Chapter 11

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- Kiara
       I walked out his house with a smile on my face. I was not phased by what happened at all. I got In the car and Janise gave me a look . " Um why you looking at me like that ? " I said

" Cause what the hell I'm doing out at this time of night ?" She said  .

Bout time we pulled up to her house , I was done with my story and she was so shocked the whole time . " lol what bitch ? You suprised?" I asked her. " hell yeah girl and I'm proud !" She said while giving me a high five.

When I got in I kicked off my shoes and put on my Pjs and I was out .

** 4 months later **

Well I had been working at a hair and nail shop down the street from Janise house so I could save up to get my own place . I should probably have in about two months and I'll be out Janise's hair. While I had been staying here i was doing a lot of thinking and was talking to my mother more than usual. And I found out that my grandmother had left me $200,000 dollars in the bank for me . Mama said she never told because she felt i should only use it for an emergency , but now she feels that I'm mature enough to just have it. But I'm not going to use it just yet. There's no reason to. I want to earn my money to get my own place and my own shop.

Soooo I've been kicking it with someone new. Well really like an old friend. He's not like Darrion. He's a real estate agent and from what he tells me it seems like he got bank. But I don't really care about the money. Honesty Everything has been going good so far. He comes to see me everyday and every chance he gets. I told mama about about him and I think she's kinda liking him.

*phone rings*

Well speaking of the devil , as I laughed to myself.

" hello "
" wassup lil baby "
" hey Johnny"
" what you doing tonight?"
" nothing I was planning on going over to Janise's house. Why wassup?" I said, blushing a lil bit.
" well I wanted to take you out tonight. Is that cool with you? " he said
" yeah where we going ? " I asked
" girl don't worry about all that. Just be ready by 8 aight ? " he said as he did a lil chuckle
" yeah alright Johnny bye "
*phone call ends*

Johnny is a real sweet guy. But you never know cause true colors will eventually show. There's always a catch. Well it was 5 already so I decided to take nap .

I turned over and looked to my right to hear my notification ringer letting me know I had a text from Janise. Then I checked the time.

OH SHIT! It's 7:00! I can't even text Her back. I gotta get ready for this lil date. I hurried up hopped in the shower for 15 minutes and picked out something to wear. It's now 7:20 and I still haven't found shit to wear ! Fuck it, I pulled out some white high waste ripped jeans with my baby white tee and my high top all white Air Force ones. I think I was feeling godly lmao. After lotioning up and putting on my clothes I did my hair. I didn't feel like curls today cause it was hot so I just straightened my hair and bout time I was done picking a purse out Johnny was texting me he outside . 7:40p.m as I read on my phone. Hhhm🤔 on time. He gets some cool points there.

As I'm walking to the car I see Johnny getting out . Uum what is he doing as I think to myself . And to my surprise he's opening the car door for me .

Awww isn't that sweet , I thought to myself.

*30 minutes later*

Within 30 minutes later we pulled up to this restaurant on the Westside called KUZZOS. When I walked in I was kind of embarrassed because of the way I was dressed. I could've put on my more chill clothes. Jeans and a T-shirt. He could've warned me right?

" Hi my name is Jasmine , I'll be your waiter for tonight. Can I start you off with our famous KUZZOS kool-aid or a drink of your liking? "

Ooh I like her. She wasn't rude. She kept her eye contact between me and Johnny the whole time. And I'm only saying that cause the mf is kinda fine lol.

" Oh yes I'll I just have the blue raspberry kool-aid" I said

" And I'll have the same as well " Johnny said looking at me

" okay I'll be right back with your drinks" Jasmine said as she walked off.

"I like her" I said.
"She cool I guess , I'm just worried about you. Tell me about yourself. How has life been treating you since the seventh grade?" We both bust out laughing because literally that was the last time I seen Johnny.

   Well Mr. Johnny it wouldn't make sense to tell you every little detail cause-- I was cut off when I look to my right and seen D coming towards my way.

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