(Before) When They Met

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"Yeah yeah! I'll see you in school tomorrow! Bye!"

Ron hung up. He was having a conversation with his friend from school on homework and assignments.

His mother peeped into his room. "Ron! We have a visitor!! It's someone from an activity day we had a couple months back."

A few months earlier, his parents had gone for an activity hosted by the neighbourhood they lived in. Since Ron had school that day, he didn't come along with them.


Ron adjusted his books onto the table and followed his mother down the stairs to the living room. He saw his father and another person he had never seen before.

"This is Thane Hayes."

Thane was a quiet person, with dark hair and a grey jacket over a grey shirt. But he gave a small smile.

"We already got to know him, so you should too!"

"Oh, okay."

Ron sat down and started to talk to him. They realised they had many things in common and soon they were laughing about jokes Ron's parents didn't really understand.

Thane was way older than he looked. "My whole family doesn't have that much tall people, so most of us are short," Thane explained. "But I still think you're cool!" Ron grinned.

Seeing that the two were getting along, his parents decided to invite Thane over more frequently. Sometimes they would chill out at cafes and what not. Ron felt they were really meant to be friends, besides his friends inside of school.

Ron loved to give little nicknames to his friends sometimes, and was longing to give Thane one. So one day he asked.

"Thane, are you fine with nicknames?"

"Nicknames? Uh, I never really had one but I'm fine with it though."

"Oh! Well I've been thinking..."


"Do you mind if I call you Little Man? It sounds really cool and suits you!"


Thane looked at Ron for a second. He gave him a nickname he thought suit him! It was surprising to say the least.

"Yeah, I don't mind if you call me that.."


The two walked happily and Little Man smiled to himself.

They would be really best friends indeed!

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