Chapter 6

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How many people do you know? If you counted them, they wouldn't fit in your hand, so let's classify the considerable list of individuals, and reduce them. As I reframe the question for you; how many people are currently involved in your life??

To start easy, there's my parents, not actively in my life as of late, but I feel the need to add them. As they helped me financially at the beginning of my independent life.

There's my best friend from high school, Faye. She's kind to me, and helps me out in tough situations. We never argue, tho sometimes we have disagreements, we always overcome anything that stands in our way, together. Our relationship has been strengthened by time and trust in each other.

Lucas is a strange individual, but they have a kind heart. A person who values tradition and family but isn't afraid to try new things and change methods. Maybe "friends" would be an oversized word for our relationship since, well, we don't really talk outside from our interactions in the bazar. I don't even have their number, but he's a close acquaintance and he knows things about me not everyone knows.

Petra and Lydia, my boss and co-worker. Lydia and I are a bit alike, she's a college student, I just finished high school. She needs money to pay for her career, I need money to help myself survive while I choose a career; it's almost as if we were the same, only in different stages. She can come off as mean sometimes, but you'd be mistaken, she just makes herself be heard and respected, I admire that of her. She's very understanding with me, treats me almost like a little sister, giving me tips and covering for me when I arrive late to my shifts, she claims to understand how I feel, but that just makes me feel even shittier about arriving late.
Petra, however, is more complicated. I don't know much about her, only that she's the mother of 5 kids, her partner helps around but she claims it's not enough and at the end of the day she has to make the hard work. When she hired me I had walked around town for weeks, trying to find a job because my savings and allowance were running out. She wasn't fully convinced, but decided to give me a chance. I don't know her opinion about me tho, and honestly I prefer it that way.

In your opinion, those were the most relevant people in your life currently. They had clear faces and names, an established opinion of you and each their own goals.

There were people you had recently... and not so recently met but you couldn't quite consider them close or anything.

The first name that came to your mind was Doe, John Doe. He was such... A character.
There was also... What was his name?... Lucian, yeah, that was it. I met him at the party Faye took me to. He was sorta fun, daring and confident; I... still don't know his full name, phone number or if I can even trust him tho.

Maison Talo... Of course he gets to mark his name in the lips of people, he's such a weirdo in your eyes and a motherfucking menace, so much that you would rather not talk about the experience he made you go through when you first got here. You were sure you would never see him again tho.

I think the most relevant person I've recently met tho, is Doe. He's strange, and I can't even say if it's in the good or bad sense of the word.
Thinking back on it, whenever I look at him I feel like I'm forgetting something, like we've met eachother for longer and I just forgot about it.
He's nice but whenever I see him I feel uneasy and he gives me headaches, let alone the fact that sometimes I forget stuff and oddly enough he's the one to remind me, as If I was not actually there when I'm around him. And ever since I met him my mind has been jumping in time, there are long periods of time that are missing, I try to ignore them tho but... Well, it's not something you can just ignore easily.
And our introduction was a bizarre one, I met him...
You met him at the gas station the station, and we usually don't talk outside from work.
He doesn't seem to know that I think he follows me to the subway...
You often find each other in the subway
...Since he and I use the same route to get to our houses, it's only natural we see each other in the subway. We take the same wagon but he gets down one station before mine.

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