They Don't Know About Us: Third Year Part 17

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Chapter 17:

Darkness slowly fades as the young princess awakens. She stirs a little before stretching her limbs out. Her companion follows a similar suit. Her eyes slowly open and blink a few times before realizing where she is located along with Leith. They're on the Hogwarts Express returning home for the Winter Holidays.

Princess Phoenix looks forward to seeing a familiar sight. It is the young Malfoy sleeping on the bench across from her, laying on his side where a peaceful look spreads on his face. She has seen his sleeping form countless times before from their sleepovers, but seeing him so peaceful after months of not seeing it, she feels and sees the peace differently.

Although she's happy to see Draco at peace, it also saddens the young Slytherin. Princess Phoenix deeply cares for the youngest Malfoy, but he deeply hurt her feelings and heart. He knows how much magical creatures and equality mean to her and yet would agree to such cruelty. She sighs, thinking, "I need to figure out everything."

The trolley cart catches the firedrake's and princess's attention. She remembered she has some money left over from the Hogsmeade Trip couple of weeks back. "Watch over Draco, Mummy will be right back," Princess Phoenix tells Leith with a smile before beheading out.

Leith nods his head and watches the sleeping Malfoy.

She joins the small crowd of students gathering around the cart. "Do you have cauldron cakes?" Princess Phoenix asked, noticing the lack of cakes.

"Oh, I am so sorry, dear, I am out of cauldron cakes," the cart lady apologizes.

"It's okay," she's a bit sad about it. "Some sugar quills and chocolate frogs please." She pays for the treats and returns to the compartment.

The sound of the door awakens Draco from his slumber. "Hey," he greets sleepily, sitting up.

"Greetings," the young magical creature princess greets back and sits on her bench. "The cart lady ran out of cauldron cakes, so I settled on sugar quills and chocolate frogs."

"You shouldn't be settling for anything else," he mumbles under his breath.

They enjoy the treats in silence. It's a little uncomfortable since the two former best friends will talk about anything and will be on the subject for hours on end.

The train stops at the 9 ¾ train station later on in the day. Princess Phoenix stands from her bench to get her belongings.

Draco stops her from leaving by placing a hand on her shoulder. "Princess?" he speaks softly.

"What is it, Draco?" she asked softly, not turning around, but her head lowers sadly.

"Would you turn around?"

"I don't see-"

"Please," the young Malfoy almost begs.

"Okay," she replies and turns around.

Leith lifts his little head. He watches the scene before him.

The gray/raven-haired young lady turns around to the young blond man. Her body stiffens in hesitation and slight fear. Big dusty eyes stare a the demon who charmed her with a smile.

Draco looks hurt and his heart grew heavy in pain and guilt. His love shouldn't be this fearful of him. "Um," he tries to speak his thought, but feel his nerves not helping him. The young Malfoy takes a deep breath before speaking again. "I got this for you for your birthday and Christmas." She watches his silver-ringed covered fingers into the breast pocket of his jacket. "I know my family is more into something luxurious, but for me, I believe this is more luxurious than any piece of jewelry or clothing." He pulls out a small bag no more than the size of his hand.

She takes the small bag and her fingertips feel what's inside. "Seeds?" the young magical creature princess asked, a bit confused.

"These are magical seeds for a flower that grows especially during the snow," a small smile curls softly on his pale lips. "When you return home tonight, plant these seeds in a special place where the snow is the prettiest. By your birthday, a special surprise awaits you in the earliest moments of dawn."

"She looks at the seeds for a few moments before looking back at his eyes that remind her of the icy snow. A light hue of blood her ears at how compassionate and romantic Draco Lucious Malfoy is towards her, the princess of magical creatures. "Draco," Princess Phoenix whispers, blushing more while placing her hands on his chest.

"Phoenix," he whispers while wrapping his arms around her small waist. Draco wants to hold her so closely and confesses his feelings, but he couldn't. "I am so sorry, princess," he painfully slowly removes himself from her. "But we must return to our families," the young Malfoy awkwardly says, secretly beating himself from being so awkward.

"Yes, we must," Princess Phoenix agrees, a little awkward as well. "Umm, Draco?" the young Slytherin girl speaks again. She surprises Draco by kissing his cheek. "Happy Christmas," she gives him a warm smile before leaving with Leith and her luggage.

"Happy Birthday, my beautiful princess," Draco finally says, smiling bashfully.

Later on in the evening, Leith follows his mother towards a special spot, just as Draco instructed. There's a frozen lake near the royal cottage that shares a special meaning with the royal family.

"Alright, let's see if this works," Princess Phoenix tells her firedrake as she kneels on the snowy grounds at the edge of the frozen lake. They both dig a nice-sized hole in the ground into the frozen soil with their claws sharpened. A small pile of seeds is gently placed in the hole before the mother and son cover it again. She uses her wandless and verballess magic to magically appear some water to help the seeds grow. "Okay, well, he said that once Mummy's birthday comes around, a flower will appear," she says while covering it with the snow.

"Phoenix! Leith! Dinner's ready!" the queen calls for the two from the royal cottage.

"Coming!" the young princess calls back as Leith climbs up her arm and onto her shoulder.

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