💜 Chapter 1 💜

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Saiki Kusuo had never considered his life to be anything near normal or a regular person, no matter how much he desired it to be so. He had still accepted this fate and allowed himself to exist as well as he could without being the centre of any attention. He was supposed to remain a wallflower amongst the loud students of P.K Academy that were his classmates.

Even today had been all sorts of regular – Kusuo had woken up and gotten ready for school, arriving on time and finding his seat to sit and wait for his homeroom teacher to arrive. He was supposed to attend his classes on their first day back and he was supposed to simply return back home afterwards.

Yet there had been some irregularities today that Kusuo had noticed since he stepped out of his front door: someone had moved into the home next to them, and their teacher had not yet returned back to their classroom when she was not usually this late.

And then, everything made sense as the door to the classroom slid open and a pleasant waft of flowery scent entered the room as everyone turned to find their homeroom teacher accompanied by another person: a teenaged girl that none of them recognised.

"Welcome to your new class," said the teacher to the girl as they came to the front of the class. "Everyone, this is Minamoto Nadeshiko, I want you all to be nice to her. Introduce yourself now,"

Minamoto Nadeshiko was a very Japanese-esque name, an epitome of ordinariness, if possible, with her slender figure, pale skin and her black hair. Yet still, somehow, she subverted those expectations by a huge margin.

This Minamoto Nadeshiko had long black hair that were not straight, they were curly. Her eyes were a brilliant shade of violet and she was taller than average, carrying herself with poise. Her pretty pink lips were pulled into a lovely smile as she looked at everyone.

"My name is Minamoto Nadeshiko, as you have heard," Nadeshiko introduced. "I am from Kyoto and moved here last night," She bowed deeply. "I hope we can all be friends,"

"Good," said their teacher. "Well, you will be taking your seat..." She browsed around. "Yes, you'll be taking your seat by that window over there, the desk next to Saiki-Kun. Saiki-Kun, raise your hand,"

There was no need for Kusuo to raise his hand because everyone had turned to look in his direction, giving away his presence to Nadeshiko. She smiled at him as she walked over and took the seat to his left, and she sat in a way that was so elegant and light that it took him a moment to realise it.

If the thoughts had been overwhelming earlier, they were almost deafening as everyone tried to find their opinion about the new girl – there was curiosity, eagerness, jealousy and apprehensiveness, all of them targeted right toward the blissfully ignorant Nadeshiko.

Kusuo glanced toward the girl from the corner of his eyes while the teacher spoke about whatever, and as he entered her mind, he felt a strange feeling rush through his body that took him by surprise.

It was a liberating feeling, when Kusuo looked into her mind, the vastness of it, the peacefulness of it, the sereneness of it – it felt as if he had fallen off of his chair and right into the elysian fields.

There was a quietness of it was almost overwhelming but Kusuo found that while her mind appeared to be clear of any intrusive thoughts, it wasn't entirely empty like Nendo Riki's – there were thoughts within there but they didn't come to him as they were meant to.

In short, Kusuo could not read the girl's mind, and that made him a bit suspicious. Although he admitted he could do without having to read another mind but he couldn't help being curious about it.

Riki was stupid, that was the reasoning behind his mind being so empty and Kusuo for not being able to read his thoughts. But what was up with this new girl? Kusuo wanted to figure her out quickly.

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