Chapter 8

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—- Ki —-

I got home around 11:30 at night. When I got there D was sleep. He's so cute when he sleep. Even with his mouth open.

I got in the shower for a good 30 minutes. I needed that shower. I had been walking and driving around all day . Letting the water just hit my body Felt so good . After my good great shower I slipped on some pajamas , got in bed with D and just watched TV until I fell asleep. When I was finally deep into my sleep , I heard a loud ass knock on the door. D hopped up so quick. Grabbed his gun from under the bed and went downstairs. I was about to grab mine too until he looked at me and said " stay here Ki " . I smacked my lips and said " okay " .

Once I knew he was on like the third step (because I know his footsteps even when he trying to be quiet) I grabbed my gun too the fuck ? He thought I was gone let him go down there by himself. Hell nah ! Once he heard me come up behind him he turned around , shook his head and rolled his eyes. Ha ! Mad ass. What I look like letting my nigga go to the door by hiself at this time of night .

D finally gets to the door and ask who it is? Looking through the peep whole he couldn't tell . They had on all black it look like.

" It's Ced nigga " - the guy said

Ced is one of D's workers/security. D looks at me like he confused . Shit I am too , Ced don't really be on security duties for D because he be making moves most of the time .

So D opens the door and *POW *

D laying on the ground while blood is gushing out of his stomach. While trying to cover D up I see the nigga running and ran out and shot that nigga twice in his back . Come to find out it wasn't even Ced.

D main security guard Ron came running down the street. He lives like 3 houses down. Ron called Meech and Meech  was there within 5 minutes.

"What the fuckhappened?" He asked as we trying to get D in the car

" Man i don't fucking know. It all happened so quickly , I Don't fucking know !!! " I yelled . I'm really panicking but I'm trying to tell D stay strong .

" Come on baby , stay strong for me , for your family , for our baby . " I whisper.

"B-b-b a b-by" he says trying to get the word baby out. I'm trying to talk to him as calm as I can so he won't shut his eyes.

" yes baby , we' re having a baby . " I said


He smiled but very weakly. My baby was gone make it I know he was . We finally made it to the hospital . It took us about 5-7 minutes to get there but it felt way more then that. Ron hurried up and got out the car and ran to the door yelling "we need help my brothers been shot !! " automatically nurses came running out.  Immediately giving him oxygen to breathe out off. I tried to go back there with them , but they wouldn't let me which was irritating as fuck. Anyways I went to the waiting room because I obviously had no choice. I got to reminiscing about everything me and D had been through. I remember when I first saw. He caught my eye. He was the new boy at our school. I was a sophomore and he was freshman.

" He is so cute "  I said to Janise.

"Girl who ?"

" Him "  I pointed to D fine ass.

After I just kept saying he was cute I decided I was going to say Hi. ( lol)

Aye " "

" Me ?" He pointed to hisself

" Yeah you , Hey "

" Uh hey " He waved.

I ran back to class all giggly and shit.

" He said hi to me yall " I said to Janise and Barb.

After that I just kept saying hi to him . I remember him telling his teacher " I don't even know her ". It was so funny to me. Another day I said Hi and Turned around and he gave me that look and was like " hey Bae"  . I was shocked as hell. Man those were the days when I was just having fun with him I never thought we would be here. He always saying if you would've never said hi .  We wouldn't be here. " yaaass Bae I know " I thought to myself. I had been thinking for so long I didn't even notice I was crying. Well it felt like a long time. I had called Mama D and his brother Joshua . Just when I looked up they were walking in. You can tell Josh was mad and Mama D had been crying . She came over and hugged me , rubbing my back. I went back to reminiscing . One night I was on the phone with D and I was crying. He just kept saying " It's alright mama, It's alright mama". I turned to mama D and said "it's gone be alright mama". She hugged me even tighter.

We finally calmed down and I told her I was going to be back . I always told D I was going to ride for him rather he right or wrong because that's my baby. So in order to do that I told myself to stop crying. I walked into the bathroom and threw some water onto my face trying to calm down more. Dried my face and face my back towards the sink. I took a deep breath and started praying. Something I had not done in a long time.

" Dear god, I know it's been too long , but man I need you right now. I need D right now. I know it was kind of selfish for telling him that we were having a baby at the moment but thats the first thing I thought of. I didn't want my baby to grow up without her daddy like I did. I refuse. WE refuse. Just help my baby pull through. I have faith in him . Thank you god. Amen. "


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