Chapter 5: The Purple Ooze

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As the four girls followed Donnie they watched Donnie running in excitement of what he about to show Leo and the girls. "Oh, my god, oh my god, Leo! Leo! Leo!" Donnie said.

"Donnie wait for us!" Avery said as the girls tried to catch up to Donnie.

The girls saw Leo who was sharping his katana he raised his head up looking confused." Okay, I made a sample of the purple ooze, right?, to expedite analysis of the isotope? But while I was waiting for it to catalyze, I started thinking. If the purple ooze can turn humans into animals, perhaps if properly reengineered... watch this, watch this. It can turn us..." Donnie told Leo as Leo came closer to him to see what happens the girls walked closer knowing what's gonna happen next. As Donnie takes the vile and drops some of the ooze into his three fingers into five." Into humans."

"If we could get our hands on more of this stuff, it could be life changing!" Donnie said then was thinking about how he can take Avery out on a date in the daylight.

Leo looks at his brother and said." We don't need that kind of change."

Donnie frown and upset by this and said." Okay. You're right. To blend in with the humans could compromise our strategic advantage. We have a system that works. We shouldn't mess with the formula." As Donnie was about to leave Leo stopped him and said." And Donnie." Donnie turned to his brother waited for his answer." Listen you can't say a word of this to the others," He then turn to the girls and said." That goes for you as well ladies... and you as well Madison and Riley." Leo said. Riley frown at that she remember that she promised Raphael that they'll never keep secrets from each other she looks at him and nodded.

"I am gonna check on Donnie and see if he is oh okay." Avery said and walks to Donnie's lab.

"Well, I am gonna see Mikey bye!" Rose said and left.

"I am just gonna head to my room." Riley said and left.

Madison was about to leave when she heard her boyfriend called out to her.

"Madison, can we talk?" Leo said Madison looks at him and nodded.

"Sure what's up?" Madison said.

"If I turn into human would you still love me? Or would you still love me if I was a turtle?" Leo asks his girlfriend, Madison stood there trying to figure out what to say.

"I will still love you either way my love rather you be a human or a turtle." Madison said as she went up to him and kiss his cheek. Leo blush but smiled at his girlfriend words.

"Now, I am gonna go to the kitchen and make something do you want anything, my love?" Madison asked her boyfriend.

Leo shooks his head and said." No I am good."

"All right let me know if you're hungry or anything and I will make it for you." Madison said as she left to go to the kitchen.

Sorry for taking so long I was at the hospital visiting my grandma anyway I hope you have a wonderful day bye!

words counted:546

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