(Beomgyu) kimchi pancakes!

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AY ITS 3AM ALREADY... lets go to sleep please- she mumbled getting closer to beomgyu and snuggling him in his chair.

Beomgyu had his headsets on and was playing CsGo(a shooter game) with his mates.

He gently stroked her head while taking his headsets off and whispering - You need something hon?

No i just miss you -she whispered back.

We were together the whole day -he replied.

I know but the bed is cold without you and now it feels warm, like HOME -she said while still snuggled up to him.

we should go to sleep BEOMGYU its 3am, i know its sunday tomorrow but yet we should get 8 hours of sleep -she gets out of the snuggles and faced him. Faces a few inches far, she stared into his eyes while both her hands where cups in his cheeks.

Beomgyu picks her up while taking a stand as well. She locked her legs behind his hips. He walked towards the bed and slowly placed her on her side of the bed and places a kiss on her head before pulling the blanket up.

Get the lights please -she says before he gets in bed and he does so.


He shouts -I'll finish the game i left bahhahagaha bYEeeee and runs towards his pc as quick as he could.

That bitch -she says with a frown in her face.

I am locking the door. YOU DESERVE TO SLEEP IN THE COUCH FOR THAT BASTARD - she shouted and locked the door before getting in the bed.


4AM wah time does fly -he quotes as he walks toward the bedroom.

He pushes the door to his bedroom, but fails and realises that it was locked from the inside. He called her through his phone.

He could clearly hear her ringtone go off but he also knew that it wasn't loud enough to wake her up. Living with her the past years, he knew she was a heavy sleeper.

With the face of defeat he walked towards their couch in the living room and layed down their in hopes of getting some sleep.

He dozed off as soon as he layed down his head.


ugh -he signed as she gets to stretch his body. He had his body covered with a blanket and the smell of kimchi pancakes filled in the room.

He went in the kitchen and walked towards y/n preparing breakfast.

He embraced her from the back, and got y/n startled.

They are for me, not you -she announced with a grin in her face.

ahwaskks LOVE HONEY MY GIRL THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! i beg for your forgiveness -he bowed asking for the forgiveness.

She turned and faced him, saw his puppy eyes and wouldn't help but forgive him, but made him promise to never do it every again but he did it again though:)


a/n: i hope you enjoyed reading and heres our boyfriend beomgyu;

a/n: i hope you enjoyed reading and heres our boyfriend beomgyu;

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