💜 Chapter 7 💜

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Kusuo walked along with Nadeshiko as they made their way toward their classroom, and the boy was immediately disgruntled by the thoughts overfilling the room. Nadeshiko looked toward him curiously, but he didn't say anything as they set their things down upon their desks. However, he soon felt like he should've definitely engaged her in a conversation because others arrived to do so.

It was not new to Kusuo that many of their classmates and beyond, regardless of being boys or girls, were positively into Nadeshiko. She had captured their attention as much as she had ensnared his heart. And because she was so lovingly kind and courteous, Nadeshiko greeted them back with her beautiful smile. Kusuo wished it was only reserved for him.

The classroom was filled with the woes of the break-up season that approached every year. Kusuo sat in silence, listening to the louds voices and thoughts of his classmates as they discussed their tragedies.

"What?!" exclaimed one of the boys as he looked toward his despondent friend as he finished explaining his break-up situation with his girlfriend. "You broke up with Minako-Chan?!"

"Keep your voice down," responded his friend at once.

"So, you're single again, huh?" commented another boy. "Welcome back,"

"My ex-boyfriend would get jealous over nothing," complained one of the girls as they discussed the reason behind their breakup, and the rest nodded along.

"Mine, too," agreed one of the others.

It was due to this reason – the season of breakup – which swept across his classmates that Kusuo found himself rather weary about romantic love. Yet he felt like it wouldn't be the same with Nadeshiko. They were meant to be together, and he would never control her life like other boys did.

I don't get what is so appealing about romance...
It's a mystery to me... yet I want it entirely with her.

That was what it was: the word romance was completely associated only with Minamoto Nadeshiko. She was the crux of romance in his life – the very embodiment of the word 'love' for him. Although they were not in a 'romance' together, Kusuo associated pleasant feelings with her and only her.

Yet right now in time, Kusuo felt a bit frustrated that his future wife's attention was not entirely on him. She was being hoarded away from him by their classmates and those visiting their classroom. But the one attention that was upon him came from an entirely undesirable place:

Oh, no... I'm looking at Saiki-Kun again.

Those words came from an entirely undesirable place – from Yumehara Chiyo. She had once housed a crush on him, but that crush had only brought Kusuo and Nadeshiko closer. Kusuo had been sure that he had evaded all of hr advances until she had given up on him and dated someone else. He was not sure why she had suddenly decided to stare at him once more.

He's got such kind eyes... the face of a prince... and such fair skin.
I can't keep my eyes off him!

Kusuo hoped that Chiyo would get those eyes checked out quickly but at the same time, he felt a bit disgruntled. There was nothing he would not give up just so that he could get to know what Nadeshiko thought about him – did she also found him to have kind eyes, princely face and fair skin? Was she even into that sort of guys? What if she liked rugged, tanned skin men?

When I think of Nadeshiko –
I think of a lovely voice, beautiful eyes and soft skin.

This was only the surface of what Kusuo could say to describe Nadeshiko. She was the kindest person that he had ever met, and every aspect of her was so gentle that it was incomparable. He wished that he could somehow figure out what she was feeling about him aside from friendly.

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