Human!Absol X reader

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(Y/n) was walking next to her Pokemon meowth who smiled up at her as the (h/c) girl looked at her meowth and smiled back, till the both heard a rustling sound coming from In front of them, and (y/n) looks up to see a boy that looked like the Pokemon absol, he had white hair but a streak black that goes up wards, but then the boy fell to the ground and stop moving and (y/n) noticed that and flipped out, so she ran up to the strange boy and called out her Charizard to carry the boy the her to her house that was near bye.

*~*absol's pov~*~
I started to move a little and then my eyes fluttered open, and I started to feel a lot of fluff and warmth, I then looked and saw I was laying on a fluffy blanket with 3 eevees laying next to me, I then looked to my left and saw a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair, with her back to me, she seemed to me be humming a little toon and cutting up some carrots, and other veggies, I then sat up and had pain shot throw my body, I forgot one my group found out about me being able to turn human they attacked me,

"Oh your up, I was worried you would not wake up," I heard a girls voice and looked back at the girl to see she was smiling at me,

"..." I stayed quite

"It's ok if you don't wanna talk, oh and I hope your ok with veggie soup, i thought it would be the best for you since you are so hurt, oh and I should clean your wounds again," the girl said smiling still and picked up some stuff and walk over to me and I scooted away.

"I know you don't want this but it's for the best..." she then frowned, for some reason I did not like he frowning so I stayed still and she started to unwrap me bandages that I failed to notice where on me.

"So will you at least tell me your name?"

"Absol..." I whispered

"Like the Pokemon? It's kind of odd that you look like an Absol,"
She then smiled a big smile at me and I blushed,
" one I use to have an Absol...she took good care of me, she was like my mother, when I was little she found me a toddler abandoned in the woods, so she just took me in he clans disliked it tho so the kicked her out, but no matter what she stayed bye my side, but once I was 19 she died... She died protecting me from a ursaring, that randomly attacked me......" the girl then looked sad very sad, and I wanted to hug her, but she was still cleaning my wounds.

"Oh by the way my names (y/n), (y/n) (l/n)" (y/n) then smiles again, and I smile back,
"Welp there done with that" she then walked away and put up her supplies and got a bowl out and poured some soup in the bowl and walked over and handed it to me.

"I hope you like it I suck at cooking,"

I took a spoonful and plopped it in my mouth and then blushed, it tasted amazing
"No is very good, I love it"
She then blushed

"Umm thanks" she said happily, hmm I think I'll like this Human

(My friend asked for this ^.^ and anyone for part two? I'm still taking requests Y-Y but no ones asking for any sadness, Welp hope you like)

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