They Don't Know About Us: Third Year Part 16

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Chapter 16:

Finally, the Winter Holidays arrived! Now the students can focus on happiness and joy before going back to school for the new year.

Princess Phoenix awakens from her sleep at a little later time than usual because it's the day that the students who are going home for the holidays will be taking the train back home. She turns her head to see the familiar sight of her faithful companion sleeping soundlessly next to her. A smile tugs on the side of the small lips. "Leith, wake up, my son, it's the day we are going back home for the Holidays," she whispers, gently shaking him to wake up.

Leith perks at the sound of going home.

They pack everything that they will be needing when they return home for the holiday. Soon later, Princess Phoenix and Leith get their belongings while leaving the freezy dorm and entering the icy Common Room.

The Hogwarts Express will be leaving at eleven o'clock am, so there's some time until then.

"Would you like to say goodnight to everyone before we return home?" she asked her firedrake with a smile.

He smiles in glee when he hears that and flies forward, leading the way.

The Forbidden Forest looks so beautiful when snow covers every surface it touches. Its beauty always touches the young princess's heart deeply. Along the trail, she sees a light hue of pink among the snow.

"Huh?" Princess Phoenix asked herself with an eyebrow raised in confusion. Her vision heightens and notices it's a white wolf with a pinkish hue. She looks so sad. "Dear wolf," the young princess walks closer, "is everything alright?" she asked softly, sitting next to her.

The wolf was surprised to see the Slytherin girl this close. She was so surprised that she accidentally revealed her true form. It's a young girl around Princess Phoenix's age and year with medium-length white hair, dark eyes, and pale skin, and wearing the Hufflepuff uniform and winter gear. What stood out was the white wolf ears and tail.

Princess Phoenix didn't flinch or react much. "So, this is your true form," she comments. "I've seen your wolf form a few times, mainly at night."

"It's e-easier at night," the wolf girl explains, softly.

"Why are you sad?" the Slytherin girl asked, concerned about the young creature.

"The holidays are here," she answers sadly, looking down sadly.

"Oh," Princess Phoenix understands. "You don't have a place to go?

"Well, I am staying here at Hogwarts," the mysterious girl says, a bit confused at what she meant.

"It's beautiful when it's snowing out," Princess Phoenix changes the subject while looking out of the snow.

"It is," the white-haired student agrees, looking out as well.

They sit there in silence for a little while before the black/gray-haired student stands on her feet. "I need to get going before the train leaves," she explains, then smiles at her. "I hope I get to see you again soon."

The wolf ears perk at the statement. "R-Really?" she asked with a smile. "My name is Roselia Softpaw."

"Princess Phoenix Bellamira Slytherin-Emberson of Magical Creatures," she smirks and turns around sharply.

Roselia watches in shock as the young princess flicks her hand for a wave.

Leith and Princess Phoenix are in the back of the crowds of students returning home. Everything was going well, but then she feels something gently grabbing her hand. It makes her gasp a little.

"Happy Christmas and Happy Birthday, my princess," the familiar voice of Mabuz whispers, sounding dreamy.

A blush tints her ears as she slowly closes her eyes for a moment before slowly opening them again.

"Enjoy this gift, Princess Phoenix," Mabuz fakes a smile and magically places a small gift in her hand.

Princess Phoenix turns her head to thank him, but when she turned her head, he disappeared. There was a moment when she thought she imaged it, but her pale hand holds a small, light green-coloured present with a small written message, "Open at midnight between your birthday and Christmas".

She looks at her flying lizard confused who also has a confused look.

Draco couldn't find a compartment where he and his gang to be in. He growls frustrated when he was "kicked out" by one of them. He walks down the main corridor and finally finds one.

The young Malfoy freezes in his place when he sees the magical creature princess and firedrake sleeping on one of the benches. His ears grew warm at the beautiful sight.

The gray/black-haired girl leans against the window with her hands together like a pillow and her legs curled to one side. Her beloved companion sleeps peacefully curled up against her leg.

Draco's heart breaks when he remembers the pain in her face from that horrible day. He really shouldn't, but he truly cares for his best friend in more of a romantic way. "How am I going to get her to fully trust me?" the blond thinks to himself, sadly and concerned.

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