Chapter 9

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(please excuse typos)

Liam's POV

Ouch my back is killing me.

I looked around and saw that i've fallen asleep on the cold tile of the school floor.

I turned my head to see if Zayn was still next to me and sure enough he was. Not only was he next to me, his face was snuggled into my chest like a kitten would.

Is it weird to compare Zayn to a kitten? Na i'm just over thinking things again.

I gently stood up gently removing Zayn's body from my torso, not wanting to wake him, and headed toward the others 'bed rooms' to see who's awake already.

As I enter the cafeteria I see Anita and Scotty sitting in the corner. In a cuddling typeish position.

As I try to sneak away to give them their privacy my clumsy self trips over some rubbish and let out a 'manly' yelp.

"Oh Liam when did you get there?" Anita said running over to help me up.

"I just woke up and was looking around to see if anyone was awake." I replied taking her hand to pull myself up.

"Oh well me and Scott are wide awake now" She said

"Oh well I was trying to let you and Scotty have your moment but... yeah. I trip over this soda bottle." I say

"Well it's fine don't worry about it." She said grabbing Scotties hand as he walked up to us as well.

"Good morning." A voice called as someone walked through the doors.

"Morning Niall" The three of us said

"Guyss i'm hungry and I can't take it anymore." Niall said rubbing his stomach.

"Yeah so am I, it's been a while" Scotty said walking over to the kitchen area.

"I really hope these cult nerds didn't eat the whole supply of food." Anita said following.

"C'mon Ni, hopefully there's some of that pizza you always asked other people for during lunch." I said heading to to kitchen as well.

"Aww man they only left a pint of milk." Scotty said opening the single remaining pint carton.

"Hey why do you get it?" Anita said trying to grab it as Scotty held it above his head out of her reach.

"Cus I found it. Finders keepers losers weepers." He said downing the carton in a few gulps.

"Ugg sometimes I really hate you" Anita replied to Scotty punching him in the you know where area causing him to fall to the ground.

I'd feel bad for the lad if that wasn't the last carton of milk.

"Well this blows now there isn't anything to eat." Niall said looking at the ground pouting.

"Well Niall would that really fill you up all the way?" I asked

"No. But none of us have eaten since the first chapter and the author didn't even write that part he just mentioned Louis cutting up a fish." Niall replied.

We all looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Yeah what author?" Anita said

"And what chapter?" Scotty followed.

We all gave Niall a funny look waiting for a response.

"Uhh I gotta go umm... COMING JOSH!" And with that the little leprechaun ran out the room.

Eight?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora