Chapter 9. (Back from hiatus!)

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Some of y'all are STARVING for a new chapter so imma just leave the notes at the end 🐱

She had told her that a friend of hers had asked for her help, that she'd get fully paid and perhaps a small bonus. But really, since Faye had quit her job, she had been living off of her parents money, and yes it was enough to get her food and pay bills but damn it she was bored as hell.

When (y/n) asked what she was doing so early in the morning, which it wasn't even that early as it was 8 am, she wasn't about to worry her and tell her she had a nightmare and woke up because of it. So she stood up, walked towards the kitchen, made breakfast for her friend and afterwards, as soon as she didn't saw anything sweet enough to shove in her mouth, she walked towards the bathroom, but as soon as she passed her friends room she felt a chill running down her spine.

Well she had been inside her room of course, but somehow this felt like she was about to invade her privacy or even worse, like she was about to see something she shouldn't.
When she entered the room, she noticed nothing was out of the ordinary, kinda messy but not filthy at least so she didn't have to worry about her friend living in filth... However, as she was about to leave, she noticed a small wood stand behind the door, and when she fully got a closer look, that's when she jumped in disgust at the jar that was resting on top of it.

After that whole ordeal of her freaking out and her friend waking up to go comfort her, she felt something she had never felt before around (y/n). Her beautiful and amazing friend she loved and cared for so much... She felt like she had to get away from her. And this feeling made her nauseous, she had always felt safe and comfy around her, so why did she suddenly feel the urge to leave? Like she'd be in danger if she didn't... She knew she would never do something to hurt her, and yet right now she felt unsafe. She wasn't about to tell her that she felt unsafe and needed to leave, but she really had to, so she came up with the excuse of having to work.

But working is the last thing she'd do today. At first, Faye thought about visiting her friend at work... But her shifts were so flexible she didn't even know if she had work today and besides... Maybe it wasn't a good idea right now.
Going back home wasn't an option either, she was pretty bored and the last thing she wanted to do was go home and nap, after all if was pretty early.
So after a bit of pondering, she ended up in "Normal business district". Freaking weird name.
After brushing her teeth till her gums bled, she didn't feel like drinking coffee or anything for that matter, still she entered the small coffee and sat down. Maybe if they asked her to order something she'd have a soda, since that was what she could afford with the current money in her pocket.

Currently it was 10:30 something, (y/n) must've already gotten to the bazaar, at least if she left shortly after Faye did. But as she was checking the hour, her phone began to ring.
-"huh"- was all she muttered when she saw the caller's name. She answered.
-"hey Lu"-
-"Faye have you heard about (y/n)?? She hasn't answered to a single of my texts"- the voice on the other line was a quite worried Lucian. Faye furrowed hey eyebrows a bit, -"I mean she's not your girlfriend or anything to answer"- she replied, feeling a bit weird about his concern, after all they had met just once so he wasn't close enough to be worrying about her... At least that's what she thought, -"ok see- ugh, don't give me an attitude, I'm just worried about her"-. Faye rolled her eyes -"sure you are, knight in shining armour. Anyways yeah, she came home safe and sound yesterday and I stayed at her apartment to watch some movies. She's fine... But man, it's been two days, if she hasn't answered to your texts, then maybe she doesn't want to."-, she was met with a small silence on the other side of the line. -"oh... Anyways, thanks for letting me know she's fine"-, before he fully finished the sentence, Faye replied to his previous silence, -"no way, don't tell me you felt bad about her not replying. You haven't even talked to her while fully sober!"- -"you were the one who gave me her phone and got my hopes up, Faye!"- -"dude I just said she MIGHT like you, besides I was drunk anyways"- she now felt bad about giving her friends phone to someone without asking for her permission first. Even as she was giving him her number, she had a feeling at the back of her head that she shouldn't have been doing that, but she did and that made her feel like a bad friend. At least it was someone she knew, she wouldn't give her number, or any information for that matter, to a complete stranger.
-"anyways, thanks for letting me know about her. See you"-, before Faye could answer, he hung up. "Fragile ass" she thought while putting her phone down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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