Chapter VII <3

373 12 74

October 29th, 2021

Dylan watched Ryan pull a slate grey cardigan over his head. He shot two finger guns over at his friend, "You look great, Ry."

Ryan finally properly looked at him, "Uh. Thanks." He shrugged at the compliment. It didn't seem to phase him too much since Dylan would complement his outfits a lot. Even if they were so simple.

"Of course. You ready now then?" Dylan asked. Ryan just nodded.

Dylan pushed the door open, holding it open for Ryan. He didn't have to worry about his cat since Schrödinger was sleeping on the couch, and the door was pretty quiet when opened and closed.

Ryan glanced at Dylan while accepting the polite mannerism, "thank you." His voice was quiet. He seemed on edge.

Dylan closed the door. He, himself, had already dealt with his fear of going out at night because of the incident. One of his lovely childhood friends helped him, they were off to college now though.

Dylan put his hand on Ryan's shoulder. "We will be fine okay? I'm here."

Ryan tilted his head downwards, avoiding eye contact. "Ugh." He then looked the other in the eyes, "Okay, whatever, lead the way." He took a couple steps back, putting his hands up.

Dylan's hand fell to his side again. The rather immature man looked decently satisfied with himself.

Ryan took a deep breath. The two walked side by side down the sidewalk. "What do you want to talk about?" He asked.

Dylan shrugged. "Hm..." he hummed, biting his lip slightly. "Have you decided on going to animation school yet?" He asked, he was genuinely pretty interested in where and when Ryan would be going to college. He wanted to follow him wherever he ended up.
Long distance was terrible, he was very much aware. Especially during college where money was almost always tight, therefore traveling would be nearly impossible. There would be little time to message, call, etc.

Ryan nodded. "Yeah, actually. I got everything sorted out, and next year I'll be going to college finally." He answered Dylan's question without hesitation unlike at the lodge in Mr. H's office.

Dylan raised his eyebrows, interested. "Cool. I still need to ask if my mom can take care of Sarah, she can even do something as simple as babysit. I'm an only child, and I'm an adult now." He stated.

Ryan nodded, "take your time, I still have months until I apply for college. I already finished my application essay before I went to camp," he explained. "so that's done and done. Now, what about you and quantum physics?" He asked.

Dylan bit his lip, "Welp, I'm still unsure if I would be accepted. I just hope to maybe get a laugh because of something I wrote in my application." He moved his hand quite a bit as he spoke.

"Ah, nice. Just go for it, DJ Dyl. It won't hurt to try." Ryan let the goofy nickname slip off his tongue like it was nothing.
Dylan physically cringed at the nickname. "I hate that nickname, I just didn't want to tell Chris." He said honesltly.

Ryan's eyebrows raised out of the small amount of suprise. "Oh, sorry about that, man. Hey, uh, I have a question."

Dylan let out a soft, "hm?" Humming noise to prove his listening attention was directed at Ryan rather than the owl calling or the sentimental sound of rustling withered leaves.

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