredibly nervous when trying to avoid the cameras, but the bottom of his heart had been bursting with secret jubilation.

Wu Jin silently pressed down the rabbit claws that were tickling inside of him. When he raised up his small round face again, he was alert and ready for battle.

In front of him was the familiar gothic cloister, the style consistent with stained glass windows and engraved decorations on both sides of the walkway. Above him were the high spires and dim lighting.

Wu Jin stilled slightly.

He had entered the cloistered walkway three times, and it seemed that the light was stronger every time. Even the temperature seemed to be higher than before.

The rumbling sound of mechanisms shifting came from overhead, like the noise of a boulder rolling by. Wu Jin recalled that when he first entered the arena, the four members of the White Moonlight team had also heard similar sounds simultaneously.

He raised up his head and was finally able to make out what was at the top of the gothic altar in the dim lighting.

Beneath the dense yet scattered spires was a towering statue.

Unlike the angel sculptures that were suspended above the instances, this statue was located even higher. It seemed to be above all the instances, and the faint glow of fire was reflected in his eyes.

He wore a winged cap and had a scepter intertwined with two winged snakes in his hands. He wore a cape around his body that was molded from ice-cold rock, and at his feet was a fire pit with a nearly extinguished fire.

The statue and the fire pit were integrated, standing still in mid-air and isolated from the various instances filled with fighting and killing beneath his feet, like a heaven and hell that couldn’t be connected.

There was a small cluster of flames above the fire pit, which seemed to be the source of light from above.

The cluster of fire was very fragile at the start, and it seemed to grope for progress in the dark, only to be blown away by the strong, howling wind. However, the fire in the fire pit continued to struggle, and soon after, it was gently accepted and combined with another cluster of fire. In the moment that it was about to arrive at the fire pit, it was hit abruptly by another gust of wind and dejectedly dissipated again.

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