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Walking into school was never a big deal. Well, that was until today. All I heard about was girls talking in the hallways about how their beloved Jay was now single and that they all had a chance with him. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. How could they all be in love with this one guy? Not to even mention that they haven't spoken one word to him. I mean, I can see that he's attractive but other than that he was an inconsiderate asshole. How could anyone really like him? I couldn't help but be curious about why he's suddenly single though.

I went to my locker and put my backpack inside when someone suddenly jumped up beside me. It was Jake. I jumped a bit since I didn't expect him to be there. He just laughed, "Hey, wonie." I shook my head and grabbed my textbook for my first class. "Yes, Jake?" I mumbled while shutting my locker. He playfully pouted, "Just saying hi to my bestie.." I laughed at him and patted his head. "bestie?? really?" he laughed as well and put his arm around me while we walked to our class.


After a few classes, it was finally time for lunch. I sat with my three friends after we got our food. Sunoo looked around before looking back at us, "Did you guys hear that jay is single??" I scoffed, "How could I not?" I asked, sounding annoyed of course. Sunghoon laughed, "Why does it matter sunoo? Do you like him?" he had a sad face for just a moment but he smiled, no one noticed but me.

I'm the only one that knows but Sunghoon has a HUGE crush on Sunoo. And has for at least four years. he only trusted me with his secret because he knows I wouldn't tell. He won't confess because he's way too afraid that sunoo wouldn't like him back.

Sunoo smiled mischievously, "No, but he's just SO hot. I can't help but think so." Jake made fake puking sounds. I shook my head and shoved a bite of lettuce in my mouth. Why do I always need to hear about jay??

I tuned them out until I heard Sunoo say my name. "what?" I asked while finally looking at him, "what about you won? don't you think jays hot??" I laughed sarcastically but they all just stared curiously at me. I then shrugged, "Maybe? I mostly just think he's a huge asshole."

Sunghoon and Jake agreed with me while laughing but sunoo just looked offended, "But you'd look so cute if you two were dating." I glared at him and quickly shook my head. "I will never and I mean NEVER date Jay Park"



The bell rang indicating that school was finally over. As much as I'm fine with school I couldn't wait to go home. Today had to be one of the most annoying days ever. All I heard was about Jay! I made my way out of the class and to my locker when I could feel someone staring at me. Do you know that feeling? 

I grabbed my bag and glanced behind me to see jay and his friends staring at me while talking. oh please don't tell me they're talking about me.

I quickly shut my locker and looked back once again. He had this gaze but I couldn't explain it. I found myself making eye contact with him for a moment until I quickly walked away, looking away from him.
"What the hell was that?" I asked myself, whispering under my breath.

I shook my head and made my way out of the school. It was probably just a coincidence that they were looking at me.


I decided to stop by my favorite café and sit for a while to study.
I ordered my coffee and found a table near the corner and away from other people.

I sighed and pulled out my laptop and my textbooks then I started studying.
After about 20 minutes I heard a ding which meant that the front door was opening.

I glanced towards the door and looked back down before quickly looking back. "Him again??" I whispered under my breath.

Jay walked inside the doors with Heeseung and Niki. The boys who were always with him.

Niki has always looked very judging and kind of rude, he's usually mean to anyone who talks to him that I've seen, more like snappy?. but he's never been mean to me at least. I've talked to him a few times in class while helping him.

Heeseung is the nice friend of jays, he's actually a pretty good student which is why I won't understand why he's jays best friend. it's weird that I've talked with both of them but not Jay. I guess we're not much alike.

What I didn't understand is that they have never been to this café, or at least when I'm here and I always come here to study.

I sighed and stared at them for a moment to see that they were standing in line, I quickly looked back down into my textbook. I hoped they wouldn't see me.

I was wrong. After a few minutes, I looked up to see them walking over here, I made eye contact with jay who slightly smiled because he obviously noticed me. I was internally panicking but I tried to calm myself down.

Why am I even freaking out? they're just my fellow classmates... Just stay calm! Maybe they're gonna sit somewhere else.

I was wrong, they came to where I was sitting when jay asked. "Can we sit here?" I stared up at him and raised an eyebrow. I wanted to say no. I couldn't understand why they wanted to sit by me, there were MANY other seats.

"Sure, go ahead," I mumbled whiled moving my books over a bit. Niki sat by the window with jay in the middle and heeseung at the end.

I took a deep breath and stared at them curiously when Heeseung broke the silence. "Hi Jungwon, what are you up to?" He asked nicely, I took a sip of my Americano and gestured to my books. "Just studying. What are you guys doing here..?" I tried my best to ask nicely.

Niki had a blank stare but he was staring at me which made me feel weird, jay was also staring at me but his look was different.
I couldn't explain it again.

I felt a bit awkward with all their eyes on me.

"We just wanted some drinks," Heeseung replied simply, I nodded and gave a small smile.
Jay crossed his arms, "I haven't talked to you before. You're Jungwon, right?" Jay asked, he seemed actually curious. I wanted to reply sassily like 'why would you care??' Or something like that. But I knew I couldn't, I had to keep my reputation as a nice guy.

I nodded, "I am." I mumbled while keeping my eyes on Jay. I finally got a chance to actually stare at him, I mean I've noticed how attractive he was before but being this close I could kind of see it more.

He nodded as well but he had a sort of mischievous stare. "You're really cute."


ending it here! loll hope you're enjoying though, just wait for the next part :)

Falling // JaywonWhere stories live. Discover now