Part 2

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"You have broken heart syndrome" mer chuckle while saying that "huh i wonder who broke my heart" Nick reply while also chuckling.
"Don't get too excited, i still want to keep you for observation and run another EKG tomorrow to make sure" "maggie i'm fine, why can't you discharge me now?"
"Nick i don't want to find you dead on the ground!" Nick sigh as Maggie walk out of the room. "Nick look i-i'm sorry i didn't want you to go, i just didn't want you to get drag into this huge mess"
"Mer stop this is not your fault. This mess, everything is not your fault. And i wasn't planing to leave because your worth staying for." Meredith smiles.
Deep inside mer was so grateful to find a man that love her so much, after losing Derek. She never thought she would get another "true love." "You go get some rest, i'll come back and get you some clothes"
The Next day
"EKG is normal, BP is good everything looks great. You can go home how" Nick smiles
Meredith walks in, and heard Nick was getting discharge.
"Remember don't get to excited, you'll still need bed rest"
"No i don't!" "Yes you do. I don't want you passing out or anything that gets you into the hospital!" They all chuckled "look i have surgery in 20 minutes, page me if you need me." "Come on, time to go"
"your driving?"
"Yes. Don't you dare complain"
"Fine. But next time i'm driving" They arrive to mer's house, they knock at the door and Amelia opens the door. "Oh hey mer! Nick! Your okay now thats good" "Hey hows the kids? Are they too much?"
"No actually they have been really good. Zola and Bailey is in school and Ellis got a extra holiday""Mommy!" Ellies said with a huge smile on her face and hugs mer.
"Oh hi Ellie! Hows you day?" "Good. Hi Nick!"
"Hi Ellies" "Oh... crap the hospital is paging me " "Mer go. I got this. Nick and i got this"
Meredith finally was convince and went to the hospital. Amelia went to watch some tv while Nick goes to un packed some clothes. After a few hours. Amelia went to pick up the kids from school.
"Nick i'm going to pick up Zola and Bailey from school. Can you make dinner?" "Yea sure"
"Make sure to keep ellis busy or not she will make a mess" "Yea i got it" This wasn't the first time Nick watch ellis, and he didn't think it was going to be hard. But he was so wrong.
The door closed. Nick decided to immediately work on dinner, while ellis plays with her doll. He went down stairs. Opens the fridge. Took out some vegetable, and stars chopping them. Everything was going great until Ellis wanted a snack.
"Nick can you make some snacks, please" Ellis said, while having the cutest, begging face ever. Nick just couldn't say no. "Ok. What do you want" "CHIPS!"
"Ok. Here" Nick smiles as he gave her the chips. She was so adorable. Nick just couldn't hold back the big smile on his face.
Everything was going great. Nick finish chopping some chickens and was about to put away the knife, while Elise was trying to throw some trash when she accidentally nudge her elbow on Nicks arm, he accidentally cuts himself. "Ow" "oops i'm sorry Nick. Are you ok?" "Its okay Elise."
Blood drops almost everywhere, Nick grapes the towel and starts putting pressure on it. The bleeding won't stop so Nick calls Amelia for help. "Hello? Amelia" "whats up Nick, is everything ok?" "Yes" "What happen? Are you and Elise ok?" "Elise is fine, its just... i accidentally cut myself pretty bad and i need someone to stitch it up for me." "Where is the cut located?" "Its under my pawn" "ok hold on i'm on my way." While the bleeding slows down a bit, Nick is trying to get Elise to calm down. He didn't want her to think its her fault. 20 minutes goes by, Amelia finally arrive and saw Nick sitting in the dining room with Elise, sitting next to him with a scared face. Nick still trying to calm her down. "Hows the bleeding? Has it stops?" "No but it has slowed down" "ok. Zola can you take your brother and sister up stairs" "is Nick going to be ok?" "He is going to be just fine" Zola took Bailey and Elise up to there room, and Amelia sat next to Nick. She opens the towel that was trying to stop the bleed, and saw the cut was not that deep. "Your lucky its not that deep" Nick chuckles "ok. wait here, i'm going to try to find the suture kit" "if you don't find it, we don't have to go to the hospital right?" "Of course we do. Why?" "Its just that mer will freak out if she finds out" "well she loves you and she cares, plus you don't have to worried because i found the suture kit." Amelia smiles
Amelia about to snitch up Nick's arm when she saw that the cut was pretty long. About 4-5 cm.
"How did you exactly cut your self?" "Well Elise was about to throw some trash and i was about to put away the knife, and she accidentally bumped into me causing me to accidentally cut myself pretty badly."
Amelia finish stitching Nick's arm, suddenly Elise came down and hugs Nick. "I'm so sorry Nick" "its not your fault Elise" he hugs her back. They all smiles and Nick made it up to them by buying some pizza. They all ate, and it was getting dark so Amelia put the kids to bed and Nick was resting in the couch. "Did you put the kids to sleep?" "Yea i did. Hows your arm?" "Its good. Pain killer is kicking in" Nick chuckles  "well thats the only one you'll get" they both chuckles. "I'm going to sleep now, you sure you want t wait for mer?" "Yea" "ok then good night" "good night." An hour gone by and mer is finally home. She unlock the door and saw Nick was sleeping on the couch, she sat down next to him and saw the bandage on his arm. She was so confused. She touch his arm and Nick woke up. "Ow" "what happen here" Meredith said with a concerning voice. "Its a long story" "tell me what happen" "Elise accidentally bumped into me, when i was putting away the knife. Its not a big deal" "did Amelia stitch it up for you?" "Yea and i took some pain killers" Mer had a worried face and Nick saw it. "Mer i'm fine" he makes Meredith lay her head on his chest and they slept till morning.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2022 ⏰

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